Chapter 1

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I really shouldn't be writing another book right now since I have three others I need to work on buuuuut

Mika awoke on his bed he sat up and stretched long and hard, hearing his joints crack he was satisfied and relaxed.

He shifted and stood as he walked next to the bedside table that sat in beside his bed.

Mika picked up and unplugged his phone feeling the buzz in his hands. He smiled and typed in the passcode. It was a pattern only he knew.

"MIKA TIME FOR BREAKFAST." Krul called up the stairs.

"YES MAMA!" He hollered back as he threw on some jeans and a black hoodie.

He ran down the stairs skipping every other step and arrived in the kitchen. He walked in and kissed his mother on the cheek.

"Hello dear breakfast is on the table." Krul smiled as she pointed to the seat.

"Yum! Bacon and eggs we haven't had this in a while." He smiled.

"I know that's why I made them." Krul smiled she was dressed in a pink ruffled dress that went down to her thighs with a white ruffled apron with a pink heart on it.

Mika looked at the clock 'okay I only have 20 minutes until I have to leave.' He finished his food and thanked his mom and ran to the bathroom to fix his hair. After he got his shoes and clothes on.

He turned on the news and watched until it was the appropriate time to leave.

He looked at the clock and got up to head to the doors.

"Bye I love you Mama!" He waved.

"Goodbye son! Have fun at school." She waved back as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"I will." He called out as he closed the brown wooden door.

He walked to the bus stop and waited he only had to wait 5 minutes until the bus came.

He hopped on and saw his friend shinoa and sat down. (Shinoa got autocorrected into shipboard does this happen to anyone else??)

"Hey my bestie what's up?" She smiled as she patted the seat next to her.

"Oh nothing." He shrugged as he sat down.

"Well I was talking with the vice principal and she said that we were getting a new student." She grinned.

"Cool." He smiled he could care less about a new student all he really wanted was to see his best friend again.

He had a dream last night that he hadn't had in a while well, it wasn't a dream more like a memory. It was about his best friend from the orphanage where he was it was him and his friend digging in the sand pit making castles and laughing at each other. But then he was adopted by his new mother Krul. Don't get him wrong he loves Krul she was everything he wanted in a mother, he just misses his best friend, Yuu.

"We're here!" Shinoa smiled at Mika as he sat up and got off the bus.

They made way to their school they talked and talked about American politics while they looked at the familiar scenery. They soon arrived at school and headed to their lockers. Shinoa and him got lockers next to each other since they are always together. They have been best friends since 4th grade when mika got adopted and went to a new school. The orphanage homeschooled the children.

Mika put his coat in the locker and got out his Chemistry text book it was green and said 'WHIMIS AND PERIODIC TABLES LEARN YOUR WAY THROUGH CHEMISTRY'

It was a flashy cover and mika wasn't a huge fan of it.

The two walked together to their chemistry class Shinoa said hi to a few people in the hallway but never left Mikas side since she knew that he is shy and is a lost dog without her. They entered the chemistry classroom and Shinoa didn't miss the chance to point out him.

"Hey look Mika it's the new student lets say hi!" Shinoa smiled.

"WHAT?!??" He practically screamed.

"Come on." She pulled his hand and they walked over to the boy who was sporting a black jacket over a red shirt with black jeans. The Raven hair with bright emerald green eyes. The eyes that Mika missed so much.

"Y-Y- Yuu-chan." He stuttered.

The boy perked up and looked at Mika.

"Mika!" His smile grew and hugged Mika.

"Mika who the fuck is this and what's with the -chan?" She questioned. "We're in Canada??"

"Shinoa this is Yuu-chan and Yuu-chan this is Shinoa." Mika smiled.

Yuu looked up and waved and went back to immersing himself in Mikas chest.

"Yuu-chan and I were friends at the orphanage we never separated well until I got adopted. Speaking of which how did you manage without me I was so worried for you." He whispered the last part as he squeezed Yuu hard until he was patting Mikas back in mercy with his face red from the lack of air.

"Oops sorry."

"I was very sad that you left me but it was fine. I got adopted 2 years later. Then we moved to the states..... but I came back Mika!" He smiled.

The rest of the class came in one by one until it was time for class to start.

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