Potions and Motions 2 (multiple Pokemon TF's)

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 by Zohaku, Aug 21, 2015, 6:13:15 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

"Well well, it looks like the twerp got his hands on something interesting." Jessie of Team Rocket spoke as she spied through the windows of Cerulean Gym.

"Hm hm hm. What a lucky break." James commented next to his partner in crime.

"Just imagine our rewards when we bring one o' dose potions to the boss!" Meowth added next, sitting on James' shoulders as the trio spied on the little meeting.

The three troublemakers turned towards each other, grinning in anticipation as they watched the scene inside the gym, a Golduck and Dewgong playing together in one of the huge pools as a red-headed girl in odd clothing watched from the sidelines, a familiar Pikachu sitting by her as well.

Of course, they knew that there was much more to this scene than meets the eye.


A while later, inside the gym itself, a young boy juggled a few small glass tubes in his hands. "Wow, Lily! This is great!" Ash smiled, looking over the small vials in his hands. Pikachu sat on his shoulder, inspecting the liquids as well.

"Are you really sure we should have all of these?" Misty asked in some concern as she looked over her own vials. Of course, her own excitement was evident on her face as she looked at the colorful, transformative potions.

Their first transformations had worn off some time ago. Ash and Misty had gotten dressed and dried off before Lily gave them a few extra vials. "It's fine! Think of it as a gift for putting up with me. I've got a lot of notes from all this thanks to you two, too." the magician waved a hand dismissively as she smiled to the two.

"Well, thank you for letting us try it out." Misty smiled back as she placed the vials in her bag.

Ash nodded, "Yeah, glad we could help again. I can't wait to try these and show 'em off to my other Pokemon!"

"Is it really alright to use these so recklessly Ash?" Misty frowned at the boy. "We don't want to get Lily in trouble for anything."

"Oh, it's fine... um, probably." Lily laughed a little.


The small group eventually left the gym, chatting casually as Ash began storing his own vials in his backpack. "I wonder what I should try next. What do you think Pikachu?"

"I imagine Pikachu would be pretty biased, Ash." Misty joked as the electric type piped up its own probable suggestion, which of course could only come out as its own name being repeated.

Lily giggled. "Regardless, it's nice of you to treat us to lunch, Misty."

"Oh it's no problem! Since this is your first visit to Cerulean City, I have to give you a good impression as active gym leader!" Misty stated proudly.

"Oh, right, your sisters are making you take over, huh..." Ash blinked in realization.

"Wh-I can't believe you already forgot!"

"I didn't! I just sorta lost track after all the fun we were having!" Ash defended himself.

"Pika pi..." Pikachu simply shook its head, sighing. At the same time, Lily could only giggle to herself at the sight of the two.

However, before the two could really get into an argument, Ash and Misty felt a sudden tug on their bags. In the seconds it took for them to realize what was happening, their bags and everything in them were whisked away by two long, mechanical grey arms. "Wh-what the!?" Ash called out as he fell over, dropping his last vial on the ground, Misty herself gasping as she regained her balance, looking upwards.

Unsurprisingly, a familiar hot air balloon hung over head, bags taken into the sky and landing in the basket. "Wh-what's going on!?" Lily yelled in shock as she watched the figures in the balloon rise up.

"You ask what's going on, I answer, 'Prepare for Trouble'!" a female voice started.

"And I say, 'Make it Double'!" the male voice continued.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"Oh, I remember them!" Lily suddenly interrupted. This caused the trio above to wince a little, before Jessie cleared her throat.

"...To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Jessie!" the oddly haired woman confidently posed.
"James!" the man soon followed.
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight fight fight!"
Suddenly a Meowth popped up from between them, and even spoke! "Meowth, that's right!" before a Wobbuffet appear from behind and shouted its own name along, nearly causing the Meowth to fall over the edge.

Lily was more than a little confused by the whole display.

"Team Rocket!" Ash glared angrily. "Give those back!"

