frail and broken

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Awsten at 26 has gone through more drama them most people there whole lives. He lives on his own away from the city just a couple miles outside of the closest town. He as chickens and his cat jet and a dog named Charlie to keep him company he doesn't need anyone else. Or so he thought.

When his uncle called saying his step son was gonna come stay with him until he gets remarried to his to bride he went into shock. He didn't want anyone living with him. He was fine on his own. A little lonely but fine.
He liked the way things where going around here. He finally find out how he liked everything and he didn't want it to change. But it was going to

As he got up out of his chair when he heard a knock from the front door. Charlie started barking at the door but awsten let out a hush and he stopped barking. Charlie rn away from the door and sat on the couch with his head resting on his paws.

Awsten rotated his wrist in a circle trying to relieve the pain building up from writing song lyrics.

He wasn't in a band but he loved music and always wanted to be. But after dopping out of college so he could go to rehab (which didn't help) he dropped the dream and just stuck to keeping the music to himself. No one else needed to know his pain. His life. Most importantly he knew no one cared. So he kept it in.

He answered the door and it front of him stood a younger gentleman probably 20-23 and he had a rucksack on his back and a pair of older broken in converse in his hand a whole bunch of hand made friendship brackets wrapped around his wrist also. He smiled at awsten softly.

"Hello, awsten knight?" The brown hair boy aked.

"Uh y-yes come on in" awsten opened the door wider and Geoff walked in softly setting down his converse by the shoe rack and also slipped off his own as he seen awsten didn't have any on and didn't wanna be rude.

Awsten eyed the young man as he did so and said a little thank you when he took off his shoes.

"Are you hungry? I don't have much besides bread and peanut butter but I can run into town and get you something else?" Awsten asked sitting on the couch talking a sip of his tea he had sitting on the side table.

"I'm good for today I on the want to make you run places for me. I'll eat the bread and peanut butter for today then tomorrow I'll bike into town. You're already letting me stay I'm not gonna make you work any harder then you'll need to" Geoff Said smiling petting Charlie softly.

Awsten smiled and stood up looking at Geoff.

"I'll show you your room" he extended his good left hand to Geoff and Geoff grabbed it and awsten pulled him off the couch. Tingles ran up awatens arms and he flinched away when he let go. He hated that feeling. He had it once before and it lead to him being depressed and scared till this day.

He walked up the flight of stairs and walk into the second door on the right. The first was the bathroom and the other room was his so he only had 2 rooms. He opened the door wide for Geoff to Wal in before him. Geoff looked around the room and smiled. It was vintage looking. It had blue wallpaper and a cool chandelier in the middle of the room. It also had sum 41 and Green day posters along the walls which made Geoff feel more at home.

"I'll let you get comfortable" awsten closed the door walking to his study which was in the basement.

The next day awsten insisted of taking Geoff to the store for food. Awsten didn't want anything else but he could tell geof was wanting something else.

On the way to the store awsten played so music and sang along lightly as he looked at Geoff every once in a while who was playing with his friendship bracelets that where on his wrist.

"I like the purple ambre one. Did you make it?" He asked and Geoff nodded.

"Back home when I got depressed or anxious I'd make bracelets like these to calm down or make myself feel tired. It's a habit I guess" Geoff said looking at awsten.

Time skip

Geoff has been staying at awstens house for almost a month and Everytime they touched he got tingles. Sparks. And scared.

Geoff also felt the same thing but not scared no he was happy. He loved the tingles and Sparks. He never felt that before. Never. He never knew what it felt like to like someone so much you think about them constantly woundering if they are okay or happy. And that's one thing Geoff knew awaten wasn't. Okay and or happy.

Awsten barly ate. His pale frail complection made awsten look brake able and that scares Geoff. Geoff liked this guy he didn't want him to be broken he wanted him to be loved.

Geoff walked downstairs sat down I front of awsten who was on his tablet and kissed him. Out of no where.

It scared awsten. He hasn't kissed anyone in so long. He's been so scared o loving another person after what Happened last time. But he kissed back loving the taste on vanilla on Geoff lips and the sent of cinnamon incense on his clothes. Geoff loves Cinnamon incense he always brand them in his room so naturally Geoff smelled like them but awsten didn't mind.

Geoff pulled away and looked at awsten.

"I like you" he mumbled to awsten and awsten looked at him shoocked.

Awsten was just the fraile boy no one could ever like. Let alone like in that way. He was never good enough for Luke. No way was he good enough for Geoff.

He closed his eyes and muttered a no and stood up ignoring Geoff's worry and locked himself in his room.

He wasn't perfect and he never would be but he's broken and thats all he'd ever be to himself.

Suddenly he heard a whisper from out side the door
"You're perfect to be babyboy. You may not see it but you are and someday you will to I'll make sure of it"

And awsten broke into sobs. He got up opening the door and lunging into Geoff's arms. Tingles went through him but he didn't care he needed comfort. The broken, fragile, frail boy was breaking more and needed Geoff. He needes the person he loved.

Hopefully he wouldn't brake anymore.

Not a happy ending story really huh. I didn't plan for it to be.....but it's not like I wanted it to be either. Hm. Also I feel weird writing gawsten fics when Geoff is a dad cause peoppe might see it as I don't respect Chloe and I do! I 100% do but I honestly am no good at writing geoffXchloe or ottoXgrace fics. I'm sorry. But I hoped you liked this short story! I UPDATED!

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