Chapter 4

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Mika sat down panicking about the date on Saturday. Yuu and Mika have been blushing every time they saw each other in the hallway at school and sitting next together during classes. He was a lost cause always day dreaming about Yuu in his classes and staring at him every chance he got.

But finally the day arrived Mika was panicking and walking around in a circle nonstop.

"Mika dear. You're going to wear a hole in the carpet if you don't stop." Krul told Mika from the doorway.

"Mama but what if he doesn't like me. What if I fuck up and spill coffee on him." Mika panicked.

"Sweetie that won't happen and if you do spill coffee on him he'll forgive you." Krul smiled as she ruffled Mikas hair.


"Oh it's time to go see you mama. I love you!" Mika dashed out his bedroom door and rushed down the stairs as he made his way to the local coffee shop.

Mika was twirling his fingers around as he walked along the streets he looked around and saw him. his love of his life sitting in front of the shop.

"MIKA!" Yuu cried as he saw Mika walking up the sidewalk.

"Hello Yuu-chan." Mika smiled as he embraced Yuu and stroked his hair.

Yuu blushed as he burried his head into his chest as Mika giggled softly.

"Missed you."

"I missed you as well. come on lets go get lunch." Mika rubbed Yuu's head as the walked hand in hand.

the two walked into the cafe and ordered their food mika got some coffee, a bagels with cream cheese on it and Yuu got a cappuccino with an egg sandwich.

"Hey Mika?" Yuu asked.

"Yeah." He smiled as they sat down at a soft brown table near a window that showed the suroundings of the quiet city.

"Did... did you miss me?"

"Sweetie of course i did you were in my thoughts all the time i would always worry if you were doing okay or if you were adopted yet." Mika rambled as his face glowed happy he was finally with Yuu again.

"The same goes for me i al;ways worried if you were okay or not. I really missed you Mika." Yuu smiled as he leaned over the coffee table and quickly pecked Mika on the lips.

When yuu opened his eyes he saw Mika's bright red face.

"S-Sorry if that was wrong!" Yuu panicked as he waved his arms around.

"No its okay.... just didn't excpect it guess?" mika asked confused but he really liked the kiss... if you could even call it that.

"W-was it good?" Yuu asked as he tilted his head.

'God dammit he is so cute.' Mika blushed.

"Yeah I liked it." Mika smiled as he sipped his coffee.


Yuu and mika chatted for an hour and continued to walk towards Yuu's house.

"Hey Yuu-chan." Mika asked as they walked.

"Yeah Mika?"

"Will you be my boyfriend." He smiled as Yuu looked at him.

"Of course I would Mika." Yuu screamed as he jumped.

"Okay." Mika laughed as he leaned in and Kissed Yuu it was longer then the peck Yuu gave him in the cafe. They both loved it.

They soon let go as Yuu hugged his new boyfriend and he didn't want to let go.

"I had the biggest crush on you back in the orphanage." Yuu confessed.

"Wow I had a crush on you as well." Mika laughed as he nuzzled his head into the crook of Yuu's neck.

"Come on Mika we have to get to my house." Yuu protested.

"Okay." Mika whined as the held hands while continuing to walk.

They continued to walk hand in hand as they made way to Yuu's house.


They soon arrived and walked in.

"HEY DADS ARE YOU HOME!" Yuu yelled as he took off his shoes and walked in, Mika followed suit.

"YES NOISY" his father called back.


"YOU HAVE A WHAT." His father cried out as he walked downstairs and looked at Mika who was blushing while waving.

"SHINA GUESS WHAT OUR SON HAS A BOYFRIEND!" The excited father cried out.

"Yes I heard Guren. Try not to kill him after they have sex." Shina responded from the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell us Yuu." Guren asked.

"Because he only just asked me to which I said yes." Yuu responded as he rolled his eyes. " Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure but please don't have sex and if you do use a condom I don't want STI's in this house." Guren called out to the two who walked away..

"Guren leave them alone." Shina shouted from the kitchen. "They're teenagers they won't pay attention."

"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" Yuu cried pissed at his fathers.

"Sorry Mika they never leave me alone." He sighed.

"No it's okay I understand Mama can be the same." Mika smiled as Yuu popped in Cinderella their favourite movie and they watched it while cuddled up on the couch listening to the movie play.

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