Just Another Fan

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I'm as normal as the next girl. I text, sleep, eat, tweet all that stuff. Ever since the app Vine came out, a bunch of people have begun to obsess over the old vine group Magcon , who have all slowly worked their way to fame. I love all of the 12 members, but I especially love Matthew Espinosa.

Something about Matt just makes him stand out to me. His personality is amazing, and his looks are pretty alright too. His vines make me smile on my worst days, and I've had quite a few of those.

Matt is the goofball of the group, and his vines always make me laugh, even when I may feel like crying. he's my idol. I could sit watching his Vines and YouTube videos for hours, and not regret one moment of it.

After a long day at school, I'm looking forward to going home, cuddling up with my iPad and watching Matt's new vines. I'm watching his latest one and I'm laughing so hard. suddenly, my house phone rings, and I run down the steps to get it. I barely make it to the phone in time and when I get there its my friend Christina on the other end . She screams in my ear telling me all this nonsense. I yell in her ear asking her to speak clearly. She apologizes and repeats herself, this time I can understand her.

Nothing could've prepared me for what she said next: "MATTHEW ESPINOSA IS COMING TO OUR CITY AHH." I dropped the phone. I begin to scream, dance everything. MY SUNSHINE IS COMING!

I go upstairs and immediately tweet the good news. I have a magcon fan account, along with a personal twitter. Two separate accounts, two separate personalities.

I have never been more excited for anything in my life. I call my friend Abby and shes estatic at the news too. I glance at the clock. It's 5:00. my mom is working late until 10, so I ask Abby if she can come over and keep me company. she agrees and we hang up.

I'm scrolling through Matt's instagram, when the doorbell rings. I jog down the steps to answer it. Abby greets me with a hug and says, "Hey Sky. where's the food at?" I laugh and she follows me up to my room.

Abby, who gives no regard for cleanliness, throws her overnight bag down, causing clothes to spill from inside of it. She glances at the clothes, shrugs, and continues to move around my room.

I ask her if she needs anything. "Food and Netflix and im good," she replies. I hand her the Wii controller and tell her to pick a movie while I head to the kitchen.

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first Part of my fanfic. leave me comments, questions and suggestions on here or tweet me!

my twitter is @colorfullcaniff and Ill reply to any questions you may have

Ill try and update daily so stay patient!


I head to the kitchen and grab Oreos, pretzels, gummy bears and jello. I then reach in the fridge, grabbing two bottles of water and then proceed to shut the refrigerator door with my foot.

I hop up the stairs, struggling to not drop food along the way. I push open my bedroom door to find Abby taking videos of my room and posting them on snapchat.

"Abby!" I yell, while snatching my phone out of her hand. She smiles inncocently and sits back on the bed.

"what movie did you decide on?" I Ask her. She says she wants to watch Frozen. I stare at her, and she busts out laughing. I laugh too, while taking the controller and clicking on The Hunger Games. Not too scary, not too childish. perfect choice.

I start the movie and thirty minutes in, we both have already lost interest. We decide to go to the mall.

I stand in front of my mirror and flinch at my bummish appearance.

Just Another Fan (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now