Chapter 4

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The rest of the week seemed to crawl by and I didn't see him or hear from him again, but he haunted my dreams every night. Jason had called a couple of times to make arrangements and it turned out that we would be spending the night at his parents' place. I pretended that I was interested in what he had to say, but in reality I really couldn't care less. By Friday I could hardly contain my excitement, my own dreams had been driving me insane all week and all I wanted to do was turn them into reality.

When I opened my eyes on Saturday morning, I almost fell out of my bed when I got up to take a shower. I was absolutely consumed by the excitement I was feeling at that stage. I had two hours to pack and to get ready before Jason would be picking me up. I had decided the night before that I would sleep for as long as possible because then I wouldn't have to wait too long to get the show on the road. I wasn't sure when I'd see the blue eyed diamond again, but I wanted to be prepared for it, so I paid more attention to my appearance than I normally would. I put on the tightest pair of jeans I owned, a pale blue strapless shirt and my black knee length boots with six inch heels. I also paid more attention to my make-up and put on red lipstick for the first time in years. I fixed my hair in a French braid with a few loose strands hanging down the sides of my face. With that my look is complete and I'm ready to go.

I really didn't care about Jason or meeting his family. There was only one thing on my mind and that was seeing that Greek God again. I was packed and ready to go, but there was one more thing I needed. I made my way to Carrol's room and went in as quietly as I could manage. She was still fast asleep even though it was close to noon. She had been out with Veronica the night before so she won't be waking up anytime soon. I opened her bedside drawer and started searching for what I needed.

"Are you looking for something, Rose?" The sound of Carrol's voice made me jump. I was sure she was fast asleep but I was still trying my best not to wake her. Obviously I failed.

"I was just wondering if you had some... Uh... Condoms." My voice was barely above a whisper as I uttered the words. Carrol sat up straight in the bed and started shaking her head.

"No way. I am not giving you any condoms. You know that you have to wait three more days and if you do the nasty before then your aunt is going to have one major aneurysm. Forget about it, Rose." The fact that I had to ask Carrol for something so personal was embarrassing enough, so her lecturing me wasn't helping the situation.

"For crying out loud, Carrol! When did you turn into such a Saint?" I sounded more impatient than I intended. I finally knew the nightmare that is sexual frustration.

"Because just like you, I promised your aunt that I'll do whatever I can to make you wait. I'm keeping that promise."

"Fine! Don't give me any, I'm sure he'll have some." With that I turned on my heel and walked out of the room with my head held high. Carrol was never the type of girl that wanted to hide her promiscuity, in fact, she regularly boasted about it, so the fact that she's acting like a nun all of a sudden is pushing all the wrong buttons for me.

"Rose, think before you do anything drastic!" Carrol calls after me but I make the conceous and maybe a little childish decision to ignore her completely. The doorbell rings as I enter the kitchen. That must be Jason. I roll my eyes at the thought of spending more time with this painfully dull man and reluctantly open the door. I have my best attempt at a genuine smile ready and apparently it's more convincing than I thought because Jason just stands there gawking at me like a hungry animal until I finally invite him in, merely out of politeness.

"You look very nice today, Rose," Jason finally remarks as he lifts my bag off the ground.

"Thank you, Jason." I hear Carrol's bedroom door open as we start heading for the front door.

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