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"awsten you have purple all over your hair! What where you painting?" I ask trying to wash the pain out of the blues hair.

"I was painting the flowers outside but I kinda slipped and paint went everywhere. Sorry" he says looking down. I let out a sigh.

"It's okay but you got to be more careful" I state. "I'm done just dry your hair and I'll make Mac & cheese downstairs" I add and he nods.

I close the bathroom door so the blow dryer isnt so loud through the whole house as I don't think my headache could take it. I grab out a pan and turn off the stove on all the way then fill the pan with water. After it bowls I turn it down and add the noodles. Once I out the lid back on I hear foot steps coming down from the stairs. I smile knowing it's awsten.

"Hey Geoff can I paint your back later after we are done eating?" He ask and I look at him wide eyed.

"Awsten that's a big mess and will take forever to clean" I say sternly and he frowns.

"Please Geoff I have an amazing idea!" He says whipping the frown off his face and replacing it with a smile and pleading eyes. I can't say no.

"Fine but eat first you haven't ate since last night." He grabs out the bowls and forks setting them down for me to fill with Mac & cheese.

As we eat I see awsten looking at Pinterest on his phone at back paintings. Saving a couple probably for ideas for details and such. I have no art talent at all I mean I can't even mix paint the right way (aprently there is a right way? That's what awsten says) let alone actually paint.

After we are finished he picks up our bowls rinsing them off in the sink.

"Okay take your shirt off and lay down in the living room I have to grab my paints. And make sure you're comforting okay!" He yells while walking up the stairs to grab his supply's probably skipping every other step as he goes.

I sigh and take of my green and black bleach looking shirt. I grab a pillow and put on some light music from my phone. I see awsten come down with his arms full of pains, brushes and other thing signed have no clue what the things are though.

He pours some orange, pink, purple, red, black, white, green and blue on to his pallet and dips his brush in the orange then lightly dips it in the red making it slightly darker then it was before.

"Ready?" He questions and I let out a "mhmm"

He applys the paint making me shiver from it cold touch.

"Don't move!" Awsten states and laughs at the same time.

"Sorry it's cold" I retort and he just shakes his head from let to right.

After about an hour if work he's still not done.

"Awsie I'm thirsty get me some water please?" I ask getting bored of laying here.

"Yeah sorry. I didn't realize it would take so long" he states standing up and walking into the kitchen.

He comes back with a glass of water for me and himself.

"You could of just had some from my glass" I say and he just shrugs handing me my water. "Thank you" I add and he nods.

"I have about half hour till I'm done are you okay?" He ask. I look up at him and smile seeing his face have a mixture of different colors all over his chin and cheeks from thinking about what he was doing or just getting a little upset when I would move.

"I'm okay as long as you are" I reply and he smiles looking at me. He leans down laying a soft kiss on my lips.

"Let's finish this then I need to take some photos then you can shower." He grabs his paint brush dripping it in the back.

"What if I got it tattooed on me?" I question and he stops his movements looking at me.

"No! We are gonna be basic subbern dad's with no tattoos and take our kids to church on Sundays bitch!" He yells making me laugh.

"You're very far from basic awsten" I retort and he just rolls his eyes contuining his painting.

Half hour later

"Done! Done! Don't move I need pictures!!!" He yells shooting up and grabbing his camera. I can't help but to feel happiness spread across me at seeing how Happy he gets at his paintings.

Click click click

"Okay you can get up. Want to see it?" He ask and I nod. He gets down on his knees next to me and shows me the picture.


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(A.N ingore that it's a girl in the photo okay? Thank you)

I look at the amazing picture and my eyes widen at the beautiful piece in my back.

"Holy shit awsten! I'm so getting this tattooed!" I spoke and he Punch's me on the arm.

"No tattoos in this holy house hold!" He yells and I lean in and kiss him. He deepens the kiss making me smile.

"Gosh I love you" I state after I pull away.

"I love you too!" He replys and we both smile. "Let's get this paint off you I'm tired" he adds and I nod standing up pulling him up with me.

As I sit on the toilet backwards so my back is facing awsten he grabs out a towel and gets some warm water on it. He washes the pain away from my hair and then turns the shower on for me.

"I'll be in the living room cleaning up" he says leaving.

I take of my pants and underwear and step in the shower. I see the color from the paint run down the drain and I slightly frown knowing I'm washing away awstens hard work. After the color finally stops and the water turns clear I step out if the shower and dry off. I wrap the towel around my lower half and walk into the bedroom putting on a pair if sweat pants and a blue shirt. As I pull the shirt over my head the door opens and awsten walks in laying on the bed. I turn the lights off and lay behind him spooning him from behind. I lay a soft kiss on his temple as his breathes even out.

"I would spend every day like this if I could" I say just above a whisper.


Okay so half of this probably doesn't make since as I had no plan to actually write this I just got bored and thought it would be cute. I'm sorry for spelling errors and Grammer errors I'm trying okay! 

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