im getting numb to the feeling.

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I look at Otto and grace laughing at each other in the living room. They see color, they see each other's eyes color and hair color and what color shoes they are actually wearing and not have to rely on anyone else for anything.

I walk in and both heads turn my way.

"What is it like seeing color?" I ask. I ask this a lot.

"It's lik being alive for the first time it gives a whole meaning to everything."  Otto states. I left out a deep sigh.

"I'm never gonna meet my soul mate" I say flopping on back down on the floor. Grace shakes her head and stands up pulling me up also.

"We're going out come on Otto. Awsten put in shoes let's go" I look at Otto and he shrugs. I grab my red Adidas and a light pink sweatshirt in case it's chilly. I walk outside and see grace already in the driver's seat of there car and otto in the passenger seat I roll my eyes and slide in the back.

"Where are we going?" I question

"We're going to get pizza" she states simply.

*Time skip oops*

I walk into school and head straight to bio. I get in and see Otto sitting at our table. After I sit down and take my books out the teacher soon comes in quiting the class. She starts then a knock come from the closed class room. She walks to the door and opens it. In walks the principal with cute brown hair and blue shirt......wait what! I look around and jump out of my seat falling on the floor. I look back at him and see he is looking at me with wide eyes. I sit on the floor for a couple more seconds looking at all the colors.

"Awsten you okay?" Otto ask and I shake my head tears building up in my eyes.

"Come on let's get you out of here people are starting" he adds and I nod standing up with his help we head towards the brown headed boy at the door. I walk by him not letting my eyes leave his.

Otto pulls me down the hall into the boys washroom.

"Awsten breathe" he trys to calm me down.

"You have b-brown eyes and y-your wearing a g-grey shirt" I say looking at his face.

"How did you know.....OMG AWSTEN CAN YOU SEE COLOR?" He yells and ask.

I quickly nod feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Who?" He questions

"T-the boy who w-walked into class a second a-ago" I stutter. Otto pulls me into a hug takin me by suprise but I hug back.

We stay in the washroom for another 20 minutes as I stare at all the colors.
We also decide we are gonna see if the new guy can sit with us at lunch cause I'm sure he is as freaked as I am.

As I finish my last class still admiring all the colors.

"Was there always this many shades of blue?" I say to myself.

I walk into the lunch room and see the guy already in the lunch line I smile and walk up to him.

I touch his shoulder sending a spark threw my arm. He jumps and looks at me with suprise.

"Uhm....would you like to sit with me and my friend at lunch?"

He smiles softly

"Yeah I'd love that" he says shyly making me smile also. I wait for him at the end of the line and ten walk him to a open table. Otto walks in and makes a B line towards us. He sits down with a loud thump.

"I'm Otto nice to meet you" he sticks hi hand out getting right to the point.

"My name Geoff and you to" he says shaking his hand back. Geoff then looks at me.

"My name's awsten" I also stick my hand out he takes it but a sharp shock goes up my arm making me retract my arm.

"Have you seen color before we seen each other?" I look up at Geoff and shake my head no at his question.

"So does that mean your my.....soul mate?" I look up at him.

"Y-yeah. I guess. If you want to be. You don't have to date mean I mean I'm not—" he cuts me off by laughing.

"Awsten your fricken adorable don't worry I wouldn't mind taking you on a date. He smiles and I smile back with a light blush.

"Wanna go to the small diner down the road after school for milkshakes?" He ask

"I'd love that"


Okay this was written super fast and I'm extremely tired so if this sucks I'm sorry I just feel bad for not updating at all I'll edit this tomorrow or sometime this week.

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