Rapid Evolution

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by TheTrifecta, Apr 21, 2009, 8:41:11 AM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction

Rapid Evolution (A Charmander TF-Evolution TF/Muscle-breast growth story/instances of Nudity/Female Subject)

Don't like, Don't read, Don't bitch

Sarah had just gotten home from another hard day at school. She could always get her schoolwork done incredibly fast and easy, but it was more about the other girls that made the day more difficult. She was being bullied. Usually, these things were approached with utmost prejudice by the school staff... when they saw it. Sarah's last class was a computer engineering class in a small building at the back of the school, behind the automechanic classes. Very few people took computer engineering, which was bad for Sarah...

No witnesses...

Sarah had to deal with a couple of the girls from automechanics every day when she left her class at the end of each day. They always pushed her around like the common nerd when her class let out. Her teacher always had paperwork at the end of the day, since he was too busy assisting people during classes, so he never caught these girls. And the other students, what little there were, were also intimidated by these bullies, though they only seemed to target Sarah.

Maybe it was because she was the weakest...
Sarah tossed her bag next to her desk, picked out her homework assignments, and finished them in less than an hour, as if they weren't even elementary school level. After finishing, she put her homework away in her bag, opened the drawer from her desk, and pulled out her favorite box. Inside it were her tools of the trade:

*Two Nintendo DSes, one pink original, one blue Lite
*Two copies each of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, one each for playing, another for trading specials and evolutions and Master Balls.
*Two copies each of Ruby/Saphire/Emerald and FireRed/LeafGreen, for the same reason.
*Two GBA's, one classic purple, and one silver SP (Her old vices)
*A GBA link cable and GBA/GCN cable
*Pokemon Coloseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and old tickets of attendance to various game conventions

Sarah loved Pokemon, as if it weren't already obvious. Somewhere in the depths of her closet were two old GBC's, a link cable, Pokemons Red/Blue/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal, an N64, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Stadium 2, and several other Pokemon themed games. But these days, her focus was what she held in her hands right now. Sarah came from a wealthy family. Her father was a lawyer and her mother an accountant. She always got what she asked for thanks to her outstanding grades and good behavior, which led to this obsession she had now. She always played these games after school, which led to a lacking for friends, or at least those who lived in her immediate area.

Sarah slotted in Pokemon Diamond into her blue DS and attached FireRed into its second port. She checked her berries and visited the daily gift givers, leveling up some weaklings along the way, using her Charizard as a switch so they wouldn't faint. Her favorite Pokemon was this Charizard, which she brought over as a weak Charmander from FireRed to pad her Pokedex in Diamond. She spent the whole day playing as usual until the next day...
Sarah had brought her DS to school with her, which was unusual occurence, but that was because her Charizard was one level away from 100. After finishing her work in class, which as always, was amazingly fast, she played Diamond as she walked out of class towards the bus. Finally, she had finished off the opponent that gave Charizard that final level...

"Look who it is, girls," came the voice as three very tall girls came out of their class. Sarah looked up at them. Larissa, Mercedes, and Connie stood in front of her. Larissa grabbed her DS from Sarah's hands and laughed. "Hey! A present! How thoughtful of you!"

"What?! No! Give that back!" shouted Sarah, as she tried to take it back, but Mercedes and Connie held her away from Larissa. She looked at the screen and the games slotted with the handheld and scoffed.

"Pokemon?!" She laughed, "What are you? Four? Heh, this isn't even worth taking." Sarah shouted as Larissa lifted Sarah's DS and smashed it into the ground. She and Connie began stomping and kicking it around, as if they were making sure that the machine and games were irreparably damaged. Mercedes added injury to insult as she pushed Sarah to the ground, and kicked her hard in the side, causing Sarah to scream in pain. Larissa grabbed Mercedes arm and pulled her away aggressively.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" said Larissa, "They'll catch us if we leave bruises or someone hears her scream!"

Larissa punched Mercedes in discipline, but Mercedes wouldn't take it. She fought back and the two broke into a fight, which Connie tried to break up, but got caught up in it as well after some crossfire came her way. The three seemed like good friends, but they were actually only interested in causing pain together, which wasn't effective when they began causing pain to each other. Sarah took this scrap as an opportunity. She picked up the remains of her broken DS and ran to the bus. She didn't do much else until she got home, to which she broke down, crying.

