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"Hey um Yoongi?" Namjoon said, trying to get the daydreaming boys attention.

"Hmm?" Yoongi said, still staring at the wall.

"We are going to go now, you should get some rest."

"I can't, not while Jimin is in this state."

"Okay Hyung." Namjoon said whilst squeezing his shoulder.

The boys all said goodbye to Yoongi and Jimin, who was still in a deep coma, but was recovering a bit better now.

When the boys left the room, Yoongi broke down into tears.

"I can't deal with this Jimin, please come back. I've been hurting myself and I don't know how much longer I can survive without you. I love you baby. Please come back to me."

Yoongi walked into Jimins private bathroom (they are still in the hospital of course) and took some razor blades out of his pocket.

Yoongi let out a sigh before jumping into the bathtub.

He pushed the razor blade into his skin, scratching it down his wrist a few times.

He let out a small yelp before getting out of the bath and dropping the razor blade on the floor.

"Jimin, I can't live without you."

A few seconds after, he passed out on the floor, making out a loud bang.

The nurses ran into the bathroom and saw Yoongi on the floor in a small puddle of blood with multiple cuts on his wrist.

"Quick! Get a wheelchair or a hospital bed! And get the doctor!" One of the nurses shouted as she ran to turn Yoongi onto his back and check his pulse.

The other nurse, Nurse Jeon, ran to get Mr Park, the doctor.

"Sir sir! In room 208 a boy has passed out due to blood loss."

"What? Take me to him now!"

They ran back to Jimins hospital room with a hospital bed.

By the time they got there, Yoongi was sitting on the floor while leaning on the edge of the bathtub.

"I-I'm fine. R-really." Yoongi muttered with his hand around his bloody wrist.

"We need to transfer some blood into you, what blood type are you?" Doctor Park said.

"I have type O, but I'm fine!"

"You are not. Come with me right now."

Yoongi obediently followed Doctor Park out of the bathroom but stopped as he saw him staring at Jimin.

"Sir, are you okay?" Yoongi whispered.

"Oh uh, yeah." Doctor Park answered.
"Come on."


Yoongi had to have some stitches and some blood put into him, but he was okay.

The nurses gave him some depression pills, and told him to take one every three hours.



"You silly boy, why didn't you tell me?" Jin asked Yoongi. They had all heard about Yoongi cutting himself.

"I-I didn't want anyone to stop me." Yoongi said, not even looking at Jin. He had been staring at Jimin for an hour now.

"Well, it's getting late so we better go. Now Yoongi, take care of yourself okay? Don't hurt yourself and if you need someone to talk to, just call one of us. Okay?" Jin said.

Jungkook was busy with his gran so there was only Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung who came to visit.

Hoseok has not visited once.

Once the boys had left, Yoongi started talking to Jimin again.

Yoongi knew that Jimin wasn't able to reply, but he did it either way.

"Baby, I miss you. Please come back to me. They have put me on depression pills and I passed out whilst cutting myself. I can't live without you. I love you. I don't know if you have noticed, but Hoseok hasn't visited once and, he hasn't been in school since the crash. I wonder if he is okay. Jimin, if you can hear me, Just blink or squeeze my hand or something. I really miss you baby, I love you so much."

Yoongi went to sleep whilst resting his head on Jimins arm.

For Yoongi, it was hard to resist the urge to cut himself, but he knew he shouldn't, so he ignored it.

He knew that he shouldn't hurt others because he is hurt.


Yoongi felt down into his pocket and pulled out his depression pills. He was feeling especially upset today and needed to take one.

As he pulled them out, another thing fell out of his pocket.

The razor blades.

Yoongi picked them up and stared at them and then back at Jimin.

He shook his head slightly and walked over to the bin.

He dropped the razor blades into the bin and went to get some water to wash down the pills.

He went back to Jimins room and continued talking to him while holding his hand.

"Hey baby, it's me again. I don't know if you are getting tired of my voice but when I talk to you, I feel like all my troubles go away. I know that you can't answer me or comfort me but it's the best I can get whilst you are in this condition. I wish you would wake up now. I am missing you more than ever. Your Eomma had to go back to work otherwise she would lose her job but she told me to tell you that she loves you and she will be straight here if anything happens. I'm gonna tell you why I love you. I don't know if you can hear me or not but hopefully you can. Maybe you're stuck in a dream and can't hear anything. Maybe all you see is darkness. I don't know but I just want to tell you even if you can't hear me. I love you because you are the most amazing, wonderful person in the world. Your eye smile and smile can light up any room, dark or not. Your touch feels gentle and caring, and I know you would never hurt anyone, not even a fly. You are so caring and affectionate and I love you for it. You always take care of me and make me smile when I feel down. From the first time I saw you I almost immediately fell in love with you. You know that time when I came for you in the toilets? That's because I actually cared. I usually don't care about people and if it was anyone else I would have just laughed but you, you're different. Special. You changed me. You made me into a completely different person. A person who understands people's feelings and cares for other people. You are s-wait. J-jimin are-are you crying?"

Jimin had tears running down his face as he heard all that Yoongi said.

"Jimin! If you can hear me, please squeeze my hand. Please baby."

Yoongi felt a light squeeze on his hand as tears started running down his face.

"Oh Jimin, I love you so so much...."


... looks like Jimins gonna be okay after all!

I wonder where Hoseok is?



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