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The panic level in the room suddenly jumped drastically from both commanding officers and cadets. My head was reeling at the news as I feverishly worked to get a plan working in my head. "Everyone calm down, now. Carter, Madison, and Jacoline. Take the cadets to the armory immediately. Get them suited up with fire arms and combat vests as fast as possible. The fit doesnt have to be exact just make sure they have a vest before leaving. John, James, you two are with me we are going to intercept them on their way down. Everyone move out!" I stated sternly, bringing order back into the room as I opened the doors to the hallway allowing the flood of cadets to head for the armory.

When they had cleared out the three of us remaining took off towards the entrance with me at point.

As we ran James piped up "Its just like old times eh guys? The three of us doing really stupid shit just to help others out. Man I miss those days. Hope I live through this. It'll be a great story someday-." he stopped as we heard the enemy's voices from further up the tunnel advancing methodically towards us.

Looking around for a place to take them by surprise we found an unused storage room to our right. The other two headed for it while I stayed and searched a moment longer and found a junction box on the opposite wall channeling electricity for that section of the base. Taking a few good swipes at the hub it broke off the wall in a shower of sparks making the hall go dark. I made it back into the room with the other two seconds later with the lights of flashlights approaching.

When they made it to where we were I heard the conversation some of them were having when they discovered the slashed box on the wall.

"Shit! Is that what these things are capable of! Imagine that hitting our Kevlar. It would rip straight through!" one said horrified.

"Shut up! We only have a short window to do this! The Seals, and FBI are not far behind. If we don't plant the charges and kill all the dragons now we could lose the entire operation. Now check that door! We need to make it to the generators and blow this place." another replied trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

Two boots approached and opened the door only to die a split second later after being pulled into the room with us. I then threw the door open and spewed a generous amount of fire into the hall encasing all the men in flames sending them screaming. After they were dead I found the one carrying the charges and tossed the semi charred satchel to John. "Hold onto these they may be useful."

One of the men's radios that was still functional came to life "advanced party what is your location?" It asked and waited.

I grabbed one of the men's rifles and fire several rounds while replying. "We have encountered heavy resistance," popping off a few more rounds "send back up immediately! Our bullets are hardly slowing them down!"

"Roger, the weapon is on its way. Hold out just a while longer." It stated back soon there after.

We launched ourselves up the tunnel towards he surface and ducked into a short dead end hall just two hundred yards from the entrance. I set up my bipod for my rifle and loaded some of my last rounds. John and James had taken some of the men's weapons and ammo, and were prepared to back me up in close quarter combat.

We weren't waiting more then a minute or two when the roar of heavy machinery entering the compound. Peering through my scope towards the entrance I prepared to pull the trigger, and in the darkened hall we would have the advantage. My sight was filled with an A1 Abrams tank fitted with what could only be described as a net where it's turret should have been. Lining up my sights on the drivers position that was no more than three inches in height I pulled the trigger and the tank came to a jerked halt. The men that had been flanking it came forward to investigate the sound of my cannon.

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