It seemed silly to cry over a couple of games, but she had spent so much time on them, it was hard not to be upset. She looked over the remains of her DS Lite... Well, not the DS Lite more than the Diamond and FireRed games. The cartridges were both broken beyond repair or recovery, and that was even if she had gotten all the pieces... She flicked the power slider in an attempt to see if the DS Lite had any life within it, but Sarah yelped when she had felt a burn against her hand. The battery was still functioning, and one of the broken wires connected to it shocked her hand. She looked at her hand, where a small red burn was visible...

Sarah scoffed angrily as she threw away the remains.

"Oh well..." said Sarah, "At least Mom and Dad might buy me a new one after I tell them what happened..."
At dinner...
"But don't you already have one?" asked Sarah's mom.
"I told you, it broke," said Sarah, "Some mean girls broke it."
"What, you mean like some thugs?" asked Sarah's mom, "Did they hurt you?"
"No, they were just some bullies," lied Sarah. She didn't dare mention the bruise on her side or the bump on the back of her head where she fell.
"Oh, come on, Paula," said Sarah's father, Nathan, "It obviously meant a lot to her, and it's not like she asks for things like this every month. She deserves it, working so hard. She's completely dominating through AP classes of all things. And it isn't like it's beyond our means. I mean, look at us. We eat lobster twice a month, we have all sorts of high tech gadgets, and there isn't a single fabric in this house that isn't silk. We even have our own solar generators in our backyard to cut electricity use and cost!"
"All right, all right" scoffed Paula, sifting through her purse, "I get it. Okay, Sarah. Here's 300 dollars. That should be more than enough for your toys. You can head to the store after school before you come home."
"Thank you, Mom," said Sarah, hugging her mother after taking the money.
"All right, now finish your steak," said Paula.
Sarah woke the next morning. As she prepared for school, she noticed the burn on her hand had spread a little. Did burns spread? It didn't hurt, so Sarah didn't worry about it. It would heal like all other burns. Worst case, it might leave a little scar, but that was only to be expected from someone who was silly enough to mess with electronics with exposed wires. She placed the $300 and her city bus pass in her pocket and left.
Once again, it became that time after computer engineering class that she once again met up with Larissa, Mercedes, and Connie... the three of them had small cuts and bruises left from their three-way fight yesterday. They looked angry...
"We have unfinished business, geek," said Larissa. She pushed Sarah to the ground, and took her backpack. She emptied it contents onto the ground. She scoffed.
"Yeesh! Only a bunch of books and crap," said Larissa, "You're that rich girl, so I was hoping you'd have something worth stealing to make up for yesterday, like an iPhone or a Blackberry or crap. Grab her, girls." Connie and Mercedes immediately did as they were told. One could tell that Larissa had come out on top of yesterday's scrap. Larissa dug through Sarah's pockets as the two held her arms. That's when she came across the $300 in Sarah's pocket.
"Woah! Score!" said Larissa, "Look girls, a c-note for each of us."

This was where Sarah drew the line. There was no way that she was about to let these girls take away another of her games.

She stood up as the girls turned to leave, grabbed Larissa by the hair, and pulled her to the ground. The other two did nothing, seeing as they were mad at Larissa about the outcome of their fight. They walked away. Larissa put Sarah's money in her pocket as she stood up, ready to assault Sarah. At least she was, until...

"What the hell is up with your hands?!"
Sarah's hands had become bright orange-red. her nails disappeared as the ends of her fingers formed into clawlets. The color spread along her arms, much to Sarah's shock and surprise. Larissa was shocked as well. She had let her anger subside, simply staring in disbelief as this happened to Sarah. As the orange color reached past her elbows, she felt her arms strengthen and widen with a meager amount of muscle. Her arms became completely orange-red and it was continuing to her torso.

The red spread invisibly under her shirt, but was moving up her neck. She felt it spread under her hair, which had became the same orange color. When it spread to her face, she shrieked as her face began to change shape as well. Her mouth and nose began to jut outward into a curved snout with small nostrils, as her eyes grew larger, becoming taller than they were wide. Her teeth became pointed, but not sharp.

