Chapter 7

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I open my front door, and I am immediately in shock by the unorganized mess that I see before me.

Shannon speaks, "okay so Matt will be here in two hours. let's get a dinner started maybe?"

I stare at her in disbelief before exclaiming,

"A dinner!? This house is an absolute mess and you're worried about food!?"

She rolls her eyes and walks towards the kitchen. ignoring my objections, She pulls out a box of pasta, and begins to boil water. After about five minutes of ignoring my raging, She snaps "Skylar.. Please get out of my face before I say something I regret," and storms away from me.

"Shannon, you overreact too damn much to be honest," I shoot back.

Shannon looks at me, a single eyebrow raised, nods, and gathers her stuff.

"Shan, where are you going?"

She throws up a peace sign and leaves. What am I supposed to do now. I have less than an hour until my idol will be in my house. This is all my fault, Shannon has every right to be mad.

I pull out my phone, start composing a text to Shannon, decide against it, and turn off my screen.I don't have time to apologize to her. I pick up the house phone and dial my neighbor's number. I explain my problem, and She agrees to come help

Relieved, I sit on a bar stool and wait. The doorbell rings, and I sprint towards the door and open it.

"Brigid! Thanks for coming to help me. There's so much to do I literally cant even."

She laughs and sets down a bag full of cleaning supplies.

"Let's get to work, girl!" she says, smiling at my baffled expression. I release an exasphrated gasp and pick up a rag. "Yep..let's get to work."

Brigid And I spend the next hour washing tables, scrubbing floors, vacuuming, preparing the house for Matthews arrival.

I'm almost done tucking the comforter in the guest room,when I hear the doorbell ring. I nervously smooth my pink v-neck and yell, "BRIGID! They're here!" I hear her footsteps until she appears at the door. I exhale And pull it open.

I open the door to see my idol, Matthew Lee Espinosa, standing on my very own front porch. I'm at loss for words, and he stares at me with a confused look on his face. Luckily Brigid takes over. She sticks out her hand and speaks, "Hi I'm Brigid, this is Skylar. How was your flight?" Matthew shakes her hand,

"Hi Brigid..Skylar. My flight was chill. Can we go inside,I'm exhausted," he replies with a slight chuckle.

I nervously wipe my sweaty palms on the back of my shorts and speak, "uh yeah uh sure lemme just uh open the door and we can like uh go in okay?" Matthew, struggling not to laugh, replies, "Sure."

We enter the house and I point towards the guest bedroom. "Uh Mr.Espinosa your room is right over there and we have drinks in the fridge if you-" He cuts me off.

His eyes are full of tears from laughing as he chuckles, "What's your name? Oh yeah, Skylar, call me Matt. Remember im the same age as you. Just a normal kid."

I blush and softly say, "So I guess that makes me just another fan huh?" Matt looks at me with a crooked grin and says, "nah. I feel like you're gonna become much more than that."

Before I can question what he means by that he picks up his bags and shuts himself in the bedroom. I stand baffled, smiling to myself and head upstairs to my room.


I barely make it inside my bedroom until Im attacked by Brigid's persistant questions. She grabs me by the shoulders, looks me Dead in the eye and screams, "SKYLAR TAYLOR DO YOU REALIZE THAT MATTHEW ESPINOSA. THE MATTHEW ESPINOSA. VINE FAMOUS MATTHEW ESPINOSA HAS THE HOTS FOR YOU!?"

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