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There was no time to rest on the way back to 51 no matter how much sleep we wanted. We powered through the day, but as night fell all our wings began to falter from exhaustion. We passed one particularly high peak which stirred a memory in my mind. Calling to the two females "Hey does that cliffside look familiar to you guys?"

Madison responded first "Kinda.. wait is that where i think it is?!"

"What the hell are you two going on about?" Jacoline yelled back to both of us.

"Its where we woke up after the transformation, but I wouldnt risk trying to enter it right now seeing as we would get in trouble for being this far away from our prowling grounds. I suggest we keep going till our wings finally give up, then we run it the rest of the way." I commanded to them.

It wasnt long after that maybe an hour or so and Jacoline's wings finally had  enough as the canopies went all the way out and she glided to the ground with us directly behind her."How do you guys do it? how do you maintain that strength to keep flying?" She asked exasperated

"Well I think personally speaking that it was our first or second mission in korea where I got my stamina...I dont really know where Drew got his though he could way out fly anyone at the acadamy i'm sure" Madison said slightly out of breath.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the comment. "I am quite sure that there are more than a few at the acadamy who are way better flyers than myself. Anyway I got mine through a little more difficult way than Madison. On our way back to fifty-one after our first mission. the plane crashed and Most only had to carry two or three people to safety, but I had to carry four the rest of the way to Hawaii, which was exhausting, but it has helped me alot." I responded to them.

" I have heard of carrying three, but that was only for limited distances. However four is strenuous enough for short distances let alone multiple hours worth." Jacoline awwed at me...

"its nothing anymore... we should keep moving if we are to be back in time... we can all chat about this when we get back." I responded unsure on how to take it. "Anyway come on Madison take point Jacoline middle I'll take rear, move out." I called and we fell into single file running through the undergrouth at around sixty miles per hour literally leaving a cloud of dust behind us, the night however hiding it from prying eyes of the public.

hours began to tick by and we were still going strong, that was until Madison's paw caught on a root and twisted it causing jacoline and myself to stumble and fall over top of her causing more pain for her. Stuttering out our apologies I began to check for broken bones. "This is going to hurt alot at first... one, two, aaannd three." I said popping the dislocated joint back in on her wrist causing her to shudder. "Okay... its evedent thats enough for now, so lets get a fire going and get some food, Jacoline get the fire prepped and ill do the hunting." I said once the joint was set trying to let them rest for the remainder journey later on in the morning. They agreed to it thankfully and got to making a small rest area, while i dissapeared into the forest once more.

It didn't take me long to find the scent of a group of deer nearby. following the scent to a small meadow where they were grazing all doe's and a few juveniles. crouching as low to the ground as my body would allow i waited patiently for the opertune moment to strike. It was almost half an hour before two ventured my way in the grasses. once they had their heads down to take a few bites i pounced from the bushes and easily snapped both their necks at once killing them.

Taking out the innards and parts i didnt need. I slew them over my back and made a hastey retreat to the camp. Upon my arival both girls were lying down the firelight illuminating their shapes in the shadows, now that I realized it they were quite beautiful the way they curved... however we were soldiers not teens anymore with no room for advanced relationships because that friends might be gone at any moment, I scolded myself for letting my mind wonder "There you are we have been waiting forever, well i hope you have something to compensate for your tardiness mister." Jacoline announced once I was in view.

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