Day 81: 14/8/2018

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Writing has been a long time passion of mine. Ever since I was little, I've always been interested in creating stories. For as long as I can remember I've been writing these fantastical stories about monsters that never existed and things that may never happen. I used to always accompany my stories with these colourful drawings that made me really happy at the time. I remember once when I was around eight, I drew up this story of a band of cat spies, and there was this other time when I wrote poor fanfiction on "The girl who cried werewolf", one of my favourite Nickelodeon films at the time. Don't get me wrong, it was really uninspired and a grammatical disaster but it made me really happy.

My stories also weren't limited to writing. As in, some of my ideas were so complex that I got too lazy to write them down and instead settled on imagining/acting them out whenever I could. It got to the point that one story idea (that I still remember today) became my main focus and spanned over years (both in reality and in the fictional world I was making). Honestly, if I ever got to properly developing that idea, it could most definitely span an entire series (or two) a tv show, a few movies and a spinoff. Maybe even a game tooIt was honestly that much.

Maybe one day that idea will become a reality. It is one of my two longest-standing ideas and I've honestly grown to love it so much over these past few years(I've had it for about 7 or eight years now?). In fact it is my longest-standing idea now that I really think about it. Wow, I have really held on to it for a while. Maybe I should start developing as a part of Project Garnet, what do you guys think?

Anyway, that's just a brief look into my love of writing. I'll probably post a few more chapters in the future because trust me, there's a whole ocean of things to cover when it comes to this particular pattern of mine.

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