Where To Go

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I walk out of my house.

Scratch that.

I walked out of their house. 

I never thought it could end this badly. I had even believed they might accept me, but that would have been impossible. 

But here I stand outside that house. It feels as if it happened many years ago, even though it happened mere minutes ago.

Where would I go. I had nowhere I could go, so I walked this lonely road with only the company of my own shadow.

I never cared to socialize, therefore I had nobody to go to. So I just kept moving forward with no plan.

For the next hour I aimlessly followed the road by what I believed to be north until I remembered just about 5 miles east of me there was a homeless shelter.

Even though it's for women, they can probably help me find somewhere to go.

I have a long way to walk, and it will be even worse since all summer I had done nothing but sit around and watch Netflix. Though there is nothing else I can do, and by now it's 3 pm so I better start moving.

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