Goodbye 2018

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Over the past year a lot has changed for me. I've grown and experienced so many things in the past 365 days. I've met so many new people and formed a tonne of new friendships too. I've discovered things about myself that I never thought possible. I felt so many emotions that I failed to define and truly experience for years. I cried and I laughed. I was angry and sometimes I just felt nothing.

2018 was a year of growth and new experiences for me. It brought a lot of good things but it also brought a lot of bad things too.

At the beginning of 2018, I was admittedly a bit over eager yet still unsure of what I wanted to accomplish (a weird combination I know). This year, I've become a bit more level headed and slightly less clueless.

So with that said, I want to bid 2018 farewell and welcome 2019 with open (and hopeful) arms.

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