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thank you to shy_fangirl for being one of the only ones to request something. also I watched 101 dalmatians for the first time since I was like six and it was really good. I recommend.

  "Johnny?" I whispered, my voice surprisingly steady as I walked down the stairs and into the living room. I wiped my eyes hurriedly, attempting to mask the fact that I had been crying.

  I saw him flinch, and then relax once he saw me. "Hey Ponyboy. I'm sorry I woke you."

  " didn't wake me up. Don't worry." I sat down next to him and immediately cuddled into his side. Already, I felt a bit more at ease.

  "You have another nightmare?" He asked and began running his fingers through my hair. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes tight, before nodding slowly. "I wish you didn't have so many." He sighed. "Do you remember this one?"

  "Kinda.." I remembered exactly what it was about. I always remember my dreams about Johnny. "What about you? Did your parents kick you out again..?"

  Johnny swallowed and nodded. "Yeah. Ain't nothing unusual. I just figured it was getting too cold to sleep out in the lot now."

  "You shouldn't sleep in the lot ever. You can always come over here to sleep."

  "Oh I know I'm always welcome, but what if one of the other boys needs the couch?" he removed his hand and rubbed his forehead. "I don't like talking about this, okay? I'll sleep in the lot as much as I want. I actually enjoy it."

  I rolled my eyes and sat up straight. "I know you well enough to know that ain't true."

  He crossed his arms and turned away from me. "And I know you well enough to know that you actually do remember your dream."

"I don't remember them!" I defended, but then felt bad for lying to Johnny. He didn't deserve to be lied to, especially by me. "Most of them..but.." I sighed. "I do remember tonight's dream. Nightmare's a better word for it."

"Why don't you just talk to me about it Pony? I could maybe help you. I ain't good for much, but I am good for listening to other people." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I debated in my head for a few minutes over whether or not I should tell him. I didn't like reliving them, but maybe Johnny could help. When I opened my eyes, he was looking at me with concern. "Ponyboy are you okay?"

I nodded slightly. "Fine.." I scooted closer towards him, and he put his arm around my shoulder. He was being patient with me, and I was grateful. After another minute, I was ready to speak. "We were at the and you. It was a good night. The air was cool enough for a fire but not so cold you needed a jacket. We were just talking.." I trailed off and turned to face Johnny. "You know how much I love our conversations Johnnycake? They're the best. I really do love talking to you. I don't know how I'd get along without you."

A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. "I love talking to you too."

  I smiled back, and tried to get back on track. "Anyways..we were talking about the stars. And about how you wished wishes really came true..and that you'd give anything to leave Tulsa. I told you I would go with you one day. We could leave together. You.." I sighed. "You said you'd give anything to get away from me. That just about broke me..I know that doesn't seem terrible, but it really hurt me.."

  "I would never say that Pony. I don't want to get away from you." Johnny took my hand and squeezed it. "I promise."

  I shook my head and continued talking. "I looked at you, and you just seemed hollow. Your eyes were sunken in, and your skin was so told me you were ready to die, and you just fell on top of me. You were so heavy for some reason. I couldn't push you off of me. I had to watch your skin rot away and you wither away to nothing. All I did was cry.." i gasped when I felt Johnny's hand wipe away some of my tears.

  "Pony.." he whispered. "Please don't cry. I'm here. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna stay right here with you. I promise." He hugged me tight as I cried into his shoulder. I tried to stop the tears, but they just kept flowing.

  "I love you Johnny. I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me. I don't know what I would do."

  "I won't. I love you too. I love you so much Ponyboy." He kept wiping away my tear and running his fingers through my hair. "Pony..?"

  I took a deep, shaky breath. "Yeah?"

  He whimpered a bit, and tentatively kissed the top of my head. "Don't you worry..I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. God Pony.." I met his eyes, and it seemed as if we were staring into each other's soul. He cupped my cheek and pushed away some of my tears with his thumb, before leaning in a lightly brushing his lips against mine. It was so fast I barely had time to process it. I didn't have enough time to decide whether or not his lips were soft, or if he was a good kisser, or if their was any passion or if he was just in the moment. "Ponyboy?" Johnny asked nervously.

  I snapped out of my daze and felt the corners of my lips turn up into a smile. "Would you kiss me again?"  He let out a breath of relief, and then smiled, kissing me again.

JOHNNYBOY ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now