Chapter 20 - "T"

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"How do I look?"

I glanced over at Joel from the clocks I was looking at. A smile stretched itself across my face.

We both decided to keep the hairstyles that the kids had given us; it was a sort of challenge- who could care less about the attention we were attracting.

Usually I would care- I still do a little but the laughs it was creating between us trumped it. And of course I couldn't let the dumb arse win.

Joel added to the look by finding a pair of purple thin rimmed glasses that perched on the end of his nose. He rested his fingers on his chin and let his lips fall apart, giving me a smoulder. He was trying to mimic those makeup tutorial poses before he ruined it by grinning.

I turned away shaking my head and trying to shift my focus back to the clocks. It was out of a black photo collage one or a pretty mirror one that would both suit the room well.

I decided on the fancier mirror one. It was too much of a bargain to ignore and honestly I kind of loved it.

I held it out, turning to face Joel who was trying to put the glasses on the rack. He was failing and knocking others off with them.

"Opinions?" I asked not wanting to take control.

He looked over and nodded in approval. "It's uh nice. Is this the one you want?"

"Well it's your house, your choice," I answered. He rolled his eyes.

"Well do you like it yes or no?"

I frowned not liking how it felt as if he was patronising me. But I nodded not wanting an argument.

"Then I think we should get it. I haven't got a clue what I'm doing so I trust your opinion," Joel decided.

He trusts me. Or at least my opinion. I warmed a little.

I stuck it in the trolley/basket he insisted on carrying himself and moved to the next isle mostly browsing.

"Don't worry about the handrails, I can do them myself rather than spending a load on them," Joel assured. "We should go to the kitchen department; they'll have bins and plates there."

"Ok," I agreed. "You can make stuff like that?"

"Only simple stuff."

We walked side by side, basket trailing behind us.

"What did one tomato say to the other tomato as they crossed the road?" Joel suddenly asked.

"Did you know those chicken jokes are actually about suicide?" I countered.

"Wait. Really?" Joel said shocked.

"Yup. Why did the chicken cross the road, to get to the other side."

"Well jeez, childhood ruined."

That just goes to show, you look a little deeper into things and you'll almost always find something bad. It's called over analysing.

"Ketchup," I answered his previous joke.

"You suck at jokes."

"That's not the only thing I suck at," I replied causally sending him a wink.

His eyebrows raised so high they almost touched his hairline. I laughed at his reaction.

"I'm joking," I said shaking my head and finally moving towards the bins. We picked one out but decided to come and get it just before we pay. I picked out another small one for his bathroom.

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