Rage awakened (Groudon TF)

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by BurstCoffee, Feb 8, 2015, 9:44:28 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

"All those choices...! Ooooh, this is going to be fun..." Ridley was unable to stand still. After all, the time for his first legendary change had come...

Doctor, please exercise caution. We do not know how the subject will react to this kind of change, so your decision must be reached with wisdom. Gear rationally stated, expecting its colleague to go for small beginnings.

The traveller had conflicting plans, though. He walked in circles for a few minutes, eager to find a definitive idea and muttering to himself the whole time.

"Something big and powerful... Hmm... Many of Sinnoh's legends are impossible to make... Flying ones might be too hard to tame, I need a more static choice...
Hum. Xerneas? Nice but too calm... Regigigas, Kyurem and Zygrade are so damn ugly, so I'll save that for people I hate... Groudon and Kyogre are... Well, interesting choices, actually.
Kyogre is good, but has to be in the water. I'll have to try a smaller water-type first. So the winner is... Heheh..."

The human smirked and faced the computer. "Gear, make preparations for species 383."

The machine didn't contest, but had to warn him. You are taking great risks, doctor. Once again, you need to keep everything under control.

The next moment, the vial was ready to be taken, and Ridley did so. "Thanks. But I did well so far, so what could possibly go wrong? Change someone, transport him, tell him to enjoy his life, and voilà... Now I'm going to need a remote place for that."

Do you really think an acquaintance will enjoy becoming... This?

The traveller grinned. "A subject is a subject. Who said it would be an acquaintance?"

......Just try not to screw up. Gear said with annoyance. The doctor nodded to it and vanished afterwards.

Monte Rosa, high Alps, Switzerland.

The coffee machine's vibrating sound resonated in the restroom, accompanied by a loud yawn. Only one white-haired man with light brown eyes was present there, and he was bored. After grabbing his mug of coffee, Lucas set himself on the couch, a pair of thick, red pants warming him up in comparison to his thin black t-shirt. Still, the building was generously heated by itself, being in great contrast with the outside : since the rescue center was located in the middle of a remote village in high altitude, a layer of snow was almost constantly present there, thanks to the low temperatures of winter.

That season was ideal for activities such as skiing or mountaineering, but those sports were subject to risks, eventually leading to accidents. For that reason, Lucas was there, as a member of Swiss air-rescue, more commonly known as the Rega. With the help of helicopters, and sometimes aircraft, that independent, private foundation was created to provide immediate assistance in the mountains to those in need. Things had been rather quiet recently though... No incident had been reported in the last ten days, as the period of tourism was progressively coming to an end. On top of that, people seemed to be rather careful with their activities, and even the most reckless skiers and mountaineers didn't get in any sort of trouble. That seemed to have been lasting for quite a while now. As such, only a few people were mobilized for permanence... The lack of personnel turned out to be insignificant, as there was basically no work to do, but Lucas was one of the remaining ones. An emergency occurred this morning, requiring as many people as possible, but he remained in the center for one specific reason : laziness.

Indeed, the rescuer didn't get the courage to wake up early this morning, and the building was already empty by the time he arrived there. Why did he even pick this job anyway? He liked the high altitude as well as the helicopters, but in return, he also absolutely hated the constant cold, despite loving winter sports in general. Living here was a source of conflict, but it wasn't enough to complain, since the cold was his only worry. Feeling at ease with his occupation, he tended to slack off more often than not, which had the tendency to anger his colleagues who weren't fond of him at all... But they couldn't deny how skilled Lucas was at his job, and the man didn't hesitate to use, if not abuse that advantage. After all, he had quite a lot of experience, being 47 years old. His still healthy body could carry him anywhere after all, despite its smaller than average size. He enjoyed being on duty, since he basically had to do nothing until someone actually needed assistance. But when something happened, his more grumpy size came to surface...