Meanwhile, something even odder than her face rearrangement was happening underneath her top. Her pink bra began to feel tight... tighter... tighter... until the clasp popped under the strain, revealing the shape of growing breasts. They were, like the muscle forming underneath them and along her back, meager. A simple B size. Enough to burst through her bra, but still under her shirt. The nubs of her nipples wer visible.

While her shirt survived, her shorts wer a different story. Her thigh widened immensely with muscle, busting the sides of her shorts, revealing pink panties, which seemed to have barely survived under the strain currently affecting them. Her calfs didn't grow quite as much, but it was certainly visible. When the color reached her feet, she felt them widen and shrieked once more as her toes formed from five to three. Her toes shortened as long white talons grew in their stead...

Perhaps oddest of all was the feeling Sarah was feeling in her rear.

Sarah shrieked once again as she felt a tail growing from behind. It burst through the back of her panties. Longer and longer, it grew, until it was slightly longer than her torso, at which point, the tip burst into brilliant flame.

"A Charmander?" questioned Sarah. When she spoke, a small bit of flame flew from her maw, slightly startling her... She smirked and turned to Larissa.

"I think you have something of mine," she said. Larissa scoffed.

"So you turned into some sort of freak, I'm not afraid of some overgrown lizard," said Larissa. Sarah prepared to unleash a burst of flame, but was abruptly stopped by the sensation of another change...
The orange-red around her hands was turning a nice crimson color. The clawlets had burst into long white claws to match her talons. The color spread quickly along her arms, but slowly, she witnessed the muscles of her arm grow immensely stronger and rippled. She felt notably stronger.

As the change spread to her torso like before, she gasped in surprise as her breasts once again began growing. They pressed out and eventually burst through her shirt. It was shredded, but not completely destroyed, but expressly revealing the light stomach and gargantuan D-cups underneath.

As the change continued, she felt as if she wer growing taller... bigger... She had likely grown a whole foot. The crimson color formed more muscle on Sarah's pecs and back and once again began changing her face. Her snout became slightly longer and narrower and a mid-sized horn jutted from the back of her head.

Once again, her thighs, calves, and feet grew significantly larger, though there was little change in shape, though her talons did spread in a wider foot. The flame on her widening tail grew comparatively larger and more brilliant, bringing more hell to her tightly stretched panties.

"Heheh," laughed Sarah, "I think I'd like my money now, because I think I know what's gonna happen next."


And it did.
Larissa was absolutely frozen in fear as Sarah embraced her next change.

Sarah had possibly doubled in size as a bright orange replaced the crimson and a fleshy yellow replaced the stomach. The growth that followed was even more incredible.

Muscle absolutely dominated what had once been scrawny arms and legs, forming rippling biceps and thighs. Her torso became massive by comparison as muscles formed a six-pack and a massive back and chest. Speaking of which, her breasts had experienced an ample growth as well. By comparison to her body right now, they were probably E's, but they had grown three, maybe four times the size they had been before, which bore nicely sized nipples. Her waist had grown outwards in size, Which destroyed the small bit of fabric that remained of her panties, but it bore an oddly feminine curve. Her head had been immensely reshaped. he snout was much longer with larger, sharper teeth. The single horn had became two larger horns jutting from the back of Sarah's skull. Her tail became absolutely huge. It was powerfully thick and the flame seemed to burn with enough intensity to melt iron.

Sarah welcomed her change's finale. Two enormous wings burst unhesitantly from her back. Several muscular joints formed the frame that spread large blue membrane up front, while the light orange skin covered the back. After the change finished, Sarah couldn't resist the urge, and unleashed a powerful flaming roar.

Larissa might as well have soiled herself. She tore all of the money from her pocket and threw it futilely at Sarah before running off in a panic. Sarah picked up $300 of her money and $20 of Larissa's in a massive claw and giggled in a deep, yet still feminine, voice.

"Well, it looks like I have some shopping to do... I guess that extra money will help with some new clothes... Heheh... Who needs the bus?"

Sarah took of into the sky, giggling as she thought of how she was going to explain this...

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