Chapter Fifteen

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Episode 9 - Convoy


  "So that's how I got mixed up in all this," I finished. Agent Fowler nodded, taking a bite out of his sandwich. We were in Fernley, Nevada, the city closest to Jasper, and sitting in Sam's Sandwiches. This was the first opportunity Fowler and I had to actually sit down and talk since I got involved with the Autobots, and it was bringing back all sort of memories. We were near the back of the restaurant, allowing no one to eavesdrop on us.

  "It's kind of been fun, though," I added, swirling my straw around my glass. "I mean, this all did get me out and about for the first time since Mom-"

  I swallowed hard, not wanting to say the 'd' word. Fowler gave me a sympathetic look.

  "I know, Amanda," he said, grief in his tone. He and my mom had been close, best friends at that. "And I'm not saying getting you out of the house is a bad thing, but there are better ways to do so that don't include risking your life because of association."

  "But Fowler, they're always protecting us," I argued. "Each of us have one of them watching over us, even while we're at home."

  He didn't look convinced and dragged a hand across his face. "What would your mom think about me letting you in on all this?"

  I leaned forward. "Actually, I've been thinking. How long have you been working with the Autobots?"

  "A few years."

  "Did Mom work with them too?"

  He nodded. "Yeah, she spent just less than a year with them."

  My jaw dropped. "What?! She never told me about alien robots!"

  "Keep your voice down," Fowler warned. "And she didn't tell you a lot of things, Amanda. It was all top secret, which meant even daughters aren't allowed to know. Which brings me to my next point. You and your friends can't tell anyone- I mean anyone- about the Autobots, or else we could all be in trouble. Understand?"

  "Yeah, we got it," I sighed. "No telling anyone. Besides, who would we tell?"

  He laughed at that. "Good. Now, how have you been? With all these new people?"

  I shrugged, my mood sombering. "I- I don't know. I like Miko, Jack, and Raf, they're nice to hang around. The Autobots... Well, everyone sort of sticks to their own."

  "And you ended up with Prime?"

  "Mhm," I took a sip from my lemonade. "He's... not like the others. I mean, he's sort of the type to quietly help you out, but then turns around and leads the whole group."

  Fowler opened his mouth to say something just as his phone beeped. He gave me an apologetic look before answering it. "Fowler. Mhm- Yes- Right away, sir." He hung up and stood. "Sorry Amanda, but we're going to have to cut this short. I've got something I need to deal with. Put the meal on my tab."

  I raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Really Fowler? You're asking the multi-millionaire to put lunch on your tab?"

  He smiled and started to go.

  "Have fun!" I called, causing him to turn and tip his imaginary hat the way he used to. Smiling slightly, I called a waitress, paid the bill, and then left as well. My navy blue 2017 Dodge Charger was parked near the end of the lot, and I got in before starting to drive back to Jasper, which was about half an hour away. My thoughts whirled around my head, all centred around the fact that my mom had worked with the Autobots before she died. Why hadn't Optimus told me? Or any of the other Autobots for that matter? As my thoughts drifted closer and closer to Mom, the unwanted memories I tried so hard to keep back flooded my mind.

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