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The scene formed before my eyes instantly, faster than I imagined it would. I suppose that the memory was permanently ingrained into my mind.

I was standing under the awning of a grocery shop, when that familiar scent of him wafted towards me, accompanied with the faint sound of words through the thundering of rain. As I followed the sound, a cry of surprise and fear rang through the rain. My pace instantly sped up, and I was soon mere metres away from the source of the cry for help.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"Listen up here. Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't play dumb, 'kay? Don't play dumb, and fucking give it to me!"

"Whoa, keep it cool... go easy on me if I'm gonna end up being your boxing bag," replied Juarez's voice.

"Shut your fucking mouth, and give me the bag, you fucking-"

"No need for the swearing, big guy. Sorry, I'm afraid I can't give you 'this bag', seeing as I have nothing in my pockets, so I suggest that you be on your way. You wouldn't want me to remember your face so I can call the cops on your fine little tail, yes?"

"Fine little tail, eh? Now, what d'you think of this fine baby, huh? I think you might want to hand over that bag now. Don't think I didn't see you this morning, you prick! I saw you at his place, and I saw you collecting that package, so I wouldn't bother lying, yeah?"

"Sorry, man, don't know what you're talking about," he replied and—

Three bangs echoed through the night. The same three nights that echoed through the depths of my sleep, that woke me up almost every night. Three shots pierced Leo Juarez's skin. Three shots pierced my heart with renewed pain.

"I didn't wanna do this, you son of a bitch, but you left me no choice."

I heard the sound of Juarez gurgling and choking on his own blood, when the oner of the gun appeared, holding the guilty weapon in one hand and a small pouch, barely big enough to slip on his wrist, in the other. The man was short with hooded eyes that glinted back. His cheeks were hollow, emphasising his sharp cheekbones. A sick smile spread across his thin lips as soon as his eyes landed on me, standing in the rain as still as a statue.

"Well, hello there," he said, stepping forward as though to touch my face, but the evident desire vanished when he caught sight of my expression, and terror replaced the want as he took a step back. "Hey, what do you want? Money? I'll give you money. You don't need to give me no lap dance if you wanna, I'll give you all the cash I've got!"

I watched on as my body moved seemingly lifelessly, snapping his neck as though I was just splitting a bar of chocolate. I acted without a second thought, oblivious to the fact that I had actually just taken away a life.

I hurried to the side of the abandoned dying body, and the moment I laid on his paling face—

I sat up abruptly with my eyes wide and frantic, darting around in fear.

"Megan, calm down! It was just a dream, dammit!"

Kieran's face loomed into my scope of vision, shaking my shoulders vigorously.

"No, it isn't! No, it isn't!" I cried hysterically. Blood coated my hands in a slippery layer, and mingled with my tears as I clawed at my face. It was all so dreadfully real.

"Megan, look at me." A single hand locked both of my wrists together in a tight grip, and another forced my chin up, forcing me to look at Kieran. I stared into Kieran's calm eyes manically. "Look at me, Megan, and don't look away," he whispered. Why doesn't he understand? Why can't he see the blood? This is all real, why won't he...

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