Chapter 2

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"Mikaa." Yuu whined.

"Hey it's not my fault you forgot your lunch Yuu-chan." Mika responded.

"But I'm hungry!" He persisted as he pulled his sleeve.

"You are such a child."

"MIKA!" He continued to whine while throwing his head on Mikas lap.

"Don't hurt yourself." He stated as he rubbed Yuu's hair.

"Like no offence but you guys would make a great DDLB relationship." Shinoa pointed out.

Yuu perked up with his face bright red as Mika looked confused.

"What's a DDLB?" Mika asked while Yuu put his hand over Shinoa's mouth.

"Oh it's nothing Mik-AHH!" He cried as he pulled his hand off of shinoas mouth. "SHINOA! why'd you lick my hand."

"DDLB is a relationship that is much like roll play where one person is the "daddy" And the other is his "child." It can involve sex or not." She explained while Mikas face went red.

"O-Okay." He stuttered as he finished eating his PB&J sandwich.

"Yuu slammed his head on the table in embarrassment and anger that Mika wouldn't give him any food.

"Jesus Christ Yuu-chan don't hurt yourself." Mika spoke as Yuu turned his head to face Mika as Mika showed him a cracker Yuu sat up in excitement.

"Say ahh!" He smiled as Yuu pouted.

"Ahhh." He opened his mouth as mika put a cracker in his mouth.

"Okay good boy here's the rest of the bag." He smiled while he handed Yuu the bag of crackers as Yuu smiled.

Shinoa giggled as a blond chick appeared. "Hello Mitsuba." She greeted.

"Hello Shinoa. Hi Mika." Mitsuba waved.

"Yo." He waved back with his usual expressionless face.

"Mika who is this guy next to you?" Mitsuba asked while Yuu stuffed his face full of crackers.

"This is Yuu-chan" he spoke as he put his hand on Yuus head.

Yuu waved and went back to stuffing his face.

"So Mika you still haven't answered why you call Yuu Yuu-chan."

Mika blushed as he looked away.

"Mika went through an Japanese phase and determined my name sounded cuter with the -chan at the end." Yuu spoke.

Shinoa giggled as mika blushed harder.

"Ahem anyways it's nearly time for us to get to 3rd block." Mika stated.


"Speak of the devil." Yuu said as he put his backpack on while finishing off the crackers.

"Oh look it's a cracker eating crackers." A salmon haired boy smiled.

"Shut it telephone pole." Yuu growled. "And by the way you are white as well."

"Holy shit what's going on." Mika called out to the two.

"Yeah like who is this." Shinoa stated.

"Fucking asshole's name is Kimizuki don't trust him." Yuu spat.

"Oh like your the one to talk Yuu." Kimizuki growled.

"We are in a group together during 2nd block and lets just say this idiot doesn't even know how to glue something on a board properly! There was glue all over the place!" Yuu accused.

"Oh like your the one to talk you and Yoichi kept fucking up the title."

"So this is all over a group project." Shinoa sweat dropped.

"Naturally." Mika agreed. "You guys can argue later we are going to be late for class if you don't stop fighting."

"Fine you have social next." Yuu asked Kimizuki.

"Yes." He glared.


~fourth block~

Mika was done with Yuu and Kimizuki fighting he just wanted to go home and catch up with Yuu, but things never went his way. Though he was happy since the only block he didn't share with Yuu was 2nd block. It also turns out the only block he shares with Kimizuki is 3rd so Yuu and him were able to talk nicely in 4th which is what they were doing right now.

"So who is this yoichi guy you and Kimizuki mentioned." Mika asked

"Oh he is right over there." Yuu pointed at a brunette with green eyes who was sporting a white t-shirt and blue jeans. "Yo Yoichi come over here."

Youchi turned his head in mika and yuu's direction.

"Oh hello Yuuichiro." He greeted as he walked over to the duo.

"Yoichi I told you Yuu is fine."

"Who is this Yuu?" Youchi asked.

"This is Mika he is my best friend." Yuu smiled.

Jealousy grew in mika he wasn't normally the type to get jealous but for some reason it was really bugging him that Yuu was being so nice and smiling to Yoichi.

"Hey Yuu do you want to come over to my house after school?" Mika asked.

"Huh? Oh sure." He smiled at Mika. "Will I get more crackers?"

"Yes you will get more crackers."

"Yaay!" He cheered.

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