"Don't you ever get bored following us around!?" Misty added on in a snarky fashion.

"W-wait! Forget about that, they took the potion!" Lily spoke out.

"That's right miss magic! You'll be making Team Rocket lots of money now!" Jessie laughed, raising one of the small vials in the air from Misty's bag.

"We really should thank you for making it so simple, but we have places to be!" James added on.

"Yeah, see ya, suckers!" Meowth waved sarcastically.

"Pika!" Pikachu stood by Ash, who had at this point gotten up.

"Grr... I won't let you get away!" the trainer yelled. "Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" he commanded his partner, the Pikachu nodding and charging its attack. A bright yellow bolt arced from the small Pokemon, heading for the balloon.

"Wobbuffet, Reflect!" Jessie commanded the blue psychic, which began to glow and hop forward. The thunderbolt surrounded the glowing Pokemon before shooting back towards Pikachu, who managed to dodge.

"Pikachu! Are you alright?" Ash asked his friend, who nodded in affirmation before turning his attention back to the balloon, which was steadily gaining distance. "Grr... it's just going to keep reflecting Pikachu's attacks from up there, and he can't get close enough to use anything else."

"Don't you have anything else?!" Misty asked in concern.

"No, I left everyone with the Professor!"

"Ugh... by the time I run into the gym to get some of the Pokemon there they'll be gone! We have to pop the balloon!"

"Pop it...?" Lily repeated, before going wide-eyed. She reached into her bag and pulled out a Pokeball. "Murkrow!" she cried outward as the dark-flying type emerged from its ball and took to the air. "Pop the balloon! Like last time!"

The Murkrow didn't need any more information as it took off, heading straight for the Meowth balloon in the air. Team Rocket was too busy celebrating and looking over their loot to notice the small flying type charging, Meowth only barely realizing the Pokemon was there before a clear cut formed alongside the balloon's surface.

"Ack! Mayday! We're comin' in for a landin!" the talking pokemon cried in a panic as the entire hot air balloon quickly began its descent.

"The potions!" Lily cried out, the group below immediately running after as Team Rocket scrambled inside the falling basket. The trouble-making trio vaguely heard the sound of glass shattering before they crashed their balloon.

The remains of the Rocket Balloon soon had a surrounding of concerned or confused people from the sudden noise. Ash pushed through the crowd with Misty and Lily following close behind. Everyone else was quietly murmuring amongst themselves as they looked at the wreckage and deflated Meowth balloon.

Before anyone could speak, however, several voices emanated from the wreckage, appearing to be in distress, speaking over each other. "Ugh! This is all your fault!" "My fault? And how is that-" "Figures we'd break the things we were supposed to steal-" "I'm feeling kind of funny..." "Will you get off of me!" "Says the one gettin' all feely with me! Claws off!" the voices only got louder and less coherent, speaking over one another as something began to move within the wreck. Before some of the braver onlookers could approach as it seemed there were people in there, the sound of sirens nearing by, the voices began to distort.

Instead of several people talking, all that came from the wreck was one large, earth shaking growl. This alone caused several onlookers to back away in fright as a rising lump formed in the remains of the balloon, standing up. Ash at first thought it was Team Rocket, until it quickly became evident that it was a single lump, far bigger than any of the members of Team Rocket. And that lump was growing.

"Wh-what's happening?" Misty whispered to Lily, who only remained silent as her Murkrow flew to her shoulder and watched as well.

With one swift movement the huge lump removed the cloth on top of it, revealing one towering beast of a monster that sent the civilians in the area running in fear. The creature-- for it could definitely not be called a Pokemon, was growing by the second, its features shifting and twitching violently, a familiar liquid dripping off of its form. A few blue and red hairs could be seen disappearing into its head as angry, beastly eyes formed on its changing face. The paws of a Meowth were visible on its limbs before they twisted into huge orange scaled limbs with sharp, white claws.

