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The station was cold and dull

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The station was cold and dull. Your legs swung as you sat on the bench, staring at the floor. The jail cell bars locked you away from human contact of the officer sitting on his desk doing paperwork. You really weren't the kind of person to go and get arrested but here you are, past eleven and alone after punching someone in the face.

"Can I have my phone call, please?" You ask, looking over to the desk.

The officer looks to the pay phone where someone else who'd been arrested before you was just hanging up. "Yeah, hold on." He says calmly, finishing up whatever you'd pulled him away from.

Once done, he gets up and unlocks your cell, allowing you out. He leads you to the payphone, inserting the change and allowing you to dial the number you happened to actually know by heart. It rings a few times before it's answered.

"Hello?" Peter's voice comes through remarkably confused.

"Peter?" You ask.

"Yeah? Y/n?"

"Yeah, um, can you come bail me out?" You ask hesitatingly.

"What?" Peter nearly yells.

"Please and please don't tell my parents, okay? They'll totally flip their shit and probably kick me out or something. I'll pay you back, I promise."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Which station?" Peter asks as you hear him rummaging around in the background.

"The one around 34th street."

"I'll be there soon." Peter says before the line goes dead.

You hang up the phone and the officer leads you back to your cell before going back to his desk.

"Your eye okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." You nod, taking your seat.

"You start feeling dizzy or nauseous, just say something. Don't want you passing out or anything."

"Will do." You nod again, not really wanting to talk despite the officer actually being nice and just doing his job.

Twenty minutes of you swinging your legs back and forth went by before Peter finally came. Your eyes fell on him as he said he was there to bail you out. The officer behind the desk got all the paperwork and had Peter sign once his ID was taken. Once everything was taken care of, the officer allowed you out of the cell and informed you that you'd have a court date and everything was in the paperwork but to expect more to come in the mail within the next few days.

You and Peter made your way out of the station, not a single word said between the two of you until you reached May's car. You assumed Peter told May and she allowed him to take the car to come and get you since she was nowhere in sight.

"Thanks for coming." You say softly.

"Ye-yeah, yeah. I'll always come." Peter says as he takes his hoodie off and wraps it around your shoulders, noticing you shivering against the cold New York air. "Are you okay?" Peter asks as you stand against the passenger side of the car.

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