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"Dammit!... God Dammit!!"

"It's getting closer Roger! Do something about it!"- Johnny was yelling panicked.

"I know, I know! I'm firing as fast as I can"- I replied to him while chambering the next bullet and preparing to take another shot.

"There's another one coming, 11 o'clock... what are those things"- I heard a voice to the left.

"Heh, I wished I've known"- I said to myself, while raising the rifle and taking aim at the first target.

"Make it count!"- Johnny said again, as I took a deep breath. Time has a way of slowing down to an almost halt whenever you prepare to fire your weapon at a target. The adrenaline rushing in, makes you focus on every little detail in a split of a second. I exhale and squeezed the trigger. Bang! . An electrical sparkle came out from the spot here I hit the approaching threat, which was now emitting a screeching metallic sound. It now seemed to have locked on to me, as it kept getting up closer. I load another round and take a second shot. This one hit the top part of target, slowing it down to a halt and making it emit louder and more annoying sounds. It raised it raised its weapon towards me. I haven't seen something like that before. Lighting was slowly gathering at the tip of its muzzle with a continuous sound that was getting louder. I ducked down behind the sandbags as the enemy fired a powerful energy beam, bursting the sandbag wall and making a dash in the ground next to my body. I check the ground very quickly where the hole was made, and it was still very hot.

"Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!" I hear our automatic turret firing upon the enemy as it now got in its range. I peek above the sandbags, to see what's happening. The metal monstrosity was trying to aim another shot but after getting hit about 5 or 6 times, its entire body was shot circuiting, emitting a loud metallic sound that was scratching our ear drums. I violent explosion followed up as the target blew up in a big fire show, giving us a small moment of awe and relief. But there was no time to wait, as more of these... robotic enemies were slowly approaching our position. I load my gun and take aim at the second one that was currently preparing to fire its gun as well. I fire my gun and hit it in what appeared to be its arm, deflecting its aim but not stopping it from firing. I saw the blinding energy flash as it went and hit something right next to me. A moment of silence ensued after which I started to feel small droplets of blood on my right arm and cheek. I turn to my right and see my comrade, with a large hole in the upper portion of its torso, stumbling backwards, trying to speak as his mouth was filling up with blood.

"No, Johnny!" I said, out loud. I then pick up my walkie-talkie and started screaming in it: "We got a man down! Johnny was...". I didn't manage to finish that last sentence as someone behind me yelled "Get down!" and pushed me to the ground again. I heard the energy beam weapon firing, but I saw no flash. I quickly got up and saw our automatic turret, expelling some sort of gas before exploding, sending shrapnel all over the place. A small piece of steaming hot metal gazed my right cheek... I didn't even notice until later on when I felt blood slowly dripping down from my wound. Luckily the enemy droid that disabled the turret was also caught in the explosion and incapacitated. I get back up and look carefully on the battlefield for more hostiles. I see another one, slightly different from the previous ones. With weird, caterpillar shaped body, it was moving much slower but still increasing closer to our defenses. I raised up my gun and fire it. The bullet bounced off its metal rings, barely dealing any damage to it. I load and take aim at the center of what I assume was its head. I fire. The bullet hits and gets stuck into the weird metal head, but it still didn't seem to affect it in the slightest. As I aim and prepare another shot I look more careful and I see it preparing to fire what I recognized to be an automatic grenade launcher.

"Thump-thump-thump..." I heard as it immediately fired all its rounds towards our positions. "Shit!" that's the only thing I managed to think as I started running back towards the second line of defense, yelling "Get to cover! They are firing...!" . I only heard the first two explosions, after that I felt my body getting lifted up and smashed into the ground, my back getting super hot and my vision turning all white and then black. When I opened my eyes again my ears where ringing loudly, due to the explosion. My whole body was hurting. I tried to look around only to see fire and destruction everywhere. Dead bodies with fresh blood gushing out of their wounds and steel fragments from the dead enemies. I tried to get myself up, but it was like I was lifting the mountain. I saw another one of those things, lurking around our base with its weapon at the ready. I tried to crawl myself looking for anything that I could use as a weapon to defend myself. I found a small knife and vigorously clutched it in my fist, when I heard some distant, faded barks...

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