Aly and Niall

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Hey hun I really hope you like it :) xx 


//Aly's POV//

The bright sun blinded me as I searched the coastline for my cousin. He had invited me to come hang out at the beach and enjoy this rare sunny day with him and his friends. I was so excited to see him; with his new career I rarely got the chance. 

"ALY!!!" A voice yelled. "Over here!" I turned around and saw a mass of curly brown hair bouncing towards me. Before I could respond, he pulled me into a suffocating bear hug. 

"Harry-- can't -- breathe," I managed to choke out. 

"Sorry love," he apologized, but there was no trace of regret in his bright green eyes. Did I mention that my cousin is Harry Styles? 

Harry led me over to where he had been sitting and sure enough there were the other four members of One Direction. I was a diehard fan, but I could never let Harry know, he would tease me until the day I died. Just like I could never tell him that I had been falling for his band-mate Niall since the day I met him. I'm pretty boy crazy, interested in whatever new six pack came my way, but with Niall, it's different. I can't explain it, I just feel like he's someone I could spend the rest of my life with. What am I thinking? Millions of other girls feel the exact same way. 

"Look who could join us," Harry said announcing my arrival. Was it my imagination, or did Harry just wink at Niall? I must be going crazy. Haha, what's new? 

"Soooo where's the food?" I asked. 

"Wow, it's good to see you too," Louis joked. 

"Here it is," Niall said revealing a large picnic basket. 

"Yay! I'm starving!" I quickly sat down next to Niall and reached for the basket. 

"Whoa, who said I was sharing?" Niall asked wrapping his arms protectively around it. 

"I did," I said matter-of-factually. 

"Nope. No way are you touching my precious food." 

"I'll play you for it." His eyes lit up at my suggestion. 

"Play what?"

"Volleyball." Niall smirked.

"Okay! You are so going down."


"I won!" The expression on Niall's face was absolutely priceless. Apparently he didn't know that I had been on my school's varsity volleyball team for the past four years.

I took my reward and ran away before someone could take it. I found a secluded spot in the shade and pulled out the food. I was halfway through the basket before I was rudely interrupted.

"Ahh-hah! I found you!" Niall exclaimed triumphantly as he sat down next to me. 

"How?" I said with my mouth full of food. It's a good thing I'm such a carefree person, because most people would've been totally horrified. 

"Seriously? You're so loud a deaf man could find you." He chuckled. His laugh was so contagious I had to join in. Even though he wasn't making any sense, his Irish accent was so attractive I didn't care. 

A refreshing cool breeze drifted by and blew my long brown hair into my face. Oh joy. Niall laughed at the weird face I was making and gently brushed my hair out of my clear blue eyes. I hadn't realized how close he was until I looked up and saw his sparkling blue eyes gazing into mine. My heart stopped, and then took off at a rapid pace. He tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled. His touch sent sparks through me, and I couldn't help but notice how alone we were. 

He hesitantly leaned towards me, and then captured my lips with his. He pulled me closer so that I was basically sitting on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his arms around my waist. His tongue begged for entrance, but I teased him for a bit before I finally let him in.  Breathless his lips moved down across my jaw, before kissing my neck. My skin burned and tingled wherever he touched me. 

"Aly? Niall?" Voices called out. I pulled away and blushed. Way to ruin the moment. Why did they have to come look for us? 

"There you are," Liam said, finding us. "We're gonna start some water games if you'd like to join us." 

*** Later that Night ***

After hours of playing around in the water, we decided to dry off and build a campfire. It was getting dark and cold as the sun started setting and I shivered. Niall noticed and gave me his jacket. It smelled so good. We sat around the campfire roasting marshmallows, just joking around, while Niall played his guitar. 

"Hey, I left the chocolate and graham crackers in the car. Aly? Would you be a dear and go get them?" Harry asked tossing me the keys. I rolled my eyes.


"I'll come with you," Niall volunteered. So we stood up and walked down the beach looking for the car. 

"Hey, Aly?" Niall asked suddenly. I turned to face him. 


"I was just wondering if..." he trailed off, blushing. 

"If what?" I encouraged him. He looked at me nervously, but then made up his mind.

"Well it's just that I wanted to tell you that you are the most beautiful, crazy, and absolutely amazing person I've ever met. I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" 

I answered him by reaching up to give him a kiss. Breathless, we eventually pulled apart, huge smiles stretching across both of our faces. He took my hand in his and we continued walking underneath the stars, for once completely forgetting about food.  


I really enjoyed writing this :) Love you! xx

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