Adrenaline prt. 1

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Summary: Soulmates share physical perturbations with each other. From the sensation of pain to complete bliss.  

A/N: This is a spinoff from my friend's piece "Intertwined" on Tumblr (delicatetony). They did StarkQuill, so here I am with some Parker.

Soulmates were always such an abstract and yet normal concept to you

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Soulmates were always such an abstract and yet normal concept to you. You grew up knowing about them, clearly, but it was still odd to know that you had someone out there, just breathing and it was a matter of time until you were supposed to meet them. You weren't sure when that would be or how it would happen but it was supposed to.

Supposed to.

Another strange concept. Sometimes, soulmates die before they meet each other. Your aunt had it happen. She said it was the worst pain of her entire life and then it was like, nothing. Just, nothing. Silence. One second they were there and the next, they just weren't. She said it's something she can't quite describe other than constantly feeling homesick and wanting to go home while there's lingering ache through her bones. She never met them and yet, she mourned their loss as if she'd known them her whole life. Which, to be fair, having a soulmate you're connected to, it is like you've known them your entire life.

You feel their happiness and their sadness, their pain and bliss. You feel everything they do. Emotionally and physically. Most of the time, it's not horrible. Most people have a few pains out of nowhere but it's usually not too bad. But, then there was you.

The first time, the first time it was really painful, you were at home, helping your mom make dinner when it felt like something had bit you but nothing. You screamed out, grasping the back of your neck but nothing. Your mom didn't see a spot or anything. It didn't hurt like some normal bite but it was something.

The time after that, it was much worse. You were just getting out of school when you'd gotten the wind knocked out of you from just the pain. You stopped and tried to yell out while your best friend put a hand on your back and helped you sit. Pain went through your rips and around your back, to your head. It felt like you'd be swung around like a ragdoll but after a few minutes, you were able to start walking again. A simple lingering pain was felt through your ribs and your eye but it was tolerable and within an hour it was nearly gone. You had to question what the hell your soulmate could possibly be doing that they would be in that much pain.

But, that wasn't even the worst pain you went through. It was later, a Friday night and you were out at a friend's house having a movie night when it happened. You were completely out of breath and your vision blurred while you collapsed on the floor, gasping for air while your muscles went weak. Panic consumed you but you found yourself more panicked that it was your soulmate dying. You couldn't breathe and it felt like you were being crushed by a building. What you were experiencing, it had to be nothing compared to what they were going through. But, minutes later, you were able to breathe again. It was all shaky breaths and your friends were already calling your parents, having them come to get you.

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