Despite knowing how pissed his colleagues would be when they'd be back, Lucas was set to relax for a whole morning. As he remained on the couch, he remembered his last intervention, which turned out to be a failure for the wrong reason. After spotting a signal flare in the mountains at night, he and his team went on site, only to find out that some jokers were using them for lightning. If the man could have forgotten this event, he'd be a little more enthusiastic at work... Instead, he just wanted to rest in the warm place he was in and do nothing productive. So, the rescuer made himself comfortable and sipped some coffee, slowly closing his eyes and-

"Outpost to Rega. A distress signal has been spotted. Location is 4.9 kilometers away from your current location, straight north. We need an immediate helicopter intervention."

The radio interrupted Lucas's relaxation, much to his frustration. Having to go out in the cold again was such a pain to him... And on top of that, he had to go alone this time : karma, he thought. The man groaned and took a moment to put his hot drink in a Thermos® bottle. If someone got in trouble, then he would wait for a moment, because coffee was equally important. Still he eventually was done, and prepared for the upcoming travel. The red pants of his uniform were already on him, so he just added what was needed to finish his outfit : the upper part of his uniform, being as red as the lower one, black winter boots, gloves, and a helmet. With those bare essentials, he left the building and went to a red and white rescue helicopter, which was representing his country's flag, obviously.

Since all the equipment was already present in the helicopter, all Lucas needed to do was to turn the key and start the flying vehicle's engine. In less than a minute, it was off the ground, as the rescuer turned it around, following the compass on the cockpit until it indicated north, then went forward. To make things easier, the mountain's altitude was relatively constant in this direction, thus giving little to no difficulty to reach the destination. After a few minutes of soaring through the sky, he spotted the flare's red smoke, being easy to spot in broad daylight with a white landscape. Now hovering in the air, Lucas examined the surroundings, and found an ideal landing point that was actually very close from the distress signal.

After a smooth landing, the man went ahead to scout and see who was in trouble. The area was quite icy, and the signal came from a crevasse... So, he crouched and looked down to figure things out. The crevasse was about three meters deep and rather large, being more than enough to trap someone, but... Nobody was inside. Just a flare, and nothing else.

Lucas's eyes twitched. He was already boiling inside. ".........A-are you serious? REALLY?!?"

Thankfully for him, the cold he hated so much was there to calm him down, even though that didn't help too much. After grumbling angrily for a while and heading back to the helicopter, he poured what was left of his coffee in a plastic cup and went back to the crevasse, still extremely frustrated, and stared at the flare. If he ever found the one who did that...
Still, there was nothing else for Lucas to do than to get over it. Consequently, he just drank his coffee and threw his cup behind him. The drink felt a bit more viscous than before this time, and had a slightly more bitter taste. Probably because of anger, he thought.

The rescuer let out a long sigh afterwards. "Now I regret not being with the others... This morning suc-oof-" He couldn't finish his statement, since a foot pushed his back, making him lose his balance and fall into the crevasse.
"N-NO!" He exclaimed in terror before landing head first. His helmet took most of the impact, fortunately, but now he was trapped. The only thing he knew is the fact that SOMEONE pushed him there. He cringed in pain and turned his body around, only to spot a man with glasses, staring down at him. For all he knew, that man didn't look like a mountaineer at all, since his clothes were too light for high altitudes.

"Hi there." The male figure casually greeted him, hands in his pocket, but smirking.

Lucas gritted his teeth, doing his best to contain himself. "Did YOU do this?!? Hurry up and HELP ME!"

"Yeah, I did that. The flare, the coffee, the Spartan kick..." The unknown man's calm statement only fuelled the rescuer's anger.

"I swear, the SECOND I get out of this...... What's with coffee?"

"Shhh... I won't spoil the fun, subject 383." The foreigner grabbed a camera from his back and started filming the man below him. "So there's a delay before it starts this time... I'll have to find out what causes this."

Lucas glared at the man in rage. No words could express how much he hated him. Besides, why was he called a subject? Delay before what? "YOU... G-gh...!" His speech stopped as soon as a severe stomach ache struck him, forcing him to squeeze his own abdomen in pain.