"What is... i-is that Team Rocket!?" Misty cried outwards before something gripped her hand. She looked to see that it was Ash, who quickly led/dragged both her and Lily away from the street as the beast behind them was growing far too large, its head already peaking over the rooftops around it, feet and flailing, altering limbs swelling, pushing and smashing things in their way.

"The vials... the vials broke... you're supposed to drink it, not splash it over you... and there was so much..." Lily muttered to herself, trying to rationalize what just happened.

Behind them, the beast began to move, heavy clawed feet stomping and leaving footprints in the road as a tail began to push from its back, long and thick, thrashing and smashing against buildings carelessly. "DraaAAAAAA..." it cried/roared in a sick, twisted, constantly shifting voice. Its face pushed outwards into an orange, round snout, two antennas popping out from atop its now bald head along with a sharp horn atop its skull. "DRAAAAAAAAaaa!!!!" it yelled in rage before a huge swelling of energy formed in its mouth, shooting out into a gigantic beam that the people below just managed to avoid.

"They're turning into a Dragonite!?" Misty asked in disbelief.

"Dragonites aren't supposed to be this big, right!?" Ash pulled out his pokedex, but all that it gave was an error when it tried to read Team Rocket's combined form.

"They fused into some sort of mutant Pokemon..." Lily gasped, watching in disbelief at what her potion had done. The beast arched its back as two extra limbs popped out from it, gaining blue membranes as its wings formed, flapping and sending out an intense gust of wind. "A-and they can't control themselves!"

The gigantic mass that was previously Team Rocket roared as it began to thrash violently, swinging and stomping at everything around it. The Pokemon only became bigger, sharp teeth taking form in its maw, cream-colored scales forming over the front of its body. The Dragonite cried, twitching and attacking everything in sight as people ran in a panic.

"Well what are we supposed to do about it!?" Misty asked as it watched the monster attack her city.

"Obviously we have to stop it!" Ash offered, Pikachu giving a cry of affirmation as it gave off electricity.

"We can't exactly take on a monster Dragonite with a Pikachu and a Murkrow, Ash!"

"Well you have any other bright ideas?" Ash snarked back at the water type trainer.

"Actually..." Lily suddenly interrupted, causing all attention to go back to her. She rose up a vial of the potion that had caused this mess; the last vial, which Ash had dropped before the rest were stolen away.

"The potion! We could change into something big and take Team Rocket down easy!" Ash nodded, grinning.

"There should be enough in these for you two to split and last long enough to fight Team Rocket." Lily agreed, "but this is the last one, so we have to pick something good."

"What can we pick that could work well against a huge monster?" Misty interrupted with an impatient frown.

The group was completely unsure, before Ash suddenly went wide-eyed, realization hitting him.

"I got it!" he alerted the other two.


"Well, if you both drink the same amount, it'll probably last you both a bit less than an hour." Lily commented as the two trainers each held small cups of the last bit of potion. They were currently hiding behind the Cerulean gym. Thankfully everyone cleared out of the area from the monster attack.

"Pikapi..." Pikachu frowned in concern as it stood by Lily, watching Ash and Misty.

"Don't worry buddy, we'll be fine." Ash assured the Pokemon, before looking over to Misty. "Alright, remember to think really hard about the Pokemon I told you!"

"I know, I know." Misty said in annoyance. "This better work..."

"It will, Misty." he insisted. "Ready?"

"Y-yeah, I'm ready." she muttered, staring at the liquid with a frown. Lily stepped back with Pikachu as the two trainers gave a silent nod and both drank the potion at once. Ash and Misty shut their eyes and concentrated on their intended forms, letting the potion do its 'magic' on them.

Misty was the first to gasp, wobbling on her feet. Her body quickly began to bulk up and grow, the girl placing her arms around her expanding stomach as it pushed outwards into a round, large shape. Her legs fattened with muscle to support herself as she bent down, a tail starting to form at the small of her back, growing outwards, the tip a silvery-white. "G-gnn... I thiiink it's woOrking..." she groaned, her voice distorting as the changes seemed to speed up, a hand travelling to her face as a sharp pressure formed against it.

