Introduction - READ IF YOU DARE! ^-^

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His eyes turned to stone; indifferent. His body was cold and hard as granite, statue like. He stalked over to the door, forced it open, and impatiently waited for her to exit. She wanted to run and never come back. She could go to Paris, meet some cute boy that worked at a coffee shop on the corner, and practicing her french, she would order a Cafe au Lait. She could go to New York, work for a dance company, dance in the Nutcracker for the millionth time. She could run off to Tim-Buck-Two for all she cared, as long as it she could be free of him. This idea was getting more tempting by the second, if only she could move. Despite her efforts, her muscles would not listen to her brian screaming, get me out of here! The only thing worse than this, would be if her knees buckled and her legs gave out.


She searched his face for a hint at what he was thinking. Nothing. His face, totally unreadable. The lack of emotion there said it all. Every word of love he spoke, every secret she told him, all gone. As if it never happened. As if they never happened. She wondered if anything he ever told her held any ounce of truth. To her, on all accounts, the last year and a half, was a lie, a colossal waste of time.

Saving the last of her dignity, she found the strength to look him in the eyes, matching his cold, hard robotic stare and spoke.


“Good.” She said in a mangled tone, wincing at the sharpness in her voice. A voice she hardly/barely recognised.


With that she left the room that had once felt as much hers as it was his. The sound of the door slamming behind her back stung, the noise echoing in the air. Forever imprinting on her heart. She felt the finality in the atmosphere, heard the goodbye in the silence. She knew; there was no going back. No more on and off again. She would shut him out of her heart, her mind, her world forever, like she had meant to in the first place. This was it. What she needed. What she had wanted. But why was it so hard?

What she heard then, behind the isolated walls, almost broke her firm resolve. But that will be her little secret.

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