Day 35: 11/2/2018

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I possibly already used this song but shh it's beautiful and deserves all the recognition.

Anyway, Valentines day is in what, three days? So keeping with the theme just cause, let's talk about love.

In simple terms I love love. Love is one of the best feelings, right up there with genuine joy and accomplishment.

And this lovely side of love isn't just limited to romantic love as many would have you believe but it applies to all forms of love there is. Familial, platonic, you name it. There's an amazing feeling attached to it.

There's just something about genuine adoration and compassion for someone or something that just makes you just feel wonderful.

Maybe this is just how it feels for me personally or maybe that's how everyone feels. I don't know but hey I guess that's what QOTD'S are for.

So question, how do you feel about love in general and how does it make you feel?

As I said I personally adore love and it just makes me feel all fluffy and warm inside.

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