"Ah, it starts. Never mind."

The trapped man soon softened his grip on his stomach. Not because he wanted to, but because he actually had more trouble holding it. In fact, it felt like it was hardening below his clothes... To make matters stranger, a wave of heat went through his entire body : now, he didn't feel the cold anymore, and the pain was quickly going away... With that certainty, he unzipped the upper part of his red uniform, and lifted his t-shirt : his stomach was covered in hard, grey skin. And as it seemed to be spreading below his clothes, Lucas gulped and looked up again.

"Wh... What are you DOING TO ME...? W-who are you...?" He stammered, anger still present in his voice.

"Call me Ridley if you want... I'm changing you into something better. Sit back and enjoy..." The man above sat down on the crevasse's border and continued filming.

"What the HECK are you talking ab-NGH!" The rescuer once again got interrupted by a sudden jolt of pain that forced his legs to be lifted in the air and bend. He started breathing rather heavily with that, figuring out that he was simply unable to move those limbs anymore at the time. But that was only the beginning, since his thighs brutally retracted and shrank inside his trunk before his legs cracked and spread away from each other. Obviously, his clothes quickly were a mess, but that only got worse when his entire legs began drastically growing in size, greatly thickening in the process and effortlessly ripping his red pants apart, shredding his boots away and making Lucas scream extremely loudly in fear and panic more than in pain. This also revealed his skin, but was it even skin anymore? The surface of his body there took a plain red colour before his very eyes, and upon touching it with his hands, he could feel this part of his body being incredibly hard, almost like armour and certainly not like an epiderm.

Those legs could have stayed entirely red if a black pattern didn't carve itself into each of their fronts, forming a circle that prolonged itself with three branches towards the bottom of his body. For some reason, a pleasant sensation of strength surged into his body as soon as this happened, but he didn't have time to question anything since the changes spread towards each of his feet. Those were already swollen like the parts above, but were still skin-coloured until now. That didn't last though, as they swiftly matched the legs's width, adopting the hardened red skin. Their form became more bulky and round, soles getting almost completely flat, as their center adopted the same skin colour as the man's stomach. Also, the toes rapidly merged into three and hardened much more than the rest, becoming large, sharp white claws, losing any trace of flexibility and aligned themselves perfectly with the black pattern on his legs.

After observing and experiencing those changes, Lucas took a few seconds to yell at Ridley, hatred towards him constantly rising. "W-WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!? I'm becoming a MONSTER...!"

The more human man however stayed calm and stood back up, standing back. "You got that part right... I'm doing this to give you a better life. And for science."

The rescuer widened his eyes with those words, which were complete nonsense to him. He then clenched his jaw in frustration, but had to yelp in surprise afterwards : if his body was somehow deformed until now due to the size difference between his legs and the rest, his whole trunk was now growing in size along with his thickening organs, spine and ribcage, ripping both his uniform and t-shirt apart in a flash and revealing the whole front of his body. The hardened greyness of his stomach had spread to his torso, and between his legs.
Also, he didn't want to admit it at the moment, but that growth gave him that pleasant sensation of strength again, and he was beginning to enjoy it. For all he knew, whatever he was becoming was something POWERFUL. In the meantime, the red of his legs extended itself to reach his back, as more black patterns carved themselves on his body, forming a distinct separation between its armoured back and its somehow softer front.

However, another wave of pain went through Lucas's body, being much more intense this time. Indeed, his tail bone started stretching when the red skin reached that part, and his whole trunk expanded itself with a smooth curve, as an enormous tail progressively grew there. Consequently, the man screamed in pain for the entire duration of the growth, although it eventually came to an end when the curved tail's size was about as long as the body's current one. Its top was red and engraved with more black lines that marked the transition with its underside, which was grey again. In addition to that, four red, blade-shaped ends pushed out of its rectangular tip, and three white, round spikes pushed out of each side in perfect alignment with the transition between red and grey, both events being relatively painless in comparison to the rest.
The rescuer was so focused on the tail at this point that he barely noticed the two additional spikes piercing through each side of his body, placed above where his legs were.

