Chapter 14

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*Eric's POV*

I had to wait twenty-eight years to finally find out what I am, and the answer is not at all what I expected. I always had an endless amount of questions as to where I came from and why I am the way I am, but there's no possible way that I can be an angel. Angels are supposed to be pure and beautiful, I'm anything but that.

"Are you on drugs?" I ask The General, not even trying to hide my sarcasm one bit.

"I know it's hard to believe since you don't look like an angel in the slightest, but you are one. You're a fallen angel to be exact, but still an angel and therefore you can never be killed." I feel an intense pain in my head that makes me sink to the ground. "But just because I can't kill you, doesn't mean I can't make you wish you were dead."

"I'll kill you for doing this," I say through my teeth as the pain in my head intensifies and I attempt to crawl towards Rose. I don't exactly have high hopes for the future, but I need to hold her in my arms one last time. The General walks around and blocks my way before I can reach her.

"I do admire a man with goals and ambitions," he says as he kneels in front of me. "But your life as you formerly knew it is officially over and I will personally see to it that you rot in here." I feel myself growing weaker again and the pain in my head is getting worse by the second. Although I am in a terrible predicament at the moment, I don't regret it. Meeting and falling in love with Rose was the best thing that ever happened to me and I refuse to apologise for it, not even if it will get me out of this situation. I realise that I am stuck, there is no way I can get out now and all I can really do is hope that Carrol makes it out safely.

Just when I had finally accepted and made peace with my fate, I look up and see The General staring at me with his lifeless black eyes and an evil grin on his face. The sight of him is enough to give anyone nightmares. I watch as a look of shock takes over his face as a set of long black nails appear on either side of his bald head. I see Rose standing behind him and she has that same vicious look on her face that she had in my apartment after tasting my blood for the first time.

"You missed, mother fucker," she hisses before twisting his head all the way around, snapping his neck like a twig. She then proceeds to grab one of the large axes that hangs on the wall behind her and uses it to take his head off his body, she moves so fast that I can hardly see her. The General stays on the ground and a strong stream of thick black liquid is gushing out of the stump of his neck. The pain in my head instantly goes away and I get my strength back. I don't waste any time and immediately get to my feet and walk over to Rose.

"I thought I'd lost you forever," I say as I place one hand on her cheek and look down into her strange purple eyes.

"You won't get rid of me that easily," she says and smiles before pulling my face towards hers for a kiss. I can safely say that I've never been more relieved. I was actually convinced that she was gone and I couldn't deal with it. The thought of life without her is not even worth contemplating.

"Uh... Guys..." Carrol says behind Rose and we're forced to end our kiss all too soon. We find Carrol staring at the door of the small office, an expression of confusion clear as day on her face. The demon that is holding the lead of the hell hound is on his knees, his head is bowed and several other demons behind him are in the same position.

"What's going on?" Rose asks and slips her hand into mine.

"I have no idea." Hell is probably the only place where I could possibly feel so constantly confused, I never know what's happening. We watch as all the demons slowly stand to their full height again, but they keep their eyes on the ground.

"You killed The General," the one holding the hell hound says in his awful voice, still refusing to make eye contact with us. "And whomever kills him, must take his place."

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