Chapter 29 - "Know"

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I heard the cars pull up out front before I actually saw anyone. 

I was sitting in the kitchen with Zoe eating coco pops. Everyone else was still asleep. Angie and Bryn in my bed, Finn in Joel's, Clive sprawled out across the living room floor and Rain on the sofa.

Despite having hardly any sleep I couldn't force myself to stay still once I'd woken up. Too much was happening for that.

I'd accidently woken Zoe up when I tried to crawl out from under her and Rain. She didn't seem to mind, being as bright and cheerful as always.

It didn't take long for Joel, Wyatt, Kyle, Caiden and Tate to fill up the kitchen.

"Daddy!" Zoe exclaimed as she immediately threw herself at him, much like what I received yesterday only Caiden was steadier on his feet.

They were all dead tired, eyelids drooping and all. I forced myself to keep my mouth shut instead shooting them rapid fire questions. Instead I stood up to fuss over them feeling like some sort of worried mother hen.

Before I really had a chance to do anything Joel pulled me into a tight hug. I stiffened at first, still annoyed at him for getting angry at me but I didnt last long before I relaxed into his warmth.

"I'm sorry for being a complete arsehole yesterday. I had no right to shout at you like that." He apologised into my hair.

In response I hugged him tighter inhaling his scent and regretting it soon after. "You stink. Like really bad."

"Tough. I don't want to let go yet." He whined.

I smiled. I couldn't help it.

I did however push him away soon after. Their entrance had woken everyone up and they were now trying to squeeze into the space too.

I decided it was time i do something usful so I whistled loudly to get their attention.

"Listen up! You guys have been up all night and are in no way fit to drive home! So! Angie, Bryn you'll drive Caiden and Kyle home. Caiden, you can pick Zoe up this afternoon unless you want to drop her off at her mums- it's up to you, I don't mind either way. Clive, you drive Tate and Wyatt home. We'll all gather here this afternoon where you will all be properly questioned! Ok? Good."

Surprisingly there wasn't much protest at being bossed about. There were a few tired grumbles but not much else. Ten minutes later and four were left.

Zoe and Rain happily entertained themselves in the living room while I dragged Joel to his room.

"Stay with me?"

"I can't, I've got to keep an eye on the kids."

"Just for a little bit?"

Joel looked up at me with tired red-rimmed eyes. He pulled me to his bed by my hips and I hesitantly got in.

I couldn't say no to him. I didn't really want to. I felt as if this was us making amends after having argued so I couldn't really bring myself to just leave.

"Just a little bit," I whispered more to myself than to him.

Joel pulled me to him until he was spooning me. I could feel him slowly relax. I stayed until all the tension left his body and his breathing evened out.


"Let me help."

"No. You. Are. Not. Going." Joel argued firmly.

I was getting angrier now. I hated how they continually brushed off my ideas as if they meant nothing unless I badgered them for hours. My annoyance was only multiplied by the fact that I was at work and it was beginning to get busy.

"I can get through to him!"

"You're not going," Wyatt told me in a flippant tone.

"He knows me. You guys aren't getting anywhere with him anyway!"

"Bernie? I don't think you should go. It's really not a nice place." Clive tried to persuade but my mind was already made. I could be a stubborn bitch when I wanted to be.

"Youre all putting a child's life in danger! Jasmine is alone with Carly, we can't wait any longer!" I shouted trying to get it through their thick skulls.

"She's right. She has more chance at getting through to him. It's worth a shot. We're talking about a baby girls life here after all."

"But- wait! Yes! What Caiden said!" I started to protest before realising he was arguing on my side.

"If we take her there then her life will potentially be in danger!" Tate protested this time.

"Ok stop! You listen here! This is Rains little sister we're talking about! I will not let your stubbornness get that little girl killed! I asked for your help but right now you are only getting in my way!"

They all knew everything at this point and I didn't even care. Rain was my little boy, maybe even more so than Carly's and I didn't feel as insecure about it any more. There were much bigger problems to be worrying about.

They all grew silent at my shouts as did anyone else close enough to hear. When a customer waved from across the bar I angrily marched their way throwing an icy glare behind me.

The bar was getting busier so I didn't get to stop near them again until around thirty minutes had passed.

I fold my arms across my chest and attempt to look intimidating as I stop in front of them.

"Look I'm going to find a way to go around you if you don't agree. I don't care how bloody dangerous it is. Jasmine is in danger and I intend to save her. No matter what. I'm not going to just wait around until Carly manages to kill her!"

"She's right you know. You're all treating her as if she's the one in trouble. She isn't priority. The little girl is." Finn added helpfully.

Finn backed me up and they had obviously been discussing it while I was gone. They seemed to be backing down a little now.


Clive nodded cautiously still looking unsure. Tate looked like he was getting there too.

"It's my decision. It's my life."

"I'm not going to let you just put yourself in danger like that. You have a child to look after too! And I won't let you be so reckless with-"

"Joel shut up," I snapped. "You did all this last time and I was in more danger that time than this. I can handle my own believe it or not. I'm an adult capable of making her own decisions!"

"You're not-"

"Yes I am!" I shouted my whole body shaking with pent up anger.

"I say we vote," Kyle chimed in. "All those who think Bernie should help at the Barn?"

Kyle raised his own hand, followed by Finn, Caiden and Wyatt. My own hand shot into the air.

"You're outnumbered," I told Joel specifically out of spite. "We'll go once my shift ends."

With that I stalked away before anyone else could protest.

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