Mareritt (Yandere OC)

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~Set in medieval times. No technology, just the simple life of kingdoms.~

BE WARNED! There are sensitive things in here like murder, gore, strong language, abuse, suicide, and the loss of family. If you are not comfortable with that, please do not read this. I am only using these things for the story and do not condone this or agree with it. I was not expecting this story to take the turn it did but honestly, I don't know how it did.


My (s/c) hands wipe against my tattered apron as I continue to wash my family's clothing. I was kneeling on the bank of the small creek by myself. I was humming a sweet tune when I heard horses and yelling. I get up quickly and turn around, I couldn't see anything but our house so I ran to it. Inside, I found my mother, father, and brother kneeling and shaking. My eyes widen as I see men in armor, with sharps swords, standing above them. 

I look into my mother's eyes and see her pleading for me to go. I whirl back around only to have someone push me to the ground with the rest of my family. The man points the tip of his sword at my neck, beckoning for me to get in line with my family. I comply and look at my younger brother. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it. With a trembling voice, I contrive my voice.

"What's happening?"

"Shut up, you fat cunt." The man that pushed me down snarls out.

I bite my lip and squeeze my brother's hand again.

A set of slow, steady boots comes into the room. My gaze settles on a man with long blonde hair, piercing yellow eyes and an air of authority.

"What's taking so long?"

"Your Highness, we found one that stumbled in upon us."

"That does not give you the right to take your sweet time. Finish them."

 "Wait!" I yell and look at the man. "Don't do this, we are good people!" A knight slaps me across the face, hard enough to knock me to the floor.

"Shut up."

The man comes closer, kneels on one knee, and he swiftly grabs my chin, tugging it close to him.

"You intrigue me..." He tossed my chin aside and stands back up.

"Put her into the cage, kill the rest."

"NO!" I scream and instantaneously get up, rushing at the man. He merely knocks me to the ground and calls to one of the men.

"Make her watch her family drop. One... by one... by one..."

A knight grabs my arms and holds me towards my family. I weep when I notice a man step forward, bringing his sword up. My mother holds her eyes closed as I notice her grab my father's hand.

I watch the sword fall in slow motion, I notice the blood spurt from my mother's neck when it first attaches itself to her. The next thing I notice is the awful slicing through bones and I lastly watch as her head tumbles to the floor, her body lolling backward.

The same process happens to my father and I feel myself wailing. I see my brother and look at him. "It's going to be okay, Judas. You will be okay..." I try tugging myself out of the man's grip but can not do so. Judas is crying all throughout this and I feel my heart break more.

"Judas, baby, I love you..." Those were the last words for Judas to hear before he suffers the same fate as my mother and father. 

The man lets me fall to the floor and I sob. The blood of my family taints my hands, as I break down.

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