Chapter Two: Mother Knows Best

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Sight looks upon a door with painted words on it "Honorary Mayor: Griselda Gothel" and a noise of something thrown and braking can be heard. "Was so close! So close to getting my second chance and what happens? Some blondie in Storybrooke brakes the curse. I better tell Narissa about this." Said Gothel.

In the Kingdom of Corona long ago, Mother Gothel had just stabbed Eugene but Repunzel cuts her magic hair and the magic on Gothel starts to wear off and in her panic, is tripped by little Pascal. Falling from Repunzel's Tower, she falls until she turns to dust.

Later in the day at nightfall, a figure cloaked in black and gold appears. The figure pours some magic sand upon the ashes. The ashes swirl in the air and suddenly Mother Gothel returns to life. Surprised, she looks at the figure and asks who he was? He answered her and said "You want to be young forever? I can give you that. I brought you back to life not out of pitty but I need you to get something for me. Can you do that?" "Why should I help you?" Mother Gothel asked. "Because!" The figure yells as he grabs her arm. "You have the skills I need and after all, don't you want to be young forever?" Said the figure. She then looks upon her arm and notices that it starts to turn back to an old ladies skin. In horror she replies "Alright! alright, I'll do it." As she thrust her hand out of the figure's grip. "Good" Said the figure. "I need the magic from Repunzel, she has the power of the Tear of the Sun in her an I need it." Said the figure. "Why? I tried to get it and failed and her hair is cut, there's no magic left." Said Gothel. "No, there's still magic left in her, she healed that man you tried to kill." Said the figure. "What! How can.. Awh! Never mind. What use does it have for you any how?" Gothel asked. "That's none of your business and if you get me what I want. I'll let you keep your youth forever and you'll never have to use Repunzel and sing again to get the flower's power to work. What do you say? After all you still have your magical artifacts and I am sure a woman of your talents will have no problems getting it, am I right." Said the figure. Gothel then agreed on the deal. "But one thing though, how will I be able to get it out of her?" Gothel asked. "Take this glass tear, it's magic. It will help you absorb what's left of the flower's magic. Bring it to me and your reward will be everlasting youth. If you don't, it's back to dust you go." Said the figure. She nods and the figure disappears in a magic cloud of gold. She then heads back to the tower's entrance that was sealed and heads down into it's basement where her magical artifacts lay in a hidden room. "Well looks like I better get to work?" She said.

Back in Fairy Trail at the honorary mayor's office. Gothel gets out a crystal ball and uses it's magic to contact Narissa. "Narissa, can you hear me? Look the spell, it's been broken some how. Everyone remembers and I'm sure the good guy squad is on their way to play heroes." Said Gothel. Before she can talk any further, Rose, Snow, Mordecai and Malachi barge into the office and she drops the crystal ball on to the floor, shattering it. "Where are Eilonwy and Taran? Tell Us!" Yelled Mordecai as he places his sword at Gothel's neck. "Awh awh easy prince charming, they're safe. I have them at the mental ward near by and.." Gothel is interupted "You WHAT! you have them in a ward? how could you!" Yelled Snow. "Look it was the curse that put them there, not me. I don't decide where they go." Said Gothel. "Yes but you and Narissa made the curse spread to our kingdom and others as well for what reason?" Said Mordechi. "Look prince, Narissa knew she couldn't defeat you on her own so she seeked help and I have my own reasons why as well." Said Gothel. "Gothel, tell us where at the ward can we find them." Said Rose. Gothel looks at all of them and says "Alright, they're in room A113 and A114, here's the key to the doors." They take the keys and start to leave when Snow asks "Wait, were just going to leave her here?" "She can wait, right now getting to our friends is more important at the moment." Said Rose. Gothel taking a breathe watches them leave and smiles.

At the Fairy Trail Mental Health Facility Ward, the four go in search for their friends. There they find them in the rooms Gothel said they would be in. They unlock the doors and all embrace. "We're so happy to have found you guys!" Exclaimed Rose. "Thank you guys so much." Said Taran. "Why do you guys think you were in here?" Asked Snow. "Well Mother Gothel put us in here" Said Eilonwy. "But she said.." but Rose was interupted by Malachi "I wouldn't be surprised if she lied to us, she probably had Narissa affect the curse when it came to our kingdoms in a way of their likings." "Well, we're happy you guys are okay." Said Rose. "But one thing, do you guys know where Repunzel and Eugene are?" Asked Rose. "No, but Gothel is looking for them, She had been asking us as if we knew. I'm sure Narissa told her if she helped her that she'll get them. I guess Mother Gothel got tricked by Edward's mother then." Said Taran. "Well lets go find them! and I know where to start." Said Eilonwy.

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