11) A༙ F༙R༙O༙Z༙E༙N༙ H༙e༙a༙r༙t༙: P༙a༙r༙t༙ 3

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Ladybug desperately studied her surroundings until she spotted some elegant rafters made of ice. A lightbulb formed inside of her. Chat Noir was so close to falling, she was willing to try anything.

"Chat, I have an idea, but you need to hang on," she said.

"Don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere, m'lady," Chat grunted, his hand now trembling in the ice. His claws could only anchor him for so long. She took a deep breath, then let go of his arm. She ran back a few steps and swung up her yoyo.

"Chat, be ready to catch!" Ladybug alerted. The yoyo sailed over a rafter and back down towards her partner. In a split second, he shot up his free arm to catch her yoyo as it wrapped itself around his wrist.

After he had let go of the edge of the balcony, Ladybug's arms flexed as she worked to raise him up with her new makeshift pulley. Soon, she had lifted him to safety. Chat stood up and whistled.

"Wow, talk about a cliffhanger. That was a real-" before Chat Noir could finish, he was cut off by an abrupt hug. Ladybug tightly embraced him and buried her nose into his shoulder. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," she said in a low voice.

Chat smiled a little as he let his arms wrap around her. He leaned back a little so he could see her face better, then gently tilted her chin up.

"Hey, chin up. I still made it. Besides, this cat still has its nine lives," he eased. Ladybug opened her mouth, but was interrupted by her earrings. They beeped with one final warning.

"Oh, no! I'll be right back!" She tore from their embrace and darted outside of the icy chamber. While Chat waited, he wandered around aimlessly until he started to smell something. He tried to smell the sweet scent out, then realized it was from the frosty walls.

After Ladybug recharged and fed Tikki cookies from her purse, she transformed and ran back in only to witness a startling sight. "Chat, what in the world are you doing?"

"Mah lah-dah?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, because Chat was currently facing the wall with his tongue frozen to it. "Care to explain why you were licking the wall?" She huffed, but suddenly shook her head. "You know what? I don't even wanna know."

Chat placed his palms on the wall and was about to forcefully jerk his head back, until Ladybug ran over and stopped him.

"No, no, no, don't do that!" She warned. "You could seriously damage your tongue and cause a lot of bleeding! You wouldn't be able to talk for days and...then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing."

"Ayy!" He whined. "Wuh, them whuhm aye thuppothed tha do?"

"Okay, cup your hands around your mouth," she instructed. He did so. "Now, keep breathing. Your breath should warm it up and thaw it." To her relief, it worked. Chat licked his lips in satisfaction. "Boy, I'm never doing that again," he chuckled.

Ladybug frowned. "Are you kidding me? Why did you do that?" Chat only laughed at her scolding. "Hey, one, I didn't know that would happen, and two, it tasted like vanilla!"


He nodded and was about to defend his actions further, but froze. He watched as a thick streak of white fade a black piece of her hair. His eyes widened. "What?" She asked.

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