It didn't hurt; rather, it just felt... off. An overwhelming pulsing sensation went across her entire body, nearly causing her to fall over. She felt strange, alien from her own body, her head in a daze and a rush of air through her form as if she were flying or falling. But no matter how much she wanted to sit down, she refused, keeping herself up on her transforming legs as her thighs fattened, her lower legs shrinking and merging with expanding feet, her toes elongating into three flat, large digits. Suffice to say this was extremely different from the last time she had drank the potion. But maybe that was because of what she was turning into?

She didn't have time to think TOO much about it, of course, shutting her eyes as a solid blue growth formed around them, growing outwards into sharp, mask-like features. Her nose sank into her face as her entire head seemed to push outwards. Her mouth grew, lips disappearing as her upper teeth merged together into one solid beak-like maw, her two sharp fangs shaping on her bottom 'lip' as it underwent a similar change, a gust of air escaping the large inhuman mouth as the changing girl panted, struggling to resist the odd pulses of energy entering and exiting her form.

Misty opened her eyes again, seeing everything in a much sharper view, her ears disappearing to the sides of her monstrous head, the back of her cranium extending into a point, silvery-white spreading across her new head, bright orange hair receding and shrinking away into smooth white feathers. She was surprised to see that everything seemed smaller, although of course it would make sense since the thing she was transforming to wasn't exactly tiny. However, her breathing became a bit odd as her neck thickened, her vantage point going even higher as her neck extended.

She looked down at herself, seeing a long, slender neck attached to a large, smooth, silvery white body with a round light blue belly, her hands pulsing, twitching uncontrollably as they grew. Each finger flattening and growing into a long digit, nails disappearing as her new hands-- wings, she corrected herself mentally, finalized, feeling alien muscles and odd movements, the changes going from the tip of her new fingers to the broad muscles in her arms and shoulders as they generously grew to accommodate her. Gone was her delicate, feminine arms with the rest of her form as she unconsciously flapped the two appendages.

Misty arched her back as several blue plates popped out along her spine, with two spikes forming on the edge of her long white tail in a similar manner. She could feel that she had a bit of control over these protrusions. Finally her transformation was complete, and Misty couldn't help but marvel at the... rush of it all. The power, the strength, the unrivaled energy within her just begging to be released.

And release she did, unleashing a powerful roar that stirred the winds itself, the Lugia standing proudly in its finished state.

Across from her at the very same moment, something equally amazing and magnificent was happening to Ash. The young trainer unconsciously balled his fists as the pulsing heat crushed over his body, his form feeling as if it were literally burning up as opposed to Misty's 'lighter than air' feeling. "Urgh... here we goOo..."

Quite literally his body went red from heat as it began to bloat, growing larger and larger still, his torso rounding outward, white and red feathers pluming out in a wash of color and prickly sensations across his skin, his belly and underside gaining a white coat of hot, soft feathers as his chest and back exploded in red. The boy winced as the feathers popped out from his skin.

Unlike Misty, Ash kept his eyes open, black rings forming around eyes that turned large, red, beastly. Similar red-orange feathers covered his face, swimming down his neck, a neck that began to extend outwards as red also crawled up it. The two waves of red feathers, however, did not meet, instead becoming separated by a thick stripe of green feathers that circled around Ash's bird-like neck, the stripe being larger on the back of his neck, pointing down the length of his body.

As all this happened, his arms were transforming greatly. Even more heavily than Misty's own. His fingers merged with his hand and the rest of his arm into a single long limb, skinny yet full of new bones and muscles preparing for their new purpose.

A purpose that became evident as the feathers began to grow in. First the limbs themselves were covered in bushy, smaller feathers/fuzz, then the coverts, similarly red in coloration. Finally, however, were the primaries and secondaries of his new wings, the feathers mainly white in color with green tips.

