Shuu and Reiji Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)

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"Excuse me, Mr. Sakamaki, I don't mean to disturb you but I was wondering if there was anything else for me to clean, or would you like to check over my work," I say as I open the library door halfway, peaking my head in.

"I shall check over your work and find something else for you to do."

"Yes, sir."

I allow Reiji to pass me and follow behind him quickly.

When we reach the room I was cleaning, which was the kitchen, Reiji inspects everything very closely.

"Surprisingly, it seems you have cleaned everything well. You can tend to the gardens for your next task."

"Thank you, Sir." I curtsey and leave to tend to the gardens.


The fresh, crisp air fills my lungs with pleasure as I watch the setting sun fall gracefully. The sky filled with blues, purples, oranges, and pinks, I set to work with pulling weeds out of the flower beds or other things that are needed.

Tugging on a weed, I grunt in frustration when it doesn't come out as easy as the other weeds. I keep pulling until it finally breaks free from the dirt and I cheer in my head.

I didn't notice the stinging on my hand until I set the weed down, taking a closer look, a rose must have scratched me. The scratch stings more and I suck on my teeth noticing how it is slowly filling with blood.

Having nowhere else to wipe my hand, I wipe it on my uniform and get back to work.


Someone grabs my hair and moves it to one side, jumping, I spin around quickly.

"Can I help you, Mr. Sakamaki?" The blonde-haired Sakamaki doesn't say anything as he crouches down behind me.

"Mr. Sakamaki...?" I look at him questioningly and the only thing he says is,

"Don't speak."

Nodding my head, I allow my voice to fade.

He reaches towards my neck again and leans in, sniffing it. His hand races against my soft, clear skin and in the next moment, I feel pain shoot through my shoulder.

I gasp in pain and try and turn around when he wraps his arms around my body, forcing me to face forward.

When the Sakamaki is done with drinking, he leans back and sighs in content. I tie my hair back, as to not bother the fresh wound, and quickly turn around.

"Why?" Shuu doesn't say anything in response and dissipates into thin air.

"Ugh!" I yell out in frustration and then get back to working on the flower beds.


I knock on the library door again, waiting for Reiji's reply.

"Come in." Reiji's smooth voice said.

"I've finished the gardens, Mr. Sakamaki. Do I need to do anything else before I retire?"

"How your performance is on the flowerbeds indicates whether you will have more to do or not." He says as he sips on his tea.

"I understand, Sir."

Repeating what I did earlier, I follow behind Reiji and allow him to inspect the gardens.

"Everything seems to be pristine as always, (y/n)."

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