You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet

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I hovered the mouse over his username. The green light flickered, next to his name. I felt far too much like Jay Gatsby; except Jay didn't rely on Daisy for permission to cum.

I envied that.

The mattress springs creaked underneath me as I shifted my weight for the tenth time. Waiting for his first message of the day never failed to be torture, and he knew that.

I thrummed my fingers on the keyboard while the computer screen glared at me. My mother's good-natured advice scrolled through my mind and I dug my glasses out from underneath the pile of pillows on my bed.

Straining my eyes is the last thing I need.

Although walking around campus with red eyes, whether from crying or smoking, wouldn't be that suspicious, I preferred not to draw attention to myself.

A notification popped onto my screen just as I settled back into my spot; a new message waited for me in my inbox. I opened it before he could pretend to walk away.

"Quote of the day?"

I typed my response. "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

"T. S. Eliot, nice."

"I'm surprised you got that so fast. Usually, you have to Google it first."

"All English majors know Eliot."

I scoffed at his latest attempt to tease me with his identity. "You're no English major."

"I could be."

"But you're not."

Dots appeared in our chatbox as he typed out something clever and then deleted it before coming up with something else. "Do you want to come tonight or not?"

Fuck. It had been over a week since we found time to blow off steam, or so we called it.

For the first few weeks of classes, I had no free time. Being a student himself, he understood the academic demands of our university.

"You know I do." I shoved my textbooks onto the floor without considering the annoyance of my downstairs neighbors.

"What are you wearing?"


"Take them off."

I didn't waste time following orders. "Done. My legs are freezing."

"Your own fault for going to school up north."

I rolled my eyes, "I know."

"I'll warm you up, promise."

"Can I touch myself now?"

"Yes, but only over your panties."

Oh. Apparently, he had no intention of making our meeting quick. I glanced at the clock on my wall and decided that I had time to spare.

I stretched over my bed and let my hand roam the subtle curves of my body. My lips parted as I settled over my damp panties.

It had been too long.

"I'm already wet."

"And we haven't even gotten to the fun part."

"Well, let's get there quickly, please."

I tried not to focus on the growing warmth between my legs.

Love, EliotWhere stories live. Discover now