do we match at all?

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I walk down the school hall with my hood on my head shelding my face from the out side world my books pulled close to my chest as humanly possible. My black boots taping against the hall.

2 minutes and 13 seconds it takes me to get to my next class. I suddenly bump into someone sending my books flying and hood to flip off my head. I look up and see a brown haired boy also on the ground rubbing his wrist.

"I'm so so sorry. O-omg I should of been looking where I was g-going" I stutter out. I start collecting my books and papers that are now scattered around the hall.

"It's okay I was standing in the middle of the hall. Let me help you out" he says grabbing some of my papers and my drawing book. My eyes go wide and I snatch it from him and he sends me some weird look with a eye brow raised.

I finish gathering my stuff and stand up not even saying bye to the boy.

54 seconds that whole thing took.
From me falling to collecting my books.

I shake my head and sit down in my history class and pull out my note book to a empty page and start drawing as the teacher talks about stuff I'll never need in life. Suddenly the bell rings and I close my book waiting for everyone to leave the class before I do. Once there is only 2 people left I stand up and head to my locker to trade my history text book for my English text book. I slame my locker close and turn around but someone grabs my wrist spinning me around.

I look up and see Alex gaskarth standing in front of me and I slowly back up to only run into another person making me flinch.

"Awe look rich boy is scared" Alex tease making me look down at my shoes.

My family is some what rich.
My mom is a fashion designer and my dad is a lawyer so they make pretty good money all together but I hated being treated differently cause of what my parents are and have so I started closing myself off from other people. Most everyone in the school knows who my parents are and who I am which sucks when I just want to be off the radar.

"Are you even Listening to me!?" Alex yells getting in my face making me flinch again.

"Hey just leave him alone!" I hear a voice yell and Alex turns around to the voice. I look and see the boy I ran into earlier. Alex and his friends get distracted by the boy and I run off in the opposite direction feeling bad I left the boy.

I grab my skate board out of my locker along with a couple of my books and skate all the way skatepark where I knew no one from school besides my friends join me.

Soon jawn, Travis, Otto, and grace show up all on their boards.

Jawn, Travis and Otto have known how to skate sense I've known them grace just recently learned her first ollie. So she's learning. We decide to play a game of S.K.A.T.E but grace sits out practicing her Ollie more off to the side.

As we start the order goes.





Travis starts with a simple kick flip.

We all go down the order doing a kick flip. Then Travis does a tree flip a combination of a 360 pop shuv-it and a kick flip making jawn cuss cause h knows he hasn't got it down yet.

Jawn trys and falls down giving him a S.

This goes on for a while until jawn is out and now it's just me, Otto and Travis.

Travis has S.K.A
I have S.K
And Otto has S.K.A.T.

suddenly a unknown face shows up with a hood up like I had on earlier at school. He looks up and makes eye contact with me. Befor he or I can say anything he hits a higher piece on sidewalk sending him hard to the ground. We all gasp and run towards him.

"Dude are you okay? That was a pretty nasty fall" I ask and he nods pull his hood off to touch the back of his head. I jump up and see it's the guy from school who helped me.

"Damn Geoff just gotta make a fool out of yourself huh?" Jawn laughs at him. I shake my head at his joke.

"You helped me earlier at school" I state simply and he looks up at me.

"Uh yeah. No one deserves what Alex and his goons do to you. I'm geoff" he replys.

"Well thank you Geoff. I'm awsten. Is your head okay?" I ask

"Yeah I just wanted to make sure either didn't hit it but I didn't."

I nod and put my hand out helping him out.

"What's up with us falling" he laughs out.

I shrug my shoulders and let out a little laugh of my own.

"Wanna play SKATE with us?"

"What's that?"

I gasp and grab his hand pulling hi towards the park.

"So it's like HORSE but with skate tricks and called skate" I state simply.

"Sure I'll play" he smiles at me.

I feel heat rise to my cheeks making me hide my face.

"Okay so it goes Travis, me, Otto, then you. We are gonna give you a S sens eyou just joined and we have played or a while now" I rush out but he nods along.


IDK what this is I just wanted to make a skateboard fic with the boys and I wrote this I'm sorry if it's bad.

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