Have you ever wanted to learn a person's deepest darkest secrets? Have you ever wished you knew someone strongest fear so you could terrorize them? Have you ever wanted to know more about what the future has in store for you? Have you ever wished, I don't know, that the person you despise the most would die without the need to get blood on your hands?
What if I told you there's a way to do all those things? Interested? Of course you are, but let me tell you this, it comes with a risk. If you're not up to it, if you're too much of a chicken, it's better you just stop reading. If you're up to it then continue reading and I'll tell you what you must do.
What you'll need:
First and foremost, you'll need an item to offer to him. But it can't be just any item, it must be something with a lot of sentimental value to you. Why must it mean something to you, you may ask? Well, it feeds off of those feelings. The more sentimental value the item has, the better the results.
Second, you'll need five candles. Any kind of candle as long as it has no religious symbols on it. He won't show or might become angry if you bring those kind of candles.
Third, matches.. duh. How else do you expect the candles to light up?
Fourth, bring a flashlight with you. Make sure it's not a small one for your key chain, that won't suffice. Bring a normal sized one.
Fifth, find an abandoned building where the ritual can be done without any interruptions. What? Too scary? Afraid you might get shot or mugged at such a place? No need to worry, he'll take care of that because he already knows about your intentions to contact him. And being mugged or jumped by some gangsters shouldn't be your biggest fear if you follow through with this.
Sixth is optional as it isn't always used, but I'll tell you what it is and you can later decide whether to bring it or not. The sixth item is a stuffed teddy bear with, you guessed it, a lot of sentimental value to you. Everyone has had a teddy bear they loved as a young child or that a special someone gave to you as a gift. If you really don't have a teddy bear like that, in this case, he'll accept someone else's teddy bear, but only if you really don't have one.
If you do bring the teddy bear, make sure to cut off it's face. No, not its head, only its face and don't take out the stuffing. Then put a piece of paper on top of its face and use some tape to keep it on. Make sure the paper doesn't rip and try to avoid making many wrinkles. The paper will be explained later, but for now know that it also helps to keep the stuffing from falling out.
The set up:
First know that the ritual must start at 3 am exactly. So, I recommend you are at the building at least a half an hour before that time. If you don't know the place, then it's better to be there earlier because you will have to look for the darkest room it has. The darker the better.
Once you're in the buildings darkest room you may start setting up. The flash light may come in handy at this point. Also, a wrist watch is helpful to know the time. Remember, start at 3 am exactly.
You will first put five candles behind you in line and forming an arc shape. Put them as close to the wall as you can and if you can put them on a table or something tall, that would be better. Light them up and put your item, not the faceless teddy bear, in the middle. Once those are set up, look in the opposite direction. You should see your shadow. One tip here, keep your flashlight in your hand for use later, but make sure it's turned off.
If you brought the faceless teddy bear just keep it in your hand for now.
With that done you should have everything set up. Remember, candles and the item behind you; only your shadow in front of you. Now just wait until 3 to start the ritual.
Who needs sleep anyways?
ContoThe name is Pain, I am a demon, but don't be quick to judge. You humans attach beliefs to someone the instant your eyes fall upon them simply because of what you think you know. I am a demon, yes, but I am not cruel. You, human, are the cruel and wr...