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"Megan, they need you out there!" Cameron snapped, voice bordering fury.

"No, they don't," I replied blearily, covering my eyes with an arm. "Everyone's doing perfectly fine without me. They've got you."

"I am not enough, Vaughn!" Cameron was angry now. Really angry. "Our pack listens to you. You are the Alpha now, and you lead us! The rogues are taking advantage of your rule, and if you don't stop them, we might as well be dead!"

I groaned and turned over in my bed, curling into a ball. "Go away, Cam," I murmured. My wolf was lethargic, and the last thing I wanted to do was to talk to some idiotic rogues who liked to play hide and seek. Well, perhaps I shouldn't speak so think of them like that. Their version of the game was a macabre and bloody one, killing my pack when they were alone. I knew that they all wanted me to act, but the thought of being caught alone by rogues and being butchered wasn't high on my agenda. Especially after the Leo incident. God, I wanted to forget it all. When I came back, drenched and close to collapsing...it felt like the very life had been sucked out of me. Like I wanted to cut my heart out, then and there. I did try once. Didn't quite work out the way I planned, with Cameron, my Beta walking into the bathroom by accident just when I was trying to stab myself with my father's razor. That was a month after Leo's death. Boy, he was pissed...

"Are you even listening to me?" I looked over my shoulder with one eye cracked open.

"Sorry, you were saying something?" He looked ready to explode. Cameron's jaw tensed and I watched as his fists clenched and unclenched, flexing the muscles in his forearms.

"Megan, I'm giving you this one chance to get the fuck off your ass and do something. I swear, if you don't, then I'm going to make you do it. The world doesn't revolve around you, so stop fucking feeling bad about yourself and think about your pack, the people you got killed! This is your bloody mess, so go out there and mop it up!"

My second eye cracked open, and I glared at him with a cold anger. "This isn't my fault," I hissed. "They chose to go out by themselves. They had it coming."

Shock flickered in Cameron's eyes at my unfeelingness, though it was quickly concealed by fury. "How dare you! Did they deserve to be gutted and their intestines ripped out?" He was shouting now. "To have their eyes gouged out? To have their tongues cut out? No, they never deserved it, but now... I think you do." With that, he stormed away, but his words resonated in my head. Did I deserve it? Maybe I did. Maybe that's why he wanted me to face those bloodthirsty fools. They had had their chance in my father's pack, and they were kicked out for good reason. Why did they have to come back? Now I was left to deal with them. Fucking idiots. I slammed my fist into my pillow and pushed myself into a sitting position. God, I was tired. I didn't want to deal with this crap. I staggered into the bathroom and tugged my pyjamas off, glaring with slit eyes at the raccoon eyed reflection in the mirror before changing into rogue-worthy clothes. If I was to be the Alpha, then I would have to dress like one and not some lowlife. I rearranged my hair into something more presentable before plodding to the front of the house where Cameron looked like he was about to punch the wall. He instantly turned at the sound of me emerging, and a mixture of relief and rage flitted across his face.

"I suppose you're going to talk to them?" he asked shortly once I stopped in front of him with my hands stuffed in my pockets.

"Why else would I be out here?" Irritation was evident in his face, and rightly so. I rarely left our home anymore, other than when I needed to shift. "Where are the rogues?"

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