Lucas panted while the transformation progressed. His mind couldn't tell what to focus on, what to think, or what to say, but one thing was sure : rage and hatred towards Ridley was omnipresent, but a foggy thought also appeared in his brain. A thought of something he was also supposed to despise above anything else... Something blue. What was it, though? He couldn't tell yet, but it certainly wasn't his current priority.

Although his tail was completed, his spine wasn't done shifting. Indeed, it cracked once more, forcing the rescuer to bend forward, and giving him in a position that resembled a dinosaur's. After that, his shoulders began shifting, arms shrinking much like the legs to form a rounded shape, much less seamless than when human and once again completed by black marks. His hands and forearms merged into single entities, flattening and getting wider in the process to form huge palms covered in grey skin, red covering the opposite side. The same black black pattern than on the legs was them to be observed on the back of his hands, and progressed to reach his fingers.
Lucas could only helplessly put those huge appendages in front of him as they shifted to watch and feel his fingers inevitably change just like his toes, ring and baby finger merging as the four remaining ones he had hardened once again to become longer, larger, stiff and very sharp claws aligned with the black patterns, except for the thumbs that were a bit off in comparison.

Power kept surging in his body as Lucas's neck uncomfortably got thicker and longer, aligning itself with the rest of his body to give it a smooth wave-like shape overall. Three more white spikes pierced through each side once again, the closest ones to his head almost reaching his ears as they already were shrinking into nothingness. Thus, inevitably, the head was next, as it was already horizontally connected to his neck now... The body's greyness then spread to the rescuer's widening jaw while the red, armoured skin quickly covered the rest of this part of his body and gave it a more appropriate size and shape, shattering the man's pilot helmet. This also made his white hair fall to be replaced by four stripes that resembled the ones on his tail's end and longed the top of his head to reach the nose that also shrank to disappear soon after. As a result, his eyes spread away from each other to let this part grow ; Those eyes were forced closed while being encased in another black area.
In the meantime, he clenched his jaw closed as his teeth sharpened and became canines, aligning themselves perfectly with each other. Finally, a patch of red skin extended itself from each side of his jaw, thus completing Lucas's physical change and leaving him with a gigantic body, reaching about 3.5 meters...

"HNGHRRAAH..." The not-so-human figure growled in pain, noticing his vocal chords had shifted along with his neck to give him a much rougher and deeper voice. He didn't even have time to get acquainted with his body, as his brain was getting assaulted by a stream of thoughts, imprinting themselves deeply into his very mind. With those, he learned who he was now : Groudon, embodiment and expander of land. He still has every memory of his human life, but his new self became preponderant in his head. As the process kept going, instincts kicked in, making him much more familiar with his body's movement and abilities. On top of that, the foggy, blue image he had to hate so much became clearer, and was given a name : Kyogre.
Until he met that arch nemesis again, Lucas had a new purpose in life, and he was going to fulfil it... So, he opened his eyes, which became black with yellow irises, stared at the sun itself and let out and extremely loud roar of rage that resonated in the whole mountain, as the black parts on his body faintly glowed in blue. This action felt incredibly satisfying, soothed and convinced him to embrace this new function and leave his old life behind. Not that he had a choice anyway.

Ridley smirked in satisfaction and stared at him, the legend's body being tall enough to partly come out of the crevasse. "Well well, this was a success... Now let me get you out of here, would you?" Without waiting for an answer, he put a hand on Groudon's forehead and transported him back next to the helicopter.

The former rescuer looked at his surroundings afterwards, observing the ice and snow around since both started melting. Drought had already started. He stayed surprisingly calm and stared down at the man in front of him, amused by the difference in size, and still retaining that strong feeling of hatred towards him.

