The first Encounter

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Life seemed so simple, as simple as one could have it being a daughter of famous archaeologist. Britt Petrova and her cousin Hathor had been helping out on this occasion.

"What do you think is that?" Hathor asked

"No idea." Britt said

As the girls were doing their looking suddenly they caught a glimpse of something. Looking Britt and Hathor took another look seeing a black cat with some red and blonde on it. It was growling at them at first.

"What's a cat doing here?" Hathor asked

"No idea. But it seems territorial." Britt said as she took a step toward it.

The cat was still growling but Britt kneeled down and got down to it's eye level..she was used to cat behavior and cats in Egypt were treated like gods. As she got eye level she noticed this cat was different than any she'd ever seen. This one had violet eyes!

'How odd." Britt thought but she put her hand out treating it with respect.

The cat seemed to linger and come close as he smelled her hand for a moment.

'She's the one I'm looking for.' The cat thought.

He wanted to make sure to let others like him know she would be his. So he rubbed his head against her hand and once she stood up he let her hold him.

"The cat likes you." Hathor said

"Yeah i can tell." Britt said

The cat meowed at her but inside he smirked. He had gotten close to someone allowing a chance to link to her mind. He had plans but he didn't want to ruin anything.

"We need to go." Hathor said

"What about this cat?" Britt asked

"You could bring him or leave him here. We'll be back soon enough." Hathor said

Britt thought about it and she looked at the kitty for a moment. She didn't normally leave animals behind but this one could of belonged to someone. She put him down and she smiled.

"I'll be back soon." Britt said

"Britt! Hathor! Come on." Aiden yelled

The girls nod as they left and once out of sight. Where the cat was stood a man with tri color spikey Hair and he was smirking.

"Oh you will be mine." He smirked

"Atem, leave the girls alone." Yugi said

Atem looked back seeing Yugi, his little brother standing there.

"Yugi, I've been looking for someone like her. Those two are like us." Atem said, "they don't know it yet."

Yugi was shy not like his brother. He didn't approach the girls but he knew there was nothing to stop his brother from pursuing the girl he had Set his sights on.

"She will be mine Yugi. I promise you that." Atem said

Britt and Hathor returned but the cat was gone. The boys had left before the girls returned and then after working. Britt turned in for bed.

In her dream she was surrounded in darkness and she looked around. She caught the silhouette of a man.

"Come to me my Queen." The voice said but she woke up wondering who that was. It was only the beginning.

The Incubus King looking for his QueenWhere stories live. Discover now