What Came Before

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"I should talk to her." Evan stood up. "Evan, you don't have to." Cynthia told him. "I do." Evan said. Cynthia simply nodded. Evan climbed the stairs and knocked on Zoe's door. "Go away." Said a voice that clearly had been crying. "Please?" Evan begged. There was silence. Then Zoe opened the door. "Zoe, I'm really sorry I hurt you." Evan got out. Zoe didn't say anything. "Jenna never meant anything to me. Sure, she's a great friend and study partner, but nobody could ever beat you." Evan continued. She still didn't answer, but instead she leapt into his arms and hugged him. "I'm sorry." She cried into his shoulder. "It's okay." Evan whispered.

"I feel like this is my fault." Jenna said after Zoe had stormed out. "It's not. It's mine." Evan told her. "What?" Jenna asked. "She thinks I'm cheating on her with you. It's my fault that ended our relationship." He said. "Wait she thinks we're together?" Jenna tilted her head. "Yeah." Evan nodded. "Well why didn't you tell her that I'm a lesbian?" Jenna playfully hit his arm. "Because I didn't know that." Evan said. "What? I told you I was!" Jenna said. "Uh... no you did not." Evan argues. "Really? I guess I imagined that conversation." Jenna shrugged. "Well now you know. So go get your girl back." Jenna pushed him. "No... we've had issues for a while. We just finally had it out." He sighed. He loved Zoe but he was tired of fighting.

"I'm sorry I didn't fight harder for you." Evan told Zoe. "I get it." She said. "I just want to say that Jenna and I were never together. She's apparently a lesbian." Zoe's eyes widen. "Well why didn't you tell me that before." She asked. "I found out after you left. She said she thought I knew." Evan explained. "Wow." Zoe laughed.

"I love you Ev." Zoe said. "Even now?" He asked. "I never stopped." She smiled. "Well I love you too." Evan said. "Come here." She put a hand on the back of his head and pulled him in. Evan smiled into the kiss.

3 Years Later

"Oh my God, I'll miss you!" Jenna squealed, hugging him. "Me too." Evan smiled. "I gotta go." He said after a minute of silent hugging. "Okay. I'm expecting life updates." Jenna told him. "Of course." Evan said, getting into the car. He got to his mom's. His mom hugged him and he settled into his room. Then he got a text:

Zoe: Just got here, where are you?

Evan smiled and opened the chat to respond to her:

Evan: Home. I'm unpacking.

Zoe: OMW!

Evan: See you!

He turned his phone up and started to unpack his clothes and other stuff. Soon enough there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Heidi called. "Hi, Zoe." He heard her say. "Hi, Ms Hansen." Zoe's beautiful voice said. "He's in his room." Heidi told her. There was some footsteps and then Zoe came bounding in and tackled him onto the bed. "Hey Ev." She smiled. "Hey Zo." He smiled back.

That night, they had dinner with Heidi and the Murphys. Everyone was getting along and talking about the new graduates. Everyone went quiet though once Evan got up.

"So Zoe. You've made my life incredible. You've loved me even after what I did to you and your family. After many arguments. But you continued to see the best in me. I promise that I'll make every moment so great that what came before this won't even matter. So..." Evan dropped to one knee and pulled a box from his pocket. "Zoe Murphy, will you marry me?" Zoe was in shock. "Yes, of course." Zoe pulled him up and kissed him. They pulled apart and Evan slipped the ring on her finger. The mothers cried and Larry smiled.

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