"By the way, your name is-"

"GROUDON, I KNOW! BUT WHY... WHY ME, OF ALL PEOPLE?" He interrupted and asked, containing himself once more and listening to his own louder voice.

Ridley removed his winter coat due to the sun's more intense activity. "Okay, okay, I get it... You sounded like an ideal candidate, who would be ready to change his life. You didn't have many people you cared about, am I wrong?"

Lucas looked away, and nodded. "YOU'RE RIGHT..."

The man grinned. "Then this is my gift to you. Now how about I bring you to a more convenient place? I don't want you to melt the whole mountain." He showed a hand, expecting the legendary figure to take it.

Groudon thought about the current situation. Surely, he was enjoying that 'gift', but did he absolutely have to perform his function in any place in particular? Anywhere would do, and he surely would be busy for a good while...

Because the human was quickly getting impatient, the giant gave his answer, and approached his clawed hand. But instead of taking Ridley's, he stabbed his stomach, taking him by surprise.
"HEHEHEH... I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP. I'LL JUST GET RID OF YOU..." He stated with a haughty grin, keeping his claws in the man's abdomen.

Ridley obviously showed an expression of pain, and dropped his camera, staring rather emptily at Groudon's eyes. His body refused to speak, so he acted as fast as he could, and transported both of them. Lucas was rather startled by this, as the surroundings instantly shifted from mountain to cavern. With that, the temperature brutally got higher, which was justified by the presence of magma. Plus, something was off... There was nothing below his feet. If stabbed human was standing on the edge of a rocky surface, the giant was far beyond that point. As a result, gravity did its thing, forcing Groudon to fall in that pool of magma, letting Ridley go in the process, who collapsed on the floor.

Lucas would have been terrified if his mind didn't tell him that his body could stand, if not enjoy magma. As a matter of fact, he landed with a splash inside and stood there, looking up and groaning despite the hot liquid's soothing effect.
...?" Upon taking a closer look, he saw the man was not there anymore. After growling lightly, he took a look around and tried to find an exit, but after half a minute, Ridley was there again, still looking severely weakened but holding a blue item that seemed oddly familiar.

"Gh... Go to sleep..." The man weakly said while the blue object emitted a stream of blue light, reaching Groudon in an instant. The legend gasped in consequence as it recognized the blue orb and the alpha symbol carved onto it.

"N-NO, WAIT-..." Aware of its effects, he struggled to stay awake, but his energy was going away. In addition to that, he felt comfortable where he was... Even though his resilience was remarkable, Lucas eventually gave in after a while, the last thing he saw being Ridley vanishing, and fell into a very deep sleep. For how long, he had no idea... But he surely would be ready to act again when the time to rise would come.
Rage was ready to awaken and spread land... His slumber would inevitably come to an end.

The Seafloor cavern stayed silent for an unknown period of time, until a red, Camerupt-shaped submarine approached it...

You appear to have failed miserably. Gear announced in a completely monotonous tone after seeing its colleague coming back.

"Shut up... He attacked me..." Ridley spoke as loudly as he could, but the bleeding wound he was holding was very deep, thus rapidly exhausting him.

Needless to say, you need immediate first aid if you do not want to die. The computer's voice became somehow more compassionate.

"Don't worry... I can heal quickly...
Just take care of... That report. You have the video........." The traveller finished his sentence, plugged the camera on the machine's port and collapsed on the ground, now unconscious.

I will do so. Surely, you are a gifted man to even survive this...
...Heh. I wonder for how long this farce will last.
Gear concluded, and used the video to make the said report.


Species :
Groudon, Genderless

Result :
Success, mind changes observed to match species's function and instincts
Drought confirmed

Notes :
Pain occurred during the whole reconstruction, peak reached with tail growth
Skin hardening observed, similarities with subject 227 for red shell
Ingestion of substance triggers change from stomach
Awaiting Ridley's input for post-transformation observations  

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