A Little Reinvention

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Can a lie really help you? Did that lie really do anything good for Evan? Maybe. If he had't lied, Zoe wouldn't have even acknowledged him. He wouldn't feel wanted like he did now. Yes, he suffered, and after he told the truth, bad things happened. But a year later, those bad things morphed into something incredible. So can lying be a good thing? Of course not. But when you find your way out of the web the lie entangled you in, great things can happen.

Evan just kissed Zoe. Again. He couldn't believe it. Zoe liked him again. Wait... what if that was all an act. No, she liked him. She had to. She seemed to enjoy that kiss as much as he did. What was he doing! Stop arguing with yourself or-

"Are you really arguing with yourself about my sister? You're so pathetic." Or that will happen. "I thought we were done." Evan tried to ignore him. "No. I'm your subconscious. I'm here to stay." Connor sits at Evan's desk and puts his feet up. "Stop." Evan's annoyance was growing. "What? I'm relaxing. Something you should get better at." Connor laughs. "Go away." Evan pushed again. "Fine. See ya later pal." And just like that, Connor was gone.

Evan has wished he could have known the real Connor better than what he saw during the two meetings they'd had. But instead he's stuck with subconscious Connor, who started out wanting to help Evan do the right thing, and now just seems to be that annoying friend that you want to leave you alone.

Evan wanted to call Zoe, to go to her, kiss her like they had last night. He stepped into the sun to become a better person. For her, for himself, for everyone. He need to step out even more.

The next day wasn't crazy as it had been the past couple of days. He went to work, helped people spent a lot of money on home decor, and didn't suffer the craziness he'd had recently. 

When he got home, he saw a scrapbook on the kitchen table. Curious, he opened it to find pictures of him at all ages. In the first seven pages, he looked pretty happy. After that, the pictures seemed to be less happy. Then he looks at 19 year old Evan. He looked a little happier than the 18 year old one. If only he could change himself to be even happier. He was better than at the beginning of senior year, but he wanted way more. He wanted to be happier. For Zoe. No, well... yes, but mainly for himself. He just needed... a little reinvention. 

Evan opened his laptop. He thought of something that made him happy. What's happy? Trees! Evan typed in pictures of trees in to Google and spent about half an hour looking at trees. After he was done, he felt better. For the rest of the day, he tried to be as happy as possible. This was step one of his plan, called: Little Reinvention.


Sorry for the reinvention references. I've had Sincerely, Me stuck in my head all day. Also, I'm sorry but Valentine's day is officially my least favorite holiday. Everyone gets gifts except me, besides from my mom. Yes: I'm a single pringle. *gasps* Shocker! Yeah, yeah, I know I'm gonna be alone. Kidding. But seriously, I. Hate. It. It's annoying. Also, middle school couples are annoying and overrated. Dating is for adults who know what real love is. Sorry if you're in middle school and are in a relationship, but c'mon... it's kinda lame. Whatever, this was a cool chapter in my opinion. I am excited for the love to continue... I need Evan and Zoe to have what Steven Levenson denied us in the show. I'm done ranting about who knows what real love is, Peace out. Bye!

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