Ash gave these new wings a few slow test flaps, although mainly it was to keep his balance as his legs were the next to transform. Most of his legs had 'shrunken', rather, they took up a much smaller proportion to the rest of his body compared to his previous human form. His upper legs were thick, covered in the same off-white that took up his belly, while the lower halfs shrunk closer to his underside as his feet grew. The skin turned a solid dark grey, toes lengthening and merging into three digits, the boy absentmindedly balling his new feet shut as they twitched, another digit pushing out of his heel, giving him four toes as his nails lengthened and sharpened into long white talons. Above those legs and on his rear were several odd pricks that Ash had to peek over his large back to properly examine, seeing the forming of a bush of orange feathers on the sub of a tailbone he had. The feathers were huge, luxurious, the larger, more in the center feathers having tips that went to a more yellow coloration.

Ash panted, a few embers escaping his mouth, feather-covered lips feeling singed as his head began to shift. First, it became rounder, more form fitting on his neck as his ears shrank away. Then his hair, rather than shrinking away as did Misty's, began to change shape and color, becoming a bright yellow-orange and pointing upwards, the tips curling slightly in line of crests atop his head. Finally came his face itself, nose becoming rigid and solid, tinting yellow as it flattened against a yellow, growing mouth. The boy gave out a loud bird cry as his beak settled into place, long, sharp, and slender. The former trainer--now large flying-type ran his longer tongue over his new mouth, noting the absence of teeth yet the solidity of his new beak.

Ash blinked, marvelling at how huge he felt, yet he didn't feel particularly slow or heavy. There was a bit of grace to his low hover, and a large heat within him. Each flap of his wings left a rainbow of light in their wake, only adding to his majestic new form. The Ho-oh landed in his full transformation, raising his head to give a cry before turning his attention to the others with him.

Misty and Ash looked at each other, marvelling at each other's transformation-- it wasn't every day they got to see fully fledged legendaries... and it was a very surreal experience when they personally knew the people those legends really were. "Wow..." they both suddenly turned to the smaller female voice. Misty saw nothing until she looked down, again hammering in just how different she was. Lily stood in awe, eyes wide in admiration and excitement, yet also clear fear as the two legendaries were suddenly very focused on her. "You're... I... I-I mean, how do you two feel?"

The Ho-oh was the first to raise its head, its beak turning to a smile. "Pretty amazing! I'm a Ho-oh! Just imagine what everyone else would think if they saw this!" the fire-flying type flapped its wings once more, a wave of heat hitting Lily and Pikachu as the tiny rodent gave an encouraging shout to his transformed friend.

"I-I... have to agree." Misty said, quite a bit less enthusiastic than her friend. "But don't forget we have things to do and not a lot of time to do it!" the Lugia shouted, her voice raising a bit too loud, echoing over the chaos in the other part of the city. "I just hope this is enough..." the Lugia whispered quietly, looking down at her body with a bit of a sweat.

"It'll work!" Ash assured Misty, far more confident in his makeshift plan to use Legendaries against the rampaging Dragonite.

"It has to!" Lily agreed. Mentally, she was relieved that they didn't go berserk like Team Rocket did. She wasn't sure if Legendaries or Pokemon that the user hadn't actually seen before would work right, but as the two quickly explained, Ash had in fact seen Ho-oh in person, and the duo had met a Lugia in their journies through Johto. Lily was of course more than a little amazed at just what her acquaintances that she had only met once had been up to, but there were more important matters to attend to, obviously. "Now, hurry and go beat Team Rocket! The potion is unstable, so I think as long as you can get it to stop rampaging they might break apart."

"You think, huh?" Misty said, growing more unsure of the 'plan' the more she looked at herself. "I'm not exactly used to... wings, and being this big!" she complained.

"It'll be fine, I thi-ahem, I'm sure." Lily corrected as she noticed the Lugia's growing frown. "It's just like the last time you drank the potion. It should be instinctual." Lily yelled up to the towering silver Pokemon of the seas.

