Good Vibrations

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When I opened my eyes the room swirled around me. After a night of listening to Eliot's commands and being at his mercy, my brain felt like soggy oatmeal.

I swung my legs off the side of the bed; The plush carpet my mom insisted on kept my feet from touching the freezing floor. Since many of the dorms didn't have properly functioning doorknobs, it was no surprise that insulation practically didn't exist. The temperature of my room could only be a few degrees warmer than the morning air.

I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and searched through the mess of sheets on my bed. I pried my phone, almost dead, out from between the mattress and wall.

Two missed messages from Eliot. One sent just after I fell asleep and the other from ten minutes before I woke up.

I stared at the newest one, "Since you couldn't make it through the night you can keep the vibrator in your panties all day."

"It's your fault for keeping me up so late," I typed as I rushed to the bathroom. If the time he sent his message was correct I would be late for class in less than ten minutes.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed the first shirt I saw out of the closet. My hand roamed down to my crotch where the vibrator rested against me. All the rushing around started to pull me out of my sleepy stupor.

I swore at Eliot, wherever he was, and put my pants on over his toy. After grabbing my bag and stuffing my phone into my pocket, I headed to my class across campus.

English, what a lovely break from all the equations and formulas of the world. Drew never saw it that way; He went so far in the other direction that he aced his college-level calculus class in the eleventh grade. Nerd.

Despite my begrudging acceptance for words and metaphors, the stage remained in the foremost section of my heart.I slipped in the back of the room while the professor wrote on the white board. Not even halfway through the semester and half of the original class disappeared. Most kids dropped the course in search of something more 'fulfilling', meaning easy, and the others used their allowed absences religiously.

I crept behind the rows of daydreaming students and slipped into the seat closest to the door. The teacher didn't notice or didn't care that I missed the first twenty minutes of his lecture. For the first time since I woke up, I took a deep breath and sat back in my chair. The peace stopped five minutes before the lecture ended. The vibrator came to life underneath my clothes and made me jump in my seat.

The row in front of me turned to look and Josiah caught my eye. He gave me a soft smile before returning his attention back to the professor. I shifted so the vibrations couldn't be heard against my plastic chair. Eliot knew I'd be in class. Asshole. What started as a soft buzzing turned into an irregular pulsing pattern; I throbbed with the pauses and insufferable seconds of bliss. If my professor hadn't insisted on a fan during the chilliest months of the year, I'd be caught for sure.

Just when I adjusted to my new challenge the sensation increased; I squeezed my legs shut to hide the noise and accidentally intensified my pleasure.

A whimper slipped out of my mouth and I paused, mortified of what I'd done. To my relief, no one seemed interested in the sexcapade happening behind them; No one except for Josiah.

His curious gaze was met with my forced blank expression. I begged myself to stay calm and remember the breathing exercises I learned in the yoga class my mom insisted I attend. Thanks, mom.

I glanced down his torso and to his empty hands; He didn't have his phone out. Just as the revelation hit me another piece of the toy started to vibrate inside of me. I bit my lip, hard.

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