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"Hey! Wake up."

The familiar voice of Kieran Chambers pulled me from the drugged wasteland, but I pretended that I hadn't heard him. I lay still on my back, and let the sound of my breathing remain even and steady.

"Hey, Vaughn. Get up." I resisted the urge to clench my jaw. "Hey. Megan..."

The sound of my name proved too much, and I dropped the pretence of glared at Kieran. "Leave me alone!" I spat. He looked alarmed at my anger but refused to back down.

"Not a chance."

I tried to turn over to my other side, but was restricted by the IV tubes in the way. "Leave me alone," I mumbled, holding my freshly-bandaged wrist to my chest.


I sat up this time and faced him with the most pitiable expression I could muster, except he didn't notice that. He noticed the bandages that held the tiniest hint of red.
"What did you do?" he asked slowly, grabbing the hand before I could hide it from his sight.


"Vaughn, don't fuck with me. What did you do?" When I didn't respond, his his grip tightened. "What did you do?" His voice was deathly quiet, like the calm before a storm.

"I—I tried to remove the scab," I finally answered, my voice barely audible

Kieran's lips pursed together, and even though we barely knew each other, he seemed sad at the prospect of my attempted suicide. "You can't just try and run away from everything, you know. You can't just hide forever."

"Maybe I don't want to hide!" I snapped, my temper flaring. "Maybe what I want is to forget and move on? Ever thought of that?"

Kieran stared back at coolly. "And maybe you're stupider than I first believed you to be, because forgetting the past is worse than hiding from it. And how does trying to kill yourself help you forget it? It sounds more like you're trying to destroy the memory of it altogether."

"You don't know anything about me," I replied coldly, sitting up stiffly.

"Well, I know for a fact now that you're a Lupi, so that's a start, right?"

"Oh, I wonder what gave it away?" I mumbled sarcastically,

"Maybe it's the fact that you looked like shit last night, and now all you've got is a black eye and a couple of scars?"

I look down immediately and saw that he was right. Most of the minor cuts had faded away altogether, and the cut down my arm had healed into a long twisted scar. My wrist seemed to have healed almost to the same extent.

"What are you?" I asked Kieran warily, determined to find out, but Kieran was adamant.

"Are you a rogue?" he asked instead.

"What does it matter?" I countered.

"Oh, believe me when I say that it matters."

"Fine, then. I am a rogue. What are you?"

"You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

Kieran heaved a sigh. "Nephilim."

"What?" I admit, it seemed hypocritical of me, but the thought that any other 'supernaturals' other than Lupi existed shocked me.

"Says the pot to the kettle," he muttered, his gaze flitting to the door, making sure that no one would interrupt them. "Nephilim are basically the bastard kids of rebel angels who went badass against God's will. You follow?"

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