"Well... alright. Just do what comes naturally." The Lugia nodded, extending its arm-like wings, slowly and carefully lifting herself off the ground alongside Ash.

"That's the spirit, Misty. Now come on, we have to stop Team Rocket!" the Ho-oh cried out confidently, before lifting off into the air.

"Pikapi!" the Pikachu waved up to Ash as Misty soon followed, the two large birds heading towards the towering orange monster visible even from here.

"Good luck!" Lily called out, although she sincerely doubted they had heard her. She spent the next few moments watching the two fly, finding herself staring at the trail of color left by Ash's wings. There was no doubt about it, he was a Ho-oh, completely. She shook her head and looked down at Pikachu, seeing the worry on the small Pokemon's face, before looking at the discarded clothes of the two. "...A-alright, no point just waiting here, we should follow them." Lily offered.



The huge Dragonite stomped through the small streets of Cerulean city, helicopters flying overhead as police and their pokemon helped move civilians out of harms way. The combined Rocket trio was in a mindless rampage, echoes and confusion in its head as it flailed, randomly using attacks. "RAAAAAGH!" it screamed as it slammed its balled up fists downwards, leaving a sizeable hole in the road before it turned, large wings smashing against a building. "NIIIITE!"

And then a sudden spark of pain hit it straight in the back. The Dragonite stumbled forward before yelling in a rage as it turned, seeing a large rainbow of some kind flying right at it. Its eyes then turned to the flying figure next to it, speeding passed the other in a silvery blur before several stars seemed to form in front of it, the gigantic pokemon being pelted by Swift.

The Dragonite roared, yelling as purple energy formed in its maw, shooting outwards to the two new Pokemon. The two fliers separated, avoiding the Dragon Rage. "Misty! You okay?" the Ho-oh called to its companion.

"Yeah! Look out!" she said, flying to the side as the Dragonite's wings furled inwards, before extending out in a large gust. The gust shaped into a large tornado heading straight for Ash, who just barely managed to get out of the way.

"Team Rocket is stronger than I thought!" Ash called out. "Alright, take this!" he flew straight towards the hulking monster, an intense heat forming within him. Finally, the legendary unleashed Fire Blast, a huge, impressive flame in the shape of a character, the Dragonite crossing its arms over its face to block most of the huge blast, leaving clear burn marks on its orange scales.

The Dragonite then glared towards the Ho-oh, reeling back as its maw opened, a bright light forming in its mouth. Ash had seconds to react as the Dragonite fired a hyper beam, even then he could feel several of his bright orange tail feathers practically disintegrating from the heavy beam.

"Ash!" the female Lugia called, zipping forward and launching another Swift to take the Dragonite's focus off of her friend for a moment. The plan worked as it soon diverted its attention to her, seeming intent on crushing Misty with its huge hand.

After the Ho-oh shook itself off, it glared towards Team Rocket, flying forwards and glowing slightly as huge rocks and debris began to float upwards, before flying straight to the creature, sending it stumbling back as the Dragonite was pelted by Ancient Power.

The large Rocket Dragonite fired another enraged Hyper Beam, Ash barely evading the blast as he flapped his new wings. This particular beam, thankfully, did not hit anymore buildings or parts of the city, although both legendaries could easily hear the chaos underneath them.

"Ash! We have to stop this!" the female Lugia cried out. Misty circled around the giant dragon type, firing a Hydro Pump. The dragon roared, attacking the sea legendary as her fiery counterpart moved in for an attack of his own.

"I know, I know!" the Ho-oh snapped back, the two fliers hovered near each other as they spoke, attempting to make a plan. "We gotta hit 'em with everything we've got!" Ash called, the two legends evading another incredible beam.

"You make it sound easy!" the Lugia frowned as they both flew around the Dragonite, its claws blindly swiping outwards at them.

"Really, Misty! Use your strongest attack and I'll use mine! We're legends, so we gotta put everything in!" the Ho-oh commanded.

