Heartbreak Pt.1

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Ryuji's P.O.V

"Akira ! I don't want her here. She's clearly into you and trying to take you from me," I whined as we waited for Ann by the steps at school. "She's not going to take me from you. I don't even think she's into me. It's all in your head baby," he responded, giving a reassuring smile. I huffed, and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Yeah, okay. We'll see about that," I muttered that under my breath.

And as if on cue, the all too familiar blue eyed, blonde hair foreign girl started walking down the steps of the school, carrying her bag on her left shoulder. "Hey Akira, sorry for being late," she waved at him and gave him a smile. What am I ? Chopped meat ? She didn't even acknowledge my existence. Such a whore.

"So we'll be going to your place right," she asked Akira, placing her hand on his shoulder and keeping eye contact with him. Someone gag me, I'm gonna barf. "Yeah, but I live at a cafe, so I hope that isn't too much of an issue." She shook her head, and wrapped her arm underneath his. "Not at all. Is he going too ?" She pointed at me.

"Hell yeah, why else would I be here ? Didn't he tell you that originally..," I put more emphasis on the word 'originally' to prove a point, "..me and him would study together." I bared my teeth at her, making her jump a little in her skin. Akira gave me a stern look on his face, basically telling me to cool it, even though her ignorance started it first.

"I see..," she trailed off the last part, leaning in close to Akira to whisper something. "I didn't think you helped him with studying. I just thought he was hanging around you to be annoying..," she whispered. Man, she can't whisper for shit cause I clearly heard everything she said about me. Before I could speak though, Akira responded. "No, me and him are really close, and I help him with his studies."

That's all ? He couldn't even defend me in any other way than just that ? I'm really getting tired of this chick, and we haven't even fucking left the school yard yet. I just want to go home. But she'll only be there for two hours max, before she has to go. And I'll have Akira all to myself afterwards.

"C'mon, let's head to the station," she started to walk ahead, her arm still intertwined with his. That just annoyed me to all ends, but I kept my cool and stayed behind them as we walked. Though it wasn't fair that I had to walk behind them, I dealt with it for Akira's sake. But at this rate, I'll end up blowing my cool sometime today.

We made it to the train station, and the entire time she couldn't even keep her eyes or hands off of Akira. She laughed and smiled at anything he said to her. Yet Akira is trying to say she isn't into him ? I beg to differ after what I'm witnessing. It feels like i'm third wheeling, and it's not a fun feeling at all.

On the train, she of course took the last two empty spots with Akira, making me stand up and watch as she tried to get as close to him as humanely possible. This girl..I'm gonna strangle her ass. "Akira..Ryuji looks angry..," she whispered to him. Good job whispering. Even though I heard it, I pretended to not hear it.

"He's just not in the best mood today. Don't worry about him Ann." Yeah, don't worry about me. I won't kill you when there are people around. I have better sense than that. I'll do it when we're alone..bitch.

--Mini Time-Skip--

"You okay Ryuji," Sojiro asked me as he handed me some tea. Currently, Ann and Akira were sitting at one of the booths studying, while I sat at the bar alone. "I'm fine..," I simply replied. But based off the look on Sojiro's face he wasn't buying that lie. "I know a lie when I see one. You seem upset..does it have something to do with that chick," Sojiro whispered the last part. I sighed and gave in, nodding my head.

"Yeah..I'm sure you know me and Akira are dating..right ?" Sojiro gave a simple nod. "Yeah, I kind of figured..I came in to grab something last night, and heard something I didn't want to hear." I blushed in embarrassment, letting my head fall so he couldn't see how embarrassed I really was. "Anyway..," I continued, "Ann is clearly into him. He doesn't see it, and she would not stop touching him the entire way here. Then she kept talking about me with him, and it pissed me off even more.

"Akira..isn't exactly the brightest when it comes to noticing things like that. I'm sure he doesn't mean it. But have you told Ann that you two were dating ?" I shook my head. "No, I'm not sure how he'd feel if I told her that. I mean, it's bad enough that I'm pretty much hated by everyone at school..could you imagine if they found out Akira and I were gay and dating ? They chew us into shreds."

"But do you think Akira cares what others think ? If he did, he would've collapsed from all of the pressure of being called a criminal for his first couple months of school. Talk to him. Communication is key to a health relationship." He ruffled my hair, and walked away to help a customer that walked in.

He's right. Maybe if I talk to him, this will solve itself. But the second I turned around from the stool to look at him, Ann had her hand placed on his and started to slowly lean in closer to him. "Akira, I didn't need help with school..I actually have had a crush on you since you first got here. So..I wanted to spend time with you to do this.." She leaned in and closed the gap between them, their lips touching each others.

My jaw drop, and could feel tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I couldn't even speak. It felt like my throat had closed up, and my heart stopped beating. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. I stood up, and grabbed my stuff that was sitting on the ground and ran out of the store as fast as I could.

I ran and ran for what seemed like eternity. I didn't even look back once, nor take the train home like I normally do. I just ran home as fast as I could.

Once I reached the door, I quickly unlocked my door and headed inside. I caught my breath and slipped off my shoes at the front door. My mom was currently in the kitchen cooking dinner, I could smell it. But I had no appetite for food. I headed upstairs into my room, and shut the door calmly to not worry my mom, though I wanted to slam it.

I slipped out of my school uniform, putting on something more comfortable before shutting off all the lights and plopping down onto the bed. I put my phone on the charger, and pulled the covers over my body. I sighed heavily, and grabbed the pillow from the other side of my bed, bringing it my chest. It smells like him from the last time.

Before I knew it, I started sobbing into the pillow. Flashbacks of what I witnessed at the cafe came back into my head. I know I shouldn't be mad at him..he didn't initiate the act. But I warned him. I told him she had a thing for him. And he didn't listen. He ignored me, and didn't even defend me whenever she said something moderately rude to or about me. And I think that's what hurts more.

Closing my eyes, I stuffed my face into the pillow, crying even more. I probably spent hours just crying into the pillow before my eyes got puffy, and were getting tired of crying. My body as well was becoming tired, and I fell asleep earlier than normal, drifting off to dreamland..my safe haven for the night.


A/N: Hi~ Author-sama is so mean for writing such a sad chapter...if you think this is sad, just wait until the next one 0-0. Anyways, I'm sorry for being mean, but the story must advance. 

//Till next time//

So Close; So Far Away (Akira x Ryuji; Persona 5)Where stories live. Discover now