The Start of Something Beautiful

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" ....ake....p...! "

"....wake...up...!! "

" are you dead..?! "

My vision was blurry. All I could see as I leisurely opened my eyes were colored splotches to match the worried yet unfamiliar voice, which I assumed was speaking to me. Gingerly, I sat up, a small groan escaping me as I rubbed my aching back. What had happened..?

I couldn't think straight--or at all, it seemed. My thoughts were clouded and dark, as if there was nothing to think about. I tried to piece together what was going on, but there was a surge of pain in my skull, and I gave up that goal quickly.

When my sight finally cleared, I was immediately caught off guard by the sight before me. A large, forest green dragon, with wings that prismed with colors of the rainbow and runic patterns decorating her glistening scales, loomed over me, staring with large, grey eyes. She was big--the room seemed to barely hold her, even at its monumental size. And she was saintly, like some sort of God.

" you okay? You had quite the tumble there, " she asked, her voice friendly yet skeptical. I was so taken back that I didn't even answer, and the dragon laughed heartily. " surprised by my beauty? I know, I'm quite the sight! " That's when I had realized I had been staring--I shook my head and steadily stood up, cheeks tinted a bit pink out of embarrassment.

" A talking dragon..? " I whispered under my breath, yet somehow she managed to hear me. She arched her long neck to the side, in what I presumed to be an unsure head tilt. " You fall onto my back from the heavens and blackout for a good half hour, and all you have to say is ' a talking dragon' ..? " she questioned, almost sounding disappointed by my word choice. My eyebrows furrowed, and I gazed up at her with uncertainty. I had no idea what she was talking abo--

" w-wait, half an hour?! I've been out half an hour?! "

Calmly, the dragon nodded. " Your friend woke up almost as soon as she grounded--why were you out so long? I almost thought you had left us. " Friend..? What friend? I became only more puzzled at her foreign words. The confusion must have been evident on my face, as the entity cleared her throat and quickly spoke up again. " You know, your friend. Frey? Does that ring a bell at all? " I shook my head. She sighed.

" I don't remember anything...I don't recall a 'Frey'. The only thing I seem to remember is..well, my name. " my gaze moved to the shiny white tile below my boots, a dishearted glint in my eyes. The dragon took pity in me, her face forming a concerned frown. But she didn't say it outright.

" Well, what might that be? " she asked.

"It's Lest...I think. "

" Oh come on, have more confidence than 'I think!' ...what am I supposed to do with a boy who isn't even sure of his own name? " Her distraught tone somehow made me chuckle, as I found it funny how out of the two of us, she seemed more troubled than I am. After a bit of thinking, the dragon stretched out her wide wings, which glimmered in the sunlight that sourced from the open skylight above her.

" Well, nevermind that. It seems your memories have been lost.. that's too bad. Frey didn't remember much either, but she at least remembered you and how she got here. You seriously don't know who I'm talking about? " I shook my head once again. But I figured I'd meet her soon enough if she was that important to me.

" Who are you, anyway? " I had realized that the dragon hadn't yet introduced herself; and she too seemed surprised that she hadn't given her name.

" Oh right! " she sputtered, before straightening her posture, and now glaring down at me with a sense of crushing authority. A sense of intimidation rushed through me--her vibe changed so fast. Was this really the kind dragon I was talking too not but a few seconds ago?

" I am Ventuswill, The Devine Wind! " her thunderous voice blared through the castle and echoed so much that it shook their surroundings. " I am the Native Dragon of Selphia! I protect this land and ALL that inhabit it! " After this, she smiled, and relaxed her body, returning to her previous stature. " But please, just call me Venti. Like, we're old friends! We might as well be. " I could only give nervous laughter.

" Okay, 'Venti'. So, Selphia...that's where I am... " I swayed somewhat, seeing if I could recollect that location; it was no surprise that I couldn't. Here I was, in a place completely foreign to me, with no recollection of my memories or who I was before waking up here. All I know is that my name is 'Lest', and I ended up here with some girl named Frey. Where was she, by the way..? Well, that wasn't important. What's important is I find out what comes next. Where was I supposed to go from here...? Maybe the dragon knew of an Inn of sorts that may be around here.

" LADY VENTUSWILL!! Has our second guest awaken yet?! " yet another unfamiliar voice boomed from another room. Moments after, a tall, burly, bearded man rushed into where we were--he had pointy ears, so I concluded that he must have been an elf. He one-lined over to where I was, nearly running into me, and I couldn't help but step back in response.

" w-who are-- "

" My my! What a fine young man you are! Miss Frey is going to be very happy, VERY happy indeed! " his arms wrapped around me in a bone-crushing hug, and I helplessly gave a breathless cry. Ventuswill only seemed to chuckle at the man's antics. Gee, thanks for the help, Venti.

" Volkanon, go easy on him. He's just awakened! You're surely scaring him. "

The man released me, and I stumbled backward on uneasy feet. I was expecting excruciating pain, but surprisingly, my back felt better after that. Not that it made up for the fact that the man, dubbed 'Volkanon', nearly gave me a heart attack..

" My apologies, sir Lest. I was just pleased by your coming to. "

'Pleased' might be an understatement.

Ventuswill cleared her throat once again, and both of us looked up at her with listening ears.

" Now then, allow me to explain the situation at hand... "

After discussing the situation with both Ventusw--er, Venti, and Mr. Volkanon, Ventuswill ordered Volkanon to show me to my new room. It was a lot to take in, but supposedly I would be taking up the role of a prince alongside Frey, who would be taking the role of princess. This would be in place of a man named Arthur D. Lawrence, who was supposed to be Prince but decided to give up the duties. At first, I wasn't too keen on the idea; after all, I knew nothing about the town and its people. How was I supposed to rule them !? Yet Ventuswill assured me it wouldn't be as challenging of a job that I made it out to be in my head, and she even begged me a little, and after a long resistance, I finally agreed. So here I was, following the butler (did I mention Volkanon was a butler? No? well, he's a butler.) to the front of what would be my new bedroom.

" Here is where you will be staying! And sharing a room with miss Frey. We were only expecting one royal member, thus we only had one bed...but you were unconscious for so long that I had time to build another one! "

" e-eh?! But I was only out half an hour! " the man simply winked and gave a hearty laugh. Elves really were not to be underestimated!

" It was really nothing. Now, go on! Frey should be waiting for you in there. " with that, he spun on his heel, and went on his way in the other direction, leaving me with my own thoughts in front of the door.

" Well, here goes nothing.. " I muttered quietly to myself, before hesitantly pushing open the door. 

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