Misty looked at Ash for a moment, before realization hit her. "Alright, Ash! We go together!" the two nodded, before they changed courses, separating as the huge dragon pokemon continued stomping and thrashing.

Lily carried Pikachu in her arms, and the rest of the things she'd been left in charge of on her back, panting as her legs lifted her up the flight of stairs to the roof. The streets were in chaos when she entered the building-- it took more trouble than it was worth to sneak passed the police blockade and even get here, but she felt like she had to at least be there. "Pika Pi!" the electric mouse cried in concern and agitation.

"I-I never thought THIS could happen from my potions. I just hope they can take down Team Rocket before the entire city is destroyed." Lily muttered, speaking more to herself than to the Pokemon in her arms. "Please please please fix this, Ash, Misty." she gasped in exhaustion as she tackled the door to roof access, watching with wide eyes at the scene of the city before her.

The Ho-oh and Lugia duo circled around the monster of a Pokemon. Ash felt an intense heat within him-- power, the power of an age-old legend. Fire stronger than he's ever known. And at the same time, Misty had something well up inside her, like a tornado itself was in her maw, waiting to be released. She looked at the Ho-oh that was her friend, and saw a look in his eyes.

They both attacked at once, giving the powerful cries of legendary Pokemon unleashing their true power for onlookers to see. Lily resisted the urge to cover her eyes down below as it felt like the entire world was shaking, but she knew it was mostly her legs wanting to cave in.

The Ho-oh released a torrent of an immense blue flame, brighter than the sun itself in the sky as it was unleashed upon the vastly oversized Dragonite. Citizens of Cerulean City watched in awe along with the lone onlooker witch on the roof. At the same moment the Lugia opened its maw, releasing an amazing vortex of air, visibly swirling and slashing over its target. The combination of Sacred Fire and Aeroblast, the signature moves of Ho-oh and Lugia respectively, was enough for the Dragonite to yell in pain.

And then said Dragonite began to glow. Its shape distorting, twisting, unforming. In an explosive blast of smoke, suddenly the amazing giant was gone. Down at ground level was the flattened, more than slightly singed and more than completely unconscious Team Rocket Trio, a crowd of police quickly surrounding them.

Lily shook her head. She looked around and picked up her hat, the accessory having flown clear off her head from the powerful display. The building she was on shook, and she turned to see why; the two legendaries had landed, looking more than a little tired out. "You... you guys..." Lily shivered. "...You did it! You really did it! That was amazing!"

The two legends simply grinned sheepishly, the Ho-oh reaching a wing up to scratch his head before realizing it was mostly impossible and inconvenient for his current body. "We really did, huh? That was pretty cool!" Ash smirked, flapping his wings as a familiar electric mouse jumped out from Lily's arms and went over to his side. "Hey Pikachu! Look at how huge I am!"

"Pika!" the faithful Pokemon cheered his trainer/friend on.

"Who knew being a legendary would be so..." Misty started.

"Powerful?" Lily offered.

"Well, I was gonna go with tiring." the Lugia shook her head, drooping it a little.

"Hmm... I suppose the potion is still a little unstable to handle something as huge as what you guys became..." Lily frowned, mumbling to herself. She suddenly went wide-eyed. "Speaking of that! We should probably get out of here! Two legendaries and a giant Dragonite is gonna bring a LOT of attention I'd rather not deal with right now!" Lily begged.

The group agreed, and soon Ash had the small magician on his back as they flew away in style. News would go on and on about the sudden incident in Cerulean City for the coming weeks. As Ash, Misty, and Lily soon discovered, Team Rocket was found and arrested, everyone (correctly) assuming the group already known for causing trouble had something to do with the rampaging monster Pokemon. No one, however, (much to Lily's relief), had any idea why and how Lugia and Ho-oh appeared in the middle of Kanto to fight off and defeat the building-sized menace.

Lily wasn't discouraged from her creation from the incident, however. If anything, this just proved that while it worked, she still had lots and lots of work to do. What self respecting magician, after all, could resist?

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