Getting to Know You

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Ryuji's P.O.V

The next day arrived, I was up bright and early. That's new for me. I usually get up at 7:00, but today I got up at 6:00. My mom was so shocked, she even packed me lunch, and made me breakfast before leaving the house. I was tired, and I could barley keep my eyes open. But I felt like it was worth it. I mean after all I get to meet up with Akira.

I was at Shibuya station about 15 minutes earlier then the meet up time. This was also new to me as well. I was never up this early, and I was never early to anything. I'm usually late to the places I attend. But not today. Today was special to me.

After waiting for him, I saw him walking towards me. His black hair was shiny as ever, his glasses didn't even have a smudge on him. His uniform fitted him well like always. He walked with grace, and never looked down as he walked. He kept his eyes forward, and walked with confidence.

He noticed me, and immediately smiled. He picked up the pace, and stood right beside me. "Hey Ryuji, I'm shocked you are here before me. You are always late to class, I thought you would forget," he laughed a little bit. I smirked, and crossed my arms. "Now come on, I need to at least make a good first impression before I try to slack off," I stated. He chuckled, and nodded his head.

"I guess so. I wanted to meet up with you, so that I can get to know you a bit better. But once we get to school we wouldn't be able to talk much unless it was at lunch."

"That's true Akira. Well I'll try to tell as much as I can in the little bit of time we have." Akira shook his head. "It's okay. How about you go back to my place, so we can chat so more after school. My old man makes some good coffee, and curry," he nudged me with his elbow.

"Not a big fan of coffee. But can he make tea as good as my mom?"

"I'm sure he can. Sojiro is amazing when it comes to that stuff," he responded. "Alright, well I'll take you up on your offer. Besides, I have nothing better to do."

"Sounds good." We heard the train arrive, and we both got on. There was no where for us to sit, so we stood up, holding into to the ropes at the top of the train.

He was so close to me. We were touching, and I could feel his body heat. His breathing was controlled, unlike mine. I couldn't contain myself. My face was burning up, and red. I was getting nervous, and started to sweat a little. I mean, I am so close to the peson I adore. Who wouldn't be like this ?

"So Ryuji, tell me a little bit about yourself," Akira knocked me out of my thoughts. "O-oh well, there isn't much to know about me Akira. I'm just a loner, rebellious kid in your class. The lazy one with failing grades," I sighed. Akira shook his head. "Ryuji, tell me your hobbies, age, things like that. I want to know YOU, not your labels." I blinked for a minute in shock. I wasn't expecting a response like that.

"W-well, I am 16, same age as you I am sure. My birthday is July 3rd. I am 5'9, and I like to work out. I used to play track, but I am sure you know the story already."

"I don't actually. But you can tell me that when you are ready, ok ?" I nodded my head. "Well, tell me about yourself too Akira. I can't be the only person talking y'know."

"Ok Ryuji, I was going to tell you, hold your horses," he chuckled. "Well I am 16 as well. I am the same height as you. I don't have any hobbies in particular. I like to help Sojiro with the shop at times. I moved out here in Tokyo after a mishap at my old town."

"Yeah, Kamoshida had a student go around telling the teachers to warn the students about a criminal on the loose. But I don't think you are a criminal, are you ?"

"Under the law yes. But if you knew the real story, I don't think you would see me as a criminal," Akira responded. "Well you can tell me sometime, I am always open to listening to your stories," I smiled.

Before out conversation can move on further, the train stopped at our destination. Akira got off, as I did as well. The school was right ahead, this was the first time I actually saw student walking. I am usually so late to school that all the kids are already in their classes.

As Akira, and I walked to our classes, students whispered things about me. Me hanging out with the criminal, showing up early. They also said things about Akira as well. Things about how he's cute, yet he is probably abusive. Or that he's smart, but so are murderers. It honestly disgusted me.

First of all, Akira will be mine someday. I accept him for who he is, and I will always listen to him. So it's probably a good thing girls won't talk to him. But I still hate bad things being said about him. I mean he's smart, but he isn't no murderer. I know that for sure. He's kind, but nobody gave him the time of day.

"Hey Ryuji, I can see the stuff people saying about us are bothering you. Don't let it get to you. I'm used to this. This happens every morning, so this is nothing new," Akira reassured me. But I couldn't help but to get upset. But Akira said that it was okay. So maybe I should just calm down before I lash out.

When we reach the stairs of the school, Kamoshida was standing there greeting the students. He had a huge smiled on his face as he greet each, and every student that walks by. But his smile fades when Akira, and I walk by him together. "So I see the brats have joined forces. What a surprise," he laughs. Akira stops, and slowly turns around.

"Hello to you Mr. Kamoshida. It's quite a nice day outside. I heard it's going to rian tomorrow. Don't forget your umbrella, don't wanna get sick now. Have a fantastic day." With that being said, Akira continues by without even looking back. The look on Kamoshida's face was priceless. I wish I could take a photo.

"Dude, that was fricking amazing. I wish I could keep my cool like that." Akira had smiled, and pushed up his glasses. "Karma is a bitch after all." My eyes widened. What could he mean by that ?

After walking in the school building, we went to our lockers. I grabbed my books, while he did the same. And the bell ringed, indicating to proceed to our classes. "Ryuji, let's head to class. Don't want to be late," he winked. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, this shall be a surprise."

And just like I said, the whole class was staring at me when I walked in with Akira. Whispers were being exchanged, but I tried my best to ignore it. Akira sat down in his seat, and I did the same. He took out his school stuff, while I kicked back in class.

Our teacher walked in, and his eyes widened when he saw me. "Well Mr. Sakamoto, change of attitude ? You actually want to start taking school seriously ?"

"Nah, I just wanted to see the look on your face. Your class is still boring as hell." Our homeroom teacher rolled his eyes. "I heard you've been hanging out with Akira, I hope he pushes you further to succeed in my class." The teacher looks over at Akira, who is studying for the quiz today.

"Yeah whatever. We just started hanging out, and rumors have been spreading that fast. Quite intersting. Probs Mr. Kamoshida doing it, that bastard."

The bell had rung once again, indicating that any students who walk in now will be considered late. Usually by this bell I'm just getting on the train to school. So this will be new.

-----Time skip-----

After class, I waited by the staircase for Akira. We are supposed to be going to his house today, and I was quite excited. I am sure he's a clean person, and his room is spotless. I wonder what he does outside of school. Does he play video games ? Or does he read ? Maybe he walks around the neighborhood helping the elderly. He just seems like the type to do that.

I saw Akira come out of the classroom, and I walked towards him. "Hey dude, we are heading over your place right?"

"Yeah give me a second. Wait here." Akira walked off, leaving me confused. What does he have to do ? Is he going to confess to a girl ? Wait. Is he even gay ? He might not be. But he never showed an interest any girls. I hope he isn't confessing to a girl. Or a girl is confessing to him. What if he says yes ?

That would be bad. Then I could never have Akira. I will forever be stuck in the friend zone, and I'd have to go into hiding because I'd be too ashamed to show him my face because of my feelings towards him. I mean-

"Alright Ryuji, let's head over to my place." I shook my head, knocking the thoughts out of my head. "Right. . .Let's go."


So Close; So Far Away (Akira x Ryuji; Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now