You're MINE! - Minho - SHINee

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You sat boredly on the porch swing with your best friend, (AND CRUSH) Minho. He had his arm wrapped around you as you slowly rocked back and forth without saying anything. It was freezing and the warmth of his leather jacket felt nice.

Not a single word passed, just peace, until Onew burst through the screen door. Jonghyun, Taemin, and Key following.

"Hyung wants chicken!" Taemin said excitedly.

Onew got on his knees. "Puhh-leaseee! Dongsaeng! I'm begging you!"

Minho looked down at Onew. "Hyung, we had chicken two nights in a row."

You slapped him lightly on his arm. "Just let the man have his chicken."

Minho turned to you and smiled. "Fine. Thank (your name) for liking chicken."

Onew ran to you wrapping his arms around your neck. "Thank you (Your name)!!"

Minho flashed Onew a glare, and he backed off immediately.

You turn to Minho and blink, and he just smiles. He takes your hand and began to drag you down the street, followed by the boys. You come across the diffrent food shops and Onew runs ahead, Key ordering him to slow down. 

Onew stopped you yell "KIBUM YOU BETTER KEEP UP WITH ME, I WANT CHICKEN!" Then he disappeared into the crowd of people.

A cold breeze blew and you shivered, notcing that you had left your jacket inside. Minho must have noticed and he took off his large jacket and put it around your shoulders. You smiled when his warm hand wrapped around yours.

He continued to pull you through the crowd, turning around occasionly to see if Taemin and Jjong we're still following.

You finally reached the chicken shop and spotted Onew and Key, Onew was frantically searching through his pockets as Key sat waiting, tapping his foot.

You roll your eyes as Minho went through his pockets and pulled out some money. "How many pieces Hyung?"

"20!" He said flapping his arms around.

Minho rolled his eyes and slid the man his money.

The man set his eyes on you, then Minho. "I'll give you a discount, for the pretty lady."

Minho raised his eyebrows at him. "Eyes off, she's mine."

"Excuse me?" You ask. 

He turns around a blush coming across his face.

Aww! He's so cute!

Everyone burst out in laughter, Minho just sat there blushing. 

You gave into his cuteness, and kissed his nose. "I don't mind being yours."

A smile crossed his cheeks. "Thats good to hear."

He wrapped his arm around your waist.  A blush came aross your face. Taemin screamed AWWW.

While jonghyun patted minho on the back, Key just rolled his eyes, and Onew poked his cheek smiling stupidly. 

Then onew's smile dropped. "NOW GIVE US THE CHICKEN!" He yelled turning to the chicken man. He blinked and gave him the large box. Onew yelled 'Yay!!' and happily skipped away.

Minho and you both rolled your eyes at the same time. He looked down at you and smiled. He cupped his hand over your cheek. "Your beautiful. And I have you all to myself."

You smiled as he bends down to your height, and kisses you softly.

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