Chapter Four: The Bear and the Bow

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Long ago in the kingdom of Gardenia, the king and queen visited a part of the land that was once a lush forest that had been burned to ashes by a fire. The king takes out a royal family treasure, passed down through the generations. A special stone. "With this stone, it should make the land lush again." Said King Saffron. "Maybe even more beautiful than it was before." Said Queen Diantha in responce. The king then pushes the stone on the ground and uses the stones magic to bring back life into the burned down forest and grow again a green lush forest as it was before the fire in moments of a day's pass.

Years later. The king and his queen along with their two sons are visited by a witch. The witch threatens to turn Prince Mordecai into a bear because of his growing greed. But If they hand over the royal family treasure, the Earth Stone. She will leave and not turn their son into a bear. "You can't, it's our kingdom's greatest treasure" Said the queen. "I must, for our son. Don't worry, we will find a way to get the stone back." Said the king. He hands the witch the stone and she leaves.

Moments later, Mordecai rushes out to one of the castle's balconies and sees the witch flee into the woods. "Mordecai where are you going?" Asked Malachi. "Look this is my fault, my greed has caused our kingdom to give up it's most cherish treasure for my own sake. We must get back the Earth Stone." Said Mordecai. They ride off on horses into the woods. Meanwhile in the near by wooded area are two peasant girls who are just about to leave their mother's house to pick some flowers from a near by garden. "Now you two becareful. oh and be most careful of bears. There's been a sighting near by." Said Florance, the mother of the two girls. "We will mother." Said Rose Red, the eldest daughter. "We'll be back before dusk." Said Snow White, the youngest daughter. They both travel down the road towards the sanctuary garden that was brought back to life by the royal family long ago. "Wait, did you hear that?" Said Rose. "No, it's probably just your imagenation." Said Snow. Suddenly a bear appears. Both girls frighten they hold each other on the ground. "Quick play dead." Said Snow. The bear gets closer when then a man appears with a sword. "Don't worry ladies, I'll protect you." Said the man. The bear knocks the sword out of the man's hands. "Or not?" Said the man. "Oh gee thanks" Said Rose. Suddenly the bear is hit with a bow. A person riding on a horse appears and shoots more arrows at the bear. The bear flees.

"Are you girls alright?" Asked the man. "Yes we're fine thanks. Who are you?" Asked Snow. "I am Prince Malachi of Gardenia." Answered the prince. "Oh my a prince, what are you doing out here?" Asked Snow but before he can answer the person cloaked in green walks over with their horse. "Are you alright?" Asked the cloaked person who then reveals herself. "Yah thanks. I'm Rose Red and this is my younger sister Snow White." Said Rose. "I'm Merida, Princess of Dunbroch. That bear had attacked some wonders in my kingdom, they were heading with supplies to a town. So I followed it and led me here." Said Merida. "You, prince. I noticed you following it too. Why?" Asked Merida. "That bear you were shooting arrows at, it was my brother. He was turned into a bear by a drawf. We had been looking for a witch who had taken our kingdom's treasure when we found it among a pile of gold. My brother has been not himself lately. He's been illed in greed. He went for the stone but instead took the gold. I tried to stop him but then the drawf appeared and turned him into a bear." Explained Malachi. "Well since it has gotten us all together why not join forces and figure out how to set your brother free." Said Rose. "But Rose, we're surpose to go to the garden and just get flowers and then head back home." Said Snow. "Look when's the last time we had an adventurous opportunity like this show up? Look I'm so bord doing almost the same things over and playing it safe. Have a sense of adventure for once." Said Rose. "Alright, let's go." Said Snow. "So, Merida, would it be okay if we tag along with you and the prince." Asked Rose. "Sure, just don't get in my way though." Said Merida. They all start following the bears trail. "Hey have you ever missed shooting with those arrows?" Asked Snow. Merida smiled and said "No, I never miss."

They soon arrive at the sanctuary garden. There they find the bear eating from a near by honey filled bee hive. Merida gets a net trap ready. They slowly approach the bear. "Now!" Yelled Merida. They hurl the net over the bear. They capture the bear successfully. The bear struggles. Merida then places a jar filled with special herbs mixed with water near it's mouth, it drinks from the jar. "What's in that?" Asked Rose. "It's mix with herbs to make a type of knock out juice, it also calms the bear. The bear should be out long enough to put him somewhere safe for all of us and for him." Said Merida. The group heads to a outside gated room near a garden at the castle in Gardenia. "Well thank you Princess Merida, now I have to find out how to undone this curse on my brother." Said Malachi. "In return I've told my guards to meet you at the castle gate and give you the replacements of what my brother eat and or destroyed." Said Malachi. "You're welcome and thanks. Well it's been fun but I got to go. My mother is going to be worried about me. But hey Malachi. If you ever need help just come and find me." Said Merida as she gets on her horse. "Be more than happy to help some friends out." Said Merida as she rides to the castle gates and leaves with the new supplies. "You two are more than welcome to stay a bit. It's getting dark, you should spend the night. I'll have the maids set up rooms for you." Said Malachi. The two decided to stay the night. "Prince can you do one thing though, please send a guard to our house. We don't want our mother to worry." Asked Rose. "Of course." Replied Malachi. In morning hours before the sisters depart, Rose goes to see the bear. She then starts talking to the bear. "Hello there, you're grace, um. Prince Mordecai, I'm Rose Red. But you can call me Rose. It must stink being a bear. You never going to eat to fish the same way again? Ha!" Said Rose as she begins to laugh. Week goes by and Rose continues to visit Prince Mordecai as a bear in his cage on the castle grounds. Snow and Malachi have been also getting to know each other more as well and try to figure how to brake the curse on the prince but the look of things of finding something to brake the curse fade in hopelessness. "You know if they don't find a cure for you I'll still come and see you. I mean who else will I talk to besides my sister and I'm sure you must get pretty lonely." Said Rose. Her and the bear look into each other's eyes. She then leans in to kiss the bear on the head. Snow and Malachi come by and notice. "Wait Rose! It might be dangerous to do that!" Yelled Snow. Rose kisses the bear on the head and suddenly poof! With a blast that sweeps through them and the kingdom, the curse brakes. True love's kiss. Mordecai back as a human again and greed upon his heart washed away by selflessness that he's learn in the time as a bear too. "You broke the curse, thank you." Said Mordecai. "We broke the curse you mean, it's sort of a team effort." Said Rose. The two kiss again and then all of them embrace in joy. "Brother you're back to normal!" Said Malachi. "In deed I am, thanks to this lovely maiden." Said Mordecai as he looks into Rose's eyes. A month later, Snow White and Rose Red get Married to Prince Mordecai and Prince Malachi. The kingdom rejoices as the prince's get married and Mordecai is human again. He is also cured from his greed. In the crowd the girl's mother, Florance watches in joy and happiness. Also sheding tears along side near by looking above in one of the caslte's balconies, the king and queen do the same as they watch too in joy. Mordecai looks by and sees in the crowd the drawf, hidden among the people and then transforms into the witch from before. "Well it looks like you not only learned a lesson, but broke the curse on you and found true love." Said the witch. She soon walks away. Mordecai then realizes what happen in sorts as he had learned a lesson. He smiles and waves. "Something the matter?" Asked Rose. "No, nothing at all." Replied Mordecai as the kingdom continues to celebrate in joy.

" Replied Mordecai as the kingdom continues to celebrate in joy

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