Among Us

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•September 16, 2013

Our stupid teacher is making us write this stupid diary. We have to write a couple a times each month. I wouldn't have done it, but stupid Mrs. Bourbons was all like, "If you don't do this, you'll fail the class & fail your Junior year in high school." Blah, blah, blah.

She just needs to get the d, then she wouldn't be as bitchy. Wait, she'll probably read this. ... Note to self: rewrite this later.

•September 22, 2013

So apparently we were supposed to introduce ourselves in the previous entry, but since I didn't do it, I'll do that now. The name is Marcus, but my friends just call me Mark. I'm a junior in high school & I am sixteen.

What else am I supposed to write? I hate this assignment so much. .. Well, I'm home alone like usual & my parents are out working late like usual. I'm an only child, so I'm usually alone at home.. it's awesome!

•September 30, 2013

Stupid Mrs. Bourbons is making us write in class today. It's a Monday & this bitch is making us write in our diaries for half an hour.

I'm just going to fake that I'm writing actual stuff. Cheese & bananas. I like chocolate. Chocolate over vanilla any day. ANY DAY! Glob, this is boring & it's only been 10 minutes.

Ugh... look at her. That fat ass bitch sitting in her desk staring at her computer. I bet you, whoever reads this (if anybody), that she won't even read our diaries.

I just want her to jump off a cliff.. or a building. It doesn't matter as long as it ends with a big SPLAT! .. She should just go back to hell because that's obviously where she came from. She's super old & I'm sure she died ages ago. She just rose from the underworld because she loves to make young minds suffer. I should bring some holy water one of these days & throw it at her & watch her melt.

•October 4, 2013

It's a fucking Friday & this bitch is making us write in our diaries! Da fuck does she think? I am tired & the day is almost over, but no, we all have to write for 30 minutes again!

You know what bitch? I'm bringing that holy water next week! It's time for you to return back to the underworld where you can meet up with your people. Glob, I hate her so much.

Fifteen more minutes of writing. What do I write now? Uhm.. I bet she's just wearing a human costume. A really bad costume because look at all those wrinkles. Old ass bitch. And that disgusting mole on her pointy ass nose.

I bet she goes home & takes the costume off. She probably looks as revolting as shit. Then she probably goes down to her basement where she has her husband locked up so he won't run away. Shit, if I was married to that.. what am I saying? I would shoot myself before having to marry a thing like her.

•October 11, 2013

It's 2:00 pm on a Friday again & what are we doing? You guessed it, writing in our diaries again!! Shoot me, please.

So my best friend brought some holy water on Wednesday & he threw that shit at Mrs. Bourbons! It was hilarious & some guys filmed it so it's up on YouTube! Unfortunately, she didn't melt. That bitch is still alive. She probably used her demonic powers & saw it coming. She probably took some potion to keep the holy water from working. All that means is that I have to suffer with her for the rest of the year. Kill me!

Oh, & my friend got suspended for doing that to her. These people don't get that it was a simple joke. They're probably hypnotized by her royal bitchiness. It was totally worth it though & at least he wasn't expelled.

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