Priorities In Order

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Students flocked around the front courtyard after the last bell of the day had rung

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Students flocked around the front courtyard after the last bell of the day had rung. You were stood leaning against the railing of the stairs with Ned, the two of you waiting for Peter thanks to him getting held up by his last hour teacher.

"What do you think it was this time?" Ned asked as he scrolled through his phone.

"Probably failing again." You roll your eyes as you spot Peter coming from the double doors. "Guess we'll find out." You jerk your head in the direction of the brown haired boy.

"What was it this time?" Ned looks up from his phone as Peter walks up to the two of you, you both joining his pace to leave school grounds.

"Failed that quiz." Peter mumbles.

"Again?" You quirk a brow with a loud sigh.

"Yeah, but it's fine!" Peter defends, tugging at the straps of his third new backpack in the past few months. "I-I ya know? I can handle it. She's letting me do a retake and I'm still passing."

You and Ned exchange bored looks. "Sure, Peter." You mumble.

"What?" He looks past Ned and to you.

"You're always skipping or failing a class or a quiz. Seriously, it's ridiculous." You roll your eyes and make eye contact with him. "You're a fucking genius. Get your shit together."

Peter furrows his brows and looks in front him, part of him annoyed with you and the other part feeling guilty. "It's fine, y/n." Peter repeats.

"Anyway," Ned interjects. "How's your internship going?" Ned looks to Peter, raising one knowing brow.

You've been giving Peter shit for months over his internship. Whenever you do, Ned gets stuck in the middle. He listens to you complain about Peter not paying attention and being sucked into the work life too young while Peter complains about you always nagging and worrying about him. Ned knew Peter was Spider-Man and tried to convince Peter to just tell you already but every time it was brought up, Peter shot the idea down immediately and changed subject.

Peter's cheeks tint red as he shakes his head. "Good." Peter states. "Y-yeah, yeah good. You know, it's Mr. Stark."

"I bet you never let Mr. Stark down." You quip.

"Really?" Ned looks to you, displeasure etched in his features.

"Sorry." You apologize as you glance between the boys.

"You know, this is really important." Peter says. "Like, really, really important and you could at least pretend like you care."

"I do care but your education should come first. The hell is Mr. Stark gonna do if you don't even graduate high school?"

"It's not that bad!" Peter tosses his hands out in front of him. "I'm not failing a single class, my GPA is still a 3.8!"

"But it should be a 4.2 with your damn brain but you're too far up Mr. Stark's ass to focus on what's really important. You're a kid. You should be doing your homework and helping Ned and me build whatever lego set he has and have our old movie nights. You used to film us doing all sorts of shit and now you're always too damn busy. I haven't seen you film a damn thing in months, Parker." Your voice is filled with annoyance but your stare is on the ground, your head hung.

Peter looked to Ned and Ned simply shrugged, his bottom lip pulled in as if silently telling Peter what he should do.

"Y-you just don't get it." Peter shakes his head. "I gotta go." Peter stops at the crosswalk while you and Ned were ready to round the corner.

"Get your shit together, Parker." You scold while Ned says a pleasant goodbye. "He has got to get his priorities in order." You groan.

"He's trying, y/n." Ned says. "And you badgering him really isn't helping. It's just making him want to do even more to prove you wrong."

You let out a sigh as you ran a hand through your hair. You and Ned knew Peter better than anyone so you knew he was right. If someone pushed Peter into thinking he couldn't handle more than one thing at a time, he'd take on four extra things just to prove he was capable. While it wasn't exactly smart or healthy, it was a little admirable, his determination anyway. The problem you had, however, you just wanted Peter to be happy. He's your best friend and he stresses himself out so much he's not enjoying being a teenager. You miss your friend.

"I know." You nod. "I just, he's our friend." Your voice is almost pleading.

"Yeah, but it's Peter. He bounces back and he'll get his shit together." Ned lightly shoves you with his shoulder. "Always does."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." You chuckle. "He's gonna owe us a hell of a movie weekend when he does."

"Damn straight